| #009 - Lotte World 2010-09-05 8.4% Kim Su-ro Lee Hong-gi (F.T. Island) Shin Bong-sun 3guests angryjihyo balloons broom coinflip docilejongkook drinking eggs familyouting fiercegirls hairband hideandseek hotpants idol jongkookloveline karaoke ladle mustwatch nosechan nosomin oldepisode panchiki personalstories playfuljaeseok punishment ripnametag rollercoaster runningball scoop singing spoon tea Hilarious episode starring Shin Bong Sun and her boy hood crush Kim Jong Kook. The episode takes place in the land of fantasy, Seoul's famous Lotte World. | 1067 | 145 | 13.59% |
 | #011 - Seoul Central Post Office 2010-09-19 7.6% Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Kim Je-dong 1versus 1vs8 cheaterkwangsoo coaches framerkwangsoo hiddenmissions hideandseek hotpants innocentgary jenga jihyo mondaycouple playfuljaeseok prank ripnametag runningball scolding secretmission smear stamping thief words Return of the young superstar Jung Yong Hwa and funny querks of Kim Jae Dong. The landmark for this episode centers around Seoul Central Post Office. The love story continues between Song Ji Hyo and Gary. This is one action packed episode! | 1049 | 154 | 14.68% |
 | #031 - Alpensia Ocean 700 Water Park 2011-02-20 11.9% Hyun Young 1versus acejihyo air beachwear birthday breadstick bridge commander cramp dancing elimination fddongwan findtheguest funny gaze karaoke meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch playfuljaeseok pool poorkwangsoo rmvsstaff rockpaperscissors runningball songsongcouple splashing summerspecial teamwin teamwork teasingkwangsoo vjkwonreol waterpark In order to challenge the Running Man team, the FD (Floor Director) has set up special obstacles at a water park: find the guest, karaoke challenge, and an Indiana Jones-esque bridge. This episode kicks off with the RM team outside in beachwear during winter. | 953 | 201 | 21.09% |
 | #123 - Kimchi Making Race 2012-12-09 21.1% Go Soo Han Hyo-joo betrayerkwangsoo betrayers cheating cooking dirtyplay easybrothers familyouting fddongwan food goodguests goyounjung haystack jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo kimchi meepmeep perm playfuljaeseok poorkwangsoo stealing teams | 874 | 307 | 35.13% |
 | #148 - Food Jumanji Race 2013-06-02 13.3% Jeong Jun-ha So Yi-hyun bestofgary dice eating fearofheights food jongkookloveline mondaycouple playfuljaeseok quiz rottenpotato teams traditionalmarket watergame | 710 | 81 | 11.41% |
 | #213 - Running Man Mini Series - It's Okay, That's Chaebol 2014-09-21 7.0% Choi Yeo-jin Kim Min-seo Lee Yoo-ri Seo Woo Yoo In-young acting chaebol competitiveguests couplerace couples fiercegirls float goodconcept goodguests intense mud mustwatch platform playfuljaeseok pool ripnametag roleplay scavenger shredder slap spartace villain villainguests water whack Couple teams are formed with actresses who play villains in dramas. They must find the guy who has the second generation of inheritance. Mud pool platform and timed shredder challenges are held where the winning team receive hints. In the end a nametag elimination match is held where each actress must stand on a platform with the nametag of the suspected rich guy. | 947 | 514 | 54.28% |
 | #214 - R-POP Star Race Special (My Lovely Girl vs. Running Man) 2014-09-28 7.6% Alex Chu (Clazziquai) Kim Ki-bang Krystal Jung (f(x)) Park Yeong-gyu Rain 7012 acupressure athleteguests badminton bestofkwangsoo crossdress dancing handball idol idols kwangja mustwatch obstaclecourse playfuljaeseok poorkwangsoo rmteam rollingchair runningmanvs singing track This week, the show is having a competition in an audition-like manner to win microphones made out of gold. The cast of My Lovely Girl comes on the show to show their amazing teamwork and great chemistry. Rain, Krystal, Park Yeong Gyu, Alex, and Kang Ki Bang work as a team to fight against Team Running Man in games that require both brawn and brains. In addition, special guests will join to make the competition more exciting. | 749 | 198 | 26.44% |
 | #223 - Salaryman SUPER race! 2014-11-30 10.5% Brad Moore (Busker Busker) Fabien Jake Pains Johannes Rosenthal angryjongkook athleteguests athleticgames bestofhaha bestofseokjin fansparticipate flattery foreigners gold handball mondaycouple mustwatch obstacle obstaclecourse playfuljaeseok race randommrcapable ripnametag rockpaperscissors situps targets traitorsclub Running Man go through a day in the life of a salary worker, including the commute, satisfying the director, negotiations, and luck. | 702 | 127 | 18.09% |
 | #225 - The Last Case 2014-12-14 11.1% Kim Woo-bin Lee Hyun-woo bestofkwangsoo betrayal bromance membersfunnystories mondaycouple pen playfuljaeseok snow spartace spy staringcontest teasingjongkook ugliestmemberdebate wittyhaha | 756 | 252 | 33.33% |
 | #246 - Kidnapped Actress - The Secret of a Fake Detective 2015-05-10 9.0% Park Seo-joon Son Hyun-joo acejihyo candyalliance detective hahaout jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo playfuljaeseok secretrule sharpjongkook | 740 | 186 | 25.14% |
 | #291 - Running Man Q&A 2016-03-20 6.4% No guests 7012 candidcamera date funny gullibleseokjin membersfamily membersfunnystories mentionofjoongki mondaycouple mustwatch noguests personalstories playfuljaeseok qa squid teasingkwangsoo trueorfalse ugliestmemberdebate vjkwonreol | 705 | 247 | 35.04% |
 | #296 - I Am Sorry, I Love You Special - 7 Loves (2) 2016-04-24 8.5% Chae Young-in Lee Moon-se Lee Seung-joon Yoon Gun 7012 bestofhaha bestofseokjin coffee funny goodfeeling heartwarming kwangsooloveline membersfamily membersfunnystories membershouse personalstories playfuljaeseok | 647 | 90 | 13.91% |
 | #297 - After Sunset Race 2016-05-01 9.2% Eunseo (Cosmic Girls) Jin Goo Kim Ji-won acting couplerace crazykwangsoo dancing idols jongsook mckwangsoo playfuljaeseok quiz spy teasingkwangsoo | 737 | 127 | 17.23% |
 | #334 - Member's Week 2 - Kim Jong-kook Special 2017-01-15 7.9% No guests bestofjongkook blinddate emotional jongkookloveline kwangsooannoyingjongkook membersweek noguests playfuljaeseok This week’s special is about Jong-kook. Unlike Ji-hyo, Jong-kook left the theme in the staff’s hands. Therefore, the staff has decided the theme to be “finding Jong-kook love” through a blind date. Who is this mysterious lady and will she give him a chance? | 667 | 104 | 15.59% |
 | #362 - Summer Special: Finding the Boss (1) 2017-08-06 6.2% Kang Ha-neul Park Seo-joon aegyo boss crazysomin dancing eating flyingchair food funny kwangmin kwangsooannoyingjongkook lovefrogsomin mentionofjoongki playfuljaeseok poorkwangsoo ripnametag roulette schemerharoro swimmingpool teasingkwangsoo unluckykwangsoo waterchairs wittyjaeseok This week, the Running Man members are joined by Park Seo Joon and Kang Ha Neul. There are several villains, police officers, an undercover police officer, and a boss. The police need to find out who the boss is, and the villains need to find where the money bag is. Who will be the winners, and who is the boss? | 819 | 228 | 27.84% |