| #074 - The Best Running Man #2 2011-12-25 17.1% No guests bestofgary betrayal betrayers christmas deathnote duplicator fddongwan hahascheme kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch noguests oneofthebest phoenix powers randommrcapable ripnametag schemerharoro sechskies sharpjongkook sixthsense strongestrunningman superpowers survivalseries unluckykwangsoo unpredictable vietsub vjkwonreol wittyhaha Running Man pairs are formed and receive a meeting place. The remaining Running Man not in a pair does not receive the hint but receives the meeting place accidentally. There they receive unique superpowers and a nametag elimination begins. | 1138 | 644 | 56.59% |
 | #085 - Running Man vs. Big Bang, Part 2 2012-03-11 17.4% Daesung (Big Bang) G-Dragon (Big Bang) Seungri (Big Bang) T.O.P (Big Bang) Taeyang (Big Bang) dice idols powers ripnametag runningmanvs superpowers | 816 | 171 | 20.96% |
 | #096 - Park Ji Sung vs. Running Man: Superpower Soccer 2012-05-27 19.3% IU Park Ji-sung athleteguests easybrothers eating fansparticipate fddongwan food funguests goodguests kwangsooannoyingjongkook mustsee mustwatch powers rmfanguest selling soccer spy superpowers tugofwar university vjkwonreol | 906 | 365 | 40.29% |
 | #116 - Future Ddak Ji 2012-10-21 19.0% Ji Jin-hee Ji Sung Song Chang-eui ajhumeoni bestofgary chamchamcham coinflip ddakdji ddakji fddongwan gameofwits goodconcept hulahoop mondaycouple multiplication nametag randommrcapable ripnametag schemerharoro superpowers timetravel train trainstopquest unluckyseokjin | 743 | 144 | 19.38% |
 | #119 - Superpower Baseball 2012-11-11 22.1% Hyun-jin Ryu Jin Se-yeon Kim Hwan Shin-Soo Choo athleteguests athletes baseball competitiveguests ddakji mondaycouple mustwatch powers randommrcapable ripnametag superpowers teams thighbattle ttakji vjkwonryeol Two Baseball stars join for a nametag elimination, thigh battle, ttakji match, and a superpower baseball match. | 829 | 313 | 37.76% |
 | #150 - The Avengers 2013-06-16 11.1% Choo Sung-hoon Hwang Chan-sung (2PM) Jung Doo-hong Kim Dong-hyun Ok Taec-yeon (2PM) acejihyo athleteguests bestofgary bestofseokjin betrayal fddongwan idols mall meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch paintball powers ripnametag roleplay singing superpowers | 844 | 309 | 36.61% |
 | #173 - Superpower Baseball 2013-11-24 14.2% Bae Suzy (miss A) Hyun-jin Ryu baseball coinflip dance idol idols powers superpowers teams | 726 | 160 | 22.04% |
 | #185 - My Love From the Running Stars 2014-02-16 12.4% Kim Hyun-soo acting aliens coinflip drama goodconcept powers ripnametag roleplay superpowers teleport timestop ufo vjkwonryeol | 712 | 119 | 16.71% |
 | #196 - Running Man's Time Travel 2014-05-18 9.5% No guests 7012 acejihyo deathnote duplicator fansparticipate fddongwan goodconcept kookminator meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch noguests phoenix powers ripnametag rollroll sherlockholmes sixthsense spy superpowers survivalseries timetravel university yoomesbond | 776 | 317 | 40.85% |
 | #216 - Running Heroes - Heroes' Resurrection 2014-10-12 8.7% No guests 7012 blindfold chairs costumes courage kwangvatar noguests relay rmteam roleplay superpowers teamwork Seven superheros wake up from a deep slumber and receive various missions to get their superpowers back. The highlight of this episode is Kwang Soo's costume. | 792 | 282 | 35.61% |
 | #336 - Member's Week 4 - The Last Strongest Member 2017-01-29 5.1% Kang Gary (Leessang) 7012 7012foreverinourhearts abalone costumes kwangvatar membersweek poorkwangsoo powers roleplay strongestrunningman superpowers survivalseries watergun yoomesbond This week, it’s another Member’s Week. However, the main character of this week is unknown. The only thing the members know is that they each are given a certain superpower and they need to be the last one to survive in this race. Who will win this final battle of supernaturals? | 733 | 278 | 37.93% |
 | #509 - Superpower School Race, War of Superpowers: The End Game 2020-06-28 5.3% Kang Han-na Lee Sang-yeob funny mosquito mustsee mustwatch paint powers ripnametag spy superpowers survivalseries This week, the members become the students of Superpower School and obtain one superpower each. They don't know what everyone else's superpower is, so they need to figure it out during the race. With Lee Sang Yeob and Kang Han Na as this week's guests, they use their superpowers to eliminate one another. Who will become the final winner? Stay tuned to find out! | 727 | 189 | 26.00% |
 | #534 - Fiery Stove League 2020-12-20 6.8% Hyun-jin Ryu Kwang-hyun Kim athleteguests baseball bestof2020 bustalk coachkook dodgeball food jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo kjkbeastmode kwangsooannoyingjongkook minchan mustwatch negotiation pettyjongkook quiz roleplay snacks stealing superpowers teams teasingjongkook This week, the Major League Baseball players Ryu Hyun Jin and Kim Kwang Hyun join the 2021 Running League Rookie Draft where team owners Yu Jae Seok and Yang Se Chan pick rookie players for their teams. In order to win the race, they need to win each mission and earn as much money as possible. The player and team owner with the least amount of money gets a penalty. | 609 | 164 | 26.93% |
 | #663 - Along with the Gamblers 2023-07-16 5.2% No guests acting bestof2023 betting candy costumes gambling magic noguests penalty punishment richjihyo ripnametag skit slip superpowers | 354 | 118 | 33.33% |