Episodes with 'drawing' (18)


#010 - National Museum of Contemporary Art

2010-09-12 7.2%

Cha Tae-hyun Yoon Se-ah

auction chopsticks coffee coins drawing framerkwangsoo gangsterjihyo hideandseek ladle liedetector mondaycouple paintings punishment ripnametag runningball speedwalk spoon tossing unluckyjongkook unluckyseokjin

Korean bad boy Cha Tae Hyun and sweet girl Yoon Se Ah join the cast for this weeks episode which airs at the National Museum of Contemporary Art. KJK's greatest weakness revealed?


#027 - Phantom of the Running Man

2011-01-23 12.9%

Changmin (TVXQ) Yunho (TVXQ)

dance dancing dancingqueen drawing findtheguest idols runningball snsdgee

Running Man must find the two guests among many masked people before the guests find Running Balls that eliminate 2 Running Man members at a time. A drawing relay takes place after, and then they undergo a choreography dance challenge which if they pass will result in no punishment for anyone.


#041 - National Digital Library of Korea

2011-05-01 8.9%

Lee Sun-kyun Park Joong-hoon

castchange drawing emotional goodbye hideandseek membershouse ripnametag scavenger

Two guests must find and catch Running Man members, who then join their team and help catch others. After, a drawing race is held and a scavenger hunt begins at HaHa's house for the top 5 items one would bring to a library. At the end there is an emotional farewall to Joong Ki as this is his last episode as a Running Man member.


#326 - Steamed Rice Stealer Race

2016-11-20 6.3%

Eun Ji-won (Sechs Kies) Hwang Woo-seul-hye Jang Su-won (Sechs Kies) Kang Sung-hoon (Sechs Kies) Kim Jaeduck (Sechs Kies) Lee Jaijin (Sechs Kies)

drawing idols limbo mentionofgary pillowfight


#360 - 7th Anniversary Special: Real Family Outing (1)

2017-07-23 8.2%

Cheon Sung-moon Jeon Wook-min Jo Se-ho Kim Jong-myung Kim Soo-yong Park Geun-sik Son Na-eun (Apink) Tae Hang-ho

anniversary armwrestle badweather competitiveguests dancing drawing family familypackage framerkwangsoo friends funguests funny garycameo goofyguests idol kwangmong membersfamily membersfunnystories mentionofjoongki nostalgia personalstories rain siblings teasingkwangsoo ugliestmemberdebate

This week, Running Man celebrates their seventh anniversary. The members' friends and family also come to visit. Cho Sae Ho visits Jae Seok, and Son Na Eun visits Se Chan. So Min's brother, Wook Min, and Ji Hyo's brother, Sung Moon, also come to their sisters' aid.


#421 - Dangerous Delivery (4)

2018-10-07 7.1%

Hwang Je-sung

busan drawing escaperoom fishing foreheadslap money mustwatch quiz roleplay spelling surfing teams vacation vjkwonreol

The race is not over yet! In order to complete their mission of 100, Jae Seok and Seok Jin have been doing various and random part-time jobs such as cycling and cleaning see-through floors. This time, they go net fishing, and Kwang Soo tags along as well. Meanwhile, Team Seoul is having a hard time finishing their vacation plans.


#454 - The Devil Wears Running Shirts, Part 1

2019-06-02 6.2%

No guests

9thanniversary bustalk dance drawing noguests quiz stealing teasingseokjin waterballoon wet

This week, the members develop the ideas about the presents that they'll be giving out to their fans at the fan-meet that will be held in about two months. Also, they start to practice a group dance performance that they will put on at the fan-meet. To teach dance to the members, a famous instructor joins the show.


#502 - Tiger's Birthday Party

2020-05-10 6.8%

Jun Hyo-seong (Secret) Mingyu (SEVENTEEN)

ball birthday drawing food guessthemovie hiddenmissions idol idols nosomin presents roulette runningball smartkimjongkook teams teasingkwangsoo yoomesbond yoorucewillis

This week, Running Man celebrates Jong Kook's birthday with secret missions throughout the race. Mingyu from SEVENTEEN and singer and actress Jun Hyo Seong join in on the fun to see if they can outsmart the birthday tiger. In the end, Jong Kook gets to spin a roulette wheel for a chance to win birthday presents, courtesy of a lucky member whose name gets drawn.


#519 - Running Man Thief Race 2, The Copycat Criminals

2020-09-06 8.0%

Pyo Chang-won Yoon Seok-ho

bags bestofjongkook birthday briefcase costumes detective diamond drawing garycameo jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo mystery photo playfuljaeseok roleplay secretidentity sharpjongkook stealing thief trial vote

This week, Profiler Pyo Chang Won and Detective Yoon Seok Ho guest star in the show to be part of the Running Man Thief Race 2. The members are nervous, since a real detective and a profiler are present to find the thieves hidden among them. Like the last Thief Race, each member is given a role, which brings more advantages. Will they be able to catch the thieves this time?


#608 - I Will Leave Work First

2022-06-19 4.1%

No guests

bestof2022 drawing drawingrelay foodmission jegichagi memorize mongdol noguests office personalstories pirateroulette playfuljaeseok relay teasingseokjin unluckyjaeseok


#611 - War of Spoon

2022-07-10 4.3%

KCM Mirani Park Cho-rong (Apink) Yoon Bo-mi (Apink)

busgames bustalk drawing english food hahaplayful idols peppercouple quiz roulette sechanloveline singing spelling teasingseokjin trynottolaugh wittyhaha


#629 - Operation: Pass the Bomb

2022-11-20 4.3%

Jung Sang-hoon Kim Rae-won Park Byung-eun

bomb drawing funnyguests gangsterjihyo ripnametag spy


#649 - Do You Know Beautiful Scholars?

2023-04-09 4.3%

Kang Hoon Shin Ye-eun

dancing drawing guessthedrawing mustwatch penalty photo slip spy strawberrygame waterslap wet


#652 - Running Tour Project

2023-04-30 3.6%

No guests

betrayal cutejihyo drawing drawingrelay luckyjihyo mole noguests presentation runningtour


#657 - Ji Hyo's Detox Tour

2023-06-04 3.8%

No guests

drawing eating goodfeeling noguests productplacement runningtour sleeping watergame


What's New (2023-10-17): login is now required for certain features
Statistics (as of 2025-03-26):
  • 746 episodes, 1,086 guests, 1,493 tags
  • 113,973 users, 498,457 watches, 106,167 favorites, 25,595 plans to watch