Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | 2012-12-09 21.1% betrayerkwangsoo betrayers cheating cooking dirtyplay easybrothers familyouting fddongwan food goodguests goyounjung haystack jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo kimchi meepmeep perm playfuljaeseok poorkwangsoo stealing teams | 874 | 307 | 35.13% |
![]() | #208 - Hallyu Star Battle: Suzy Miss A vs. Lee Kwang Soo 2014-08-10 9.1% bellnametag bells fansparticipate hulahoop idol idols kwangmong poorkwangsoo ripnametag stealing unluckykwangsoo | 743 | 110 | 14.80% |
![]() | 2018-01-28 9.1% No guests angryjongkook bestof2018 bestofkwangsoo betrayers busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo crazysomin easybrothers escaperoom funny goodfeeling guessthemovie jail kookminsiblings kwangmin membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests personalstories prison reststop reststopfood roleplay spartace stealing teasingseokjin tofu unluckykwangsoo waterbomb Running Man has become a series of lies and betrayals. As a result, the members will pay for their sins on today's race. They will be put into prison throughout the course of the race for the sins they have committed, and they can only come out when they have served their time. The last member to finish serving their time will have to self-punish themselves with a water bomb. Who will be the member who will get the penalty? | 944 | 402 | 42.58% |
![]() | #396 - Family Package Part 3: Steal House and Get Out Race 2018-04-15 7.4% Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob funguests funny goofyguests jongkookloveline kickthecan lostshoe shoethrowinggame steal stealing teams unluckykwangsoo This week, the Running Man members and the guests are divided into two teams. Every time a team wins a mission, they are given the chance to steal an item from the opposing team's house. If they succeed in stealing the item in the given time, a Luxury Sticker will be awarded. However, if they choose the item that the opposing team has marked, a Shuddering Sticker will be given. | 803 | 193 | 24.03% |
![]() | 2018-06-03 6.8% No guests cheaterkwangsoo curling flogging guessthemovie hammer kwangmin noguests penalty pirateroulette quiz stealing voting whereisgary For this week, Kwang Soo, Seok Jin, So Min, and Jae Seok are greeted with wing walking consent forms. In order for them to go through with the Shuddering Package, they need to sign these forms before wing walking. Every single one of them is terrified and hesitate to sign it. Meanwhile, each of the members are told to bring three items for another member if they were to be isolated for an entire day. | 744 | 99 | 13.31% |
![]() | 2018-07-29 7.7% No guests acejihyo angryjongkook flogging hints noguests punch quiz secret secretmission sharpjongkook shoestealing stealing thief unluckyseokjin water yooneunhyeteasing Where did Jong Kook's shoes go? One of the Running Man members has a personal vendetta against Jong Kook and stole his shoes as a way to get back at him. The members play various games in order to get hints as to who this petty thief is. Seok Jin's strange behavior puts him at the top of that list. Who is the real petty thief? Will the members figure out who that person is? | 787 | 135 | 17.15% |
![]() | #431 - Christmas Special - The Miracle of Christmas 2018-12-23 8.0% Choi Soo-young (Girls' Generation) Han Sun-hwa (Secret) Hwang Chi-yeul Jeon Hye-bin Lee Si-young Park Ha-na Sung Hoon acrosticpoem betrayerkwangsoo cheaterkwangsoo chowyunfat christmas couplerace crazy crazykwangsoo easybrothers fiercegirls framerkwangsoo idols international kimjiwon stealing This week, the final episode of Year End Special gets aired. A new race to celebrate Christmas gets ready. Special guests, Soo Young, Sung Hoon, Seon Hwa, Hye Bin, Chi Yeul, and Ha Na join the show to participate in the new race, Christmas Special. | 749 | 111 | 14.82% |
![]() | #432 - Christmas Special - Flirting Santa Claus 2018-12-30 7.9% Choi Soo-young (Girls' Generation) Han Sun-hwa (Secret) Hwang Chi-yeul Jeon Hye-bin Park Ha-na Sung Hoon bestofkwangsoo bustalk cheaterkwangsoo cheating christmas couplerace crazysomin dancing easybrothers idol idols lovefrogsomin mustwatch personalstories ripnametag secretmission spy stealing villain xmas Seok Jin and Kwang Soo are finally given the chance to get their revenge at the members. As Furious Santas, their mission is to steal the members' personal belongings. They must steal all of the items before the race ends if they want to avoid facing penalties. | 759 | 204 | 26.88% |
![]() | #454 - The Devil Wears Running Shirts, Part 1 2019-06-02 6.2% No guests 9thanniversary bustalk dance drawing noguests quiz stealing teasingseokjin waterballoon wet This week, the members develop the ideas about the presents that they'll be giving out to their fans at the fan-meet that will be held in about two months. Also, they start to practice a group dance performance that they will put on at the fan-meet. To teach dance to the members, a famous instructor joins the show. | 715 | 111 | 15.52% |
![]() | #484 - Ggannes Film Festival: The Uninvited One, Part 2 2020-01-05 7.3% Heo Kyung-hwan Jun Hyo-seong (Secret) Kang Tae-oh (5urprise) YOYOMI betrayal betrayers carpool cheatingguests funny lies lovefrogsomin playfuljaeseok ripnametag secretidentity spy stealing trial The Ggannes Film Festival race continues from last week. It's still up to the actors to eliminate the two directors hidden among them before the directors find and defeat the one national actor. After analyzing the hints, suspicious members face trial. Will the actors succeed in helping the national actor? Or will the directors get their way? | 659 | 116 | 17.60% |
![]() | #511 - 10th Anniversary Live Broadcast: Provocation by Running Man Thief 2020-07-12 6.5% No guests 10anniversary 10years anniversary bestofsechan bignose costumes detective fun garycameo goldbars jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo live livebroadcast mud mustwatch mystery noguests productplacement roleplay secretidentity stealing suspect thief trial unpredictable vote To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the show, the members participate in a mystery race where they have to find two thieves who stole CEO Big Nose's gold bars. The viewers participate in solving the mystery in real time. The result is announced through a live broadcast, allowing the members to have direct communication with the viewers. Will they successfully find the thieves? Stay tuned to find out! | 709 | 152 | 21.44% |
![]() | #512 - The 1st Tazza Hip Chairman Election: Battle of the Workers 2020-07-19 6.7% No guests badjihyo betrayal betrayerkwangsoo betrayers betting blindfold candyalliance caramel cards funny gambling gangsterjihyo membersfunnystories mindgames money mustwatch noguests pettyjongkook playfuljaeseok roleplay stealing tazza teasingseokjin tricksters unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo voting This week, the members gather to play several games to win caramels, their currency for this week. The number of caramels they have at the end will have a big impact on next week's episode. Alliances and strategies are important, so the members pay their full attention to avoid getting betrayed and falling behind. Who will win the most caramels? Stay tuned to find out! | 708 | 222 | 31.36% |
![]() | #519 - Running Man Thief Race 2, The Copycat Criminals 2020-09-06 8.0% bags bestofjongkook birthday briefcase costumes detective diamond drawing garycameo jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo mystery photo playfuljaeseok roleplay secretidentity sharpjongkook stealing thief trial vote This week, Profiler Pyo Chang Won and Detective Yoon Seok Ho guest star in the show to be part of the Running Man Thief Race 2. The members are nervous, since a real detective and a profiler are present to find the thieves hidden among them. Like the last Thief Race, each member is given a role, which brings more advantages. Will they be able to catch the thieves this time? | 612 | 96 | 15.69% |
![]() | #531 - Penthouse Special Part 2: Tenant War 2020-11-29 7.0% Eugene Ha Do-kwon Kim So-yeon Lee Ji-ah betrayal betrayers competitiveguests hiddenmissions kungkungta money mustwatch penalty productplacement ripnametag stealing unluckykwangsoo This week, the race from last week continues. The guests and members are divided into top class and bottom class where they receive money according to their mission results. Although they're divided into two classes, it's an individual race, so they keep an eye on each other to avoid getting betrayed. Who will make it to the penthouse? | 607 | 107 | 17.63% |
![]() | 2020-12-20 6.8% athleteguests baseball bestof2020 bustalk coachkook dodgeball food jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo kjkbeastmode kwangsooannoyingjongkook minchan mustwatch negotiation pettyjongkook quiz roleplay snacks stealing superpowers teams teasingjongkook This week, the Major League Baseball players Ryu Hyun Jin and Kim Kwang Hyun join the 2021 Running League Rookie Draft where team owners Yu Jae Seok and Yang Se Chan pick rookie players for their teams. In order to win the race, they need to win each mission and earn as much money as possible. The player and team owner with the least amount of money gets a penalty. | 617 | 166 | 26.90% |