| #074 - The Best Running Man #2 2011-12-25 17.1% No guests bestofgary betrayal betrayers christmas deathnote duplicator fddongwan hahascheme kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch noguests oneofthebest phoenix powers randommrcapable ripnametag schemerharoro sechskies sharpjongkook sixthsense strongestrunningman superpowers survivalseries unluckykwangsoo unpredictable vietsub vjkwonreol wittyhaha Running Man pairs are formed and receive a meeting place. The remaining Running Man not in a pair does not receive the hint but receives the meeting place accidentally. There they receive unique superpowers and a nametag elimination begins. | 1164 | 663 | 56.96% |
 | #187 - 2014 Running Man University Race 2014-03-02 11.0% No guests boat fansparticipate goodfeeling hanriver mustwatch noguests obstaclecourse oneofthebest students university unpredictable | 731 | 283 | 38.71% |
 | #194 - Mafia Game, Part 2 2014-05-04 9.2% Kim Dong-jun (ZE:A) Kim Jung-nan Kim Min-jong Lee Sang-hwa Lim Ju-hwan Oh Man-seok Ryu Seung-soo cooking mafia mondaycouple smartguest unpredictable | 702 | 125 | 17.81% |
 | #197 - National University Race: King Of Ddakdji 2014-05-25 10.9% Jung Eun-ji (Apink) Kim Nam-joo (Apink) Oh Ha-young (Apink) Park Cho-rong (Apink) Son Na-eun (Apink) Yoon Bo-mi (Apink) apink bestofseokjin competition competitiveguests ddakdji doppleganger fansparticipate fun goodconcept heartwarming idols mustwatch personalstories teams thrilling university unpredictable yooneunhyeteasing | 698 | 228 | 32.66% |
 | #210 - Black and White - The Life of One Game 2014-08-24 8.8% Choi Bu-kyung Jang Wooyoung (2PM) Kim Hwan Kim Seol-hyun (AOA) Kim Won-hyo Lee Hye-jeong Yook Jook-wan allkaagi competitiveguests fddongwan findtheguest idols junghoyeon luckyjihyo meepmeep recruitguest unpredictable | 671 | 68 | 10.13% |
 | #219 - The Return of the Queen 2014-11-02 10.6% Han Sang-jin Han Ye-seul Joo Sang-wook Jung Gyu-woon Wang Ji-hye betrayers dancing friends funguests funnyjihyo goodguests membersfunnystories ofcourse personalstories posing unpredictable | 722 | 225 | 31.16% |
 | #343 - Gongju Tour - Couple Race 2017-03-26 5.4% Choi Tae-joon Jeon So-min Kang Han-na Lee Se-young Park Jin-joo Umji (GFriend) bestofsomin betrayerkwangsoo cheatingguests couplerace crazysomin gfriend idols jeonsomin karaoke kwangmin kwangsooloveline unluckysomin unpredictable This week, the members welcome lovely princesses and a prince. They are divided into couples and their mission is to have the most money left at the end of the day. The losing couple will face a punishment. Who will lose? Mission: Retain as much money as possible until the end of the race and avoid taking the last place. (aired in two parts) | 711 | 126 | 17.72% |
 | #364 - Summer Special: Finding Ghosts (3) 2017-08-20 6.7% No guests badjihyo busgames bustalk eating food gangsterjihyo genderswap ghost goodconcept guessthemovie horror maposiblings membershiptraining minchan mountaintrip mustwatch mysterythriller noguests punishment race ripnametag summerspecial suspense thrilling unpredictable weird wittyjaeseok This week, the eight members go on a retreat. Little do they know, two of them are ghosts. They need to find out who among them are ghosts. Who will win today's race? | 832 | 297 | 35.70% |
 | #400 - Family Project Final (2) 2018-05-13 8.0% Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob funny goofyguests hongkong international jongkookloveline kwangsooloveline roulette runningballs thrilling unpredictable yutgame ziplining Today is the last week of the Family Project. Last week, the members were split into three teams. One team went abroad to Hong Kong while the other teams stayed in Korea. Haha's team goes to Hadong to experience Asia's longest zip line. Haha, who is known to be a scaredy-cat cannot withstand his fear of heights and throws up. Two members will be chosen to ride the zip line. Who will they be? | 813 | 143 | 17.59% |
 | #505 - Eliminating Trespassers: Secret of the Old Village 2020-05-31 6.9% No guests bestof2020 bestofhaha busted diamond digging funny gems goodconcept horror jeonsomin jongkookloveline kimgyeran money mustwatch mystery noguests oneofthebest ripnametag roleplay scarecrow scary somin sominsback suspense thrilling traditionalvillage unpredictable So Min joins the members after a long hiatus. The members head to a village called Gujeon where gems are buried everywhere. They are to dig out the gems which are valuable. However, there seems to be a secret the villagers are hiding. Will the members be able to safely make it out of the village? Stay tuned to find out! | 758 | 320 | 42.22% |
 | #511 - 10th Anniversary Live Broadcast: Provocation by Running Man Thief 2020-07-12 6.5% No guests 10anniversary 10years anniversary bestofsechan bignose costumes detective fun garycameo goldbars jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo live livebroadcast mud mustwatch mystery noguests productplacement roleplay secretidentity stealing suspect thief trial unpredictable vote To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the show, the members participate in a mystery race where they have to find two thieves who stole CEO Big Nose's gold bars. The viewers participate in solving the mystery in real time. The result is announced through a live broadcast, allowing the members to have direct communication with the viewers. Will they successfully find the thieves? Stay tuned to find out! | 709 | 152 | 21.44% |
 | #533 - Sweet Home 5pm, Saturday night 2020-12-13 7.5% Lee Do-hyun Lee Jin-wook Lee Si-young Song Kang acejihyo bestof2020 bestofseokjin betrayal betrayers coins commonknowledge framerkwangsoo genie goodfeeling goodplot identityrace lovefrogsomin monster mustwatch mystery productplacement quiz ripnametag roleplay seokjinmc songjeoktoma teasingkwangsoo teasingseokjin unluckykwangsoo unpredictable voting This week, Lee Si Young, Lee Do Hyun, Song Kang, and Lee Jin Wook, the four leads of the drama 'Sweet Home,' join the members for a race called ‘The Apartment You Live In.' In the race, they have to find a monster hidden among the residents of the Running Apartment in order to avoid getting the penalty. Will they be able to find the monster? | 708 | 310 | 43.79% |
 | #552 - Students Who Entered University in 1991 Are Back! 2021-04-25 6.5% Jung Hye-in Lee Cho-hee Seol In-ah 90s backtothepast bestof2021 betrayal betrayers bustalk dancing guessthesong jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo membersfunnystories michaeljackson mongdol nostalgia personalstories playfuljaeseok quiz retro roleplay sechanloveline songguess teasingseokjin ugliestmemberdebate unpredictable | 558 | 110 | 19.71% |
 | #568 - Find the most expensive doll, Scary Doll Detective 2021-08-29 4.9% No guests acejihyo busgames doll goodconcept horror jail mentionofkwangsoo mystery noguests roleplay scary spartace spy suspense teasingjongkook unpredictable yooneunhyeteasing | 516 | 103 | 19.96% |
 | #603 - The 1st Division Game 2022-05-15 4.7% No guests balloons bestof2022 bestofjihyo dancing foodmission funny goodconcept lovefrogsomin loveline luck minchan mustsee mustwatch noguests roulette spartace unluckyseokjin unluckysomin unpredictable voting | 486 | 179 | 36.83% |