Episodes with 'angryjongkook' (12)


#223 - Salaryman SUPER race!

2014-11-30 10.5%

Brad Moore (Busker Busker) Fabien Jake Pains Johannes Rosenthal

angryjongkook athleteguests athleticgames bestofhaha bestofseokjin fansparticipate flattery foreigners gold handball mondaycouple mustwatch obstacle obstaclecourse playfuljaeseok race randommrcapable ripnametag rockpaperscissors situps targets traitorsclub

Running Man go through a day in the life of a salary worker, including the commute, satisfying the director, negotiations, and luck.


#350 - Global Project (4)

2017-05-14 7.2%

No guests

angryjongkook badjihyo betrayers busgames easybrothers english gangsterjihyo money noguests quiz racestarter shoethrowinggame unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo unluckyseokjin

The losers of last week's mission, Kwang Soo and Seok Jin, go on a search to find dolphins. Will they be able to meet these majestic creatures? It's the ultimate end to the global project filled with many twists and turns. No one can predict what will happen. They divide up into two teams to complete missions. The loser of the global project will be determined. Who will end up going on the infamous trip?


#387 - Running Prison

2018-01-28 9.1%

No guests

angryjongkook bestof2018 bestofkwangsoo betrayers busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo crazysomin easybrothers escaperoom funny goodfeeling guessthemovie jail kookminsiblings kwangmin membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests personalstories prison reststop reststopfood roleplay spartace stealing teasingseokjin tofu unluckykwangsoo waterbomb

Running Man has become a series of lies and betrayals. As a result, the members will pay for their sins on today's race. They will be put into prison throughout the course of the race for the sins they have committed, and they can only come out when they have served their time. The last member to finish serving their time will have to self-punish themselves with a water bomb. Who will be the member who will get the penalty?


#398 - Yang Se Chan and Jeon So Min One Year Anniversary

2018-04-29 7.0%

Im Na-yeon (Twice) Kim Da-hyun (Twice) Mina (Twice) Momo (Twice) Park Ji-hyo (Twice) Sana (Twice) Son Chae-young (Twice) Tzuyu (Twice) Yoo Jeong-yeon (Twice)

acejihyo acrosticpoem angryjongkook badjihyo betrayers dancing footvolleyball funny games gangsterjihyo goodfeeling goodguests idols jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo jeonsomin kpop kwangmong kwangsooloveline mustwatch penalty poem teasingkwangsoo toilet twice unluckykwangsoo

This week, the Running Man members celebrate the one-year anniversary of So Min and Se Chan's joining the show. They can hardly believe that a year has passed since they first greeted and welcomed the two members to Running Man. Today's theme is called 'Running 365 Retreat'. The members will have 365 minutes to spend on this retreat. Furthermore, they can plan out their own schedule. What kind of surprising and hilarious incidents will occur?


#411 - Missing Shoes

2018-07-29 7.7%

No guests

acejihyo angryjongkook flogging hints noguests punch quiz secret secretmission sharpjongkook shoestealing stealing thief unluckyseokjin water yooneunhyeteasing

Where did Jong Kook's shoes go? One of the Running Man members has a personal vendetta against Jong Kook and stole his shoes as a way to get back at him. The members play various games in order to get hints as to who this petty thief is. Seok Jin's strange behavior puts him at the top of that list. Who is the real petty thief? Will the members figure out who that person is?


#547 - Yoo Jae Suk versus Kim Grand Award, Dignity of Grand Award

2021-03-21 6.2%

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airheadsechan angryjongkook badjihyo bestof2021 bestofseokjin contract crazykwangsoo daesangaward food framerkwangsoo funny gangsterjihyo gold hideandseek kimdaesang kooinboo kookminsiblings membersfunnystories mudflat noguests pettyjongkook playfuljaeseok poorkwangsoo quiz sharpjongkook sleeping sleepingjihyo smartseokjin spartace teasingseokjin yoodaesang

Two of the Running Man members, Jae Seok and Jong Kook, are Grand Award winners in the end-of-year entertainment awards. The members divide into Team Yu Grand Award and Team Kim Grand Award and compete for points. Only the winner gets to be exempt from the penalty. Who will be the three unlucky members to get the penalty?


#555 - Smart Escape Race, Empty Head Land

2021-05-16 6.8%

No guests

angryjongkook dokwon escaperoom giraffe hiddenmissions immortalchanhee luckyjihyo math maze mustwatch mystery noguests playfuljaeseok quiz secretmission smartjaeseok teasingseokjin


#561 - Delightful Men and Women's Vacation

2021-06-27 5.9%

Han Chae-young Heo Young-ji (Kara)

airheadsechan angryjongkook betrayal dancing food idol idols membersfunnystories mentionofkwangsoo personalstories playfuljaeseok productplacement quiz sleepingjihyo smartkimjongkook teasingseokjin vote


#564 - Make Your Wish Come True and Pay The Price Later

2021-07-18 5.5%

Chae Jong-hyeop Ha Do-kwon Nam Ji-hyun

angryjongkook bestof2021 competitiveguests imagegame lovefrogsomin mentionofkwangsoo spartace teasingjongkook teasingseokjin yooneunhyeteasing


#566 - Make Your Own Fate, Protect Money For Your Parents

2021-08-15 5.1%

No guests

angryjongkook badjihyo bestof2021 bestofsomin chalk dodgeball english funny funnyopening gangsterjihyo mentionofkwangsoo money mongdol mustwatch noguests playfuljaeseok quiz scary sechanssocks slime smellythings spartace stealing teasingjongkook unluckysomin wittyhaha yooneunhyeteasing


#582 - The Variety Show Family, Yang Se Chan the Good Son

2021-12-05 5.0%

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angryjongkook birthday cooking funny mafiagame membersfunnystories minchan noguests personalstories productplacement unluckysomin yoomin yooneunhyeteasing


#609 - The 1st Running Man Vacation Service

2022-06-26 4.7%

No guests

angryjongkook bustalk cheating cooking drawingrelay eggs mentionofkwangsoo minchan noguests peppercouple personalstories playfuljaeseok relay spartace teasingjongkook vacation waterpark


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