Episodes with 'prison' (9)


#091 - Return of Yoomes Bond

2012-04-22 17.6%

No guests

bestofjaeseok betrayerkwangsoo escape goodconcept innocentgary jail keys map mustwatch myeokpd noguests oneofthebest playboyhaha prison secretmission sharpjongkook spy suspense thrilling uee watergun yoomesbond yooneunhyeteasing


#175 - Escaping

2013-12-08 12.4%

Gong Yoo Park Hee-soon

action dancing escape gold loveline nopants pool prison ripnametag suspect teams thief vote voting water watergame


#316 - Train to Prison

2016-09-11 6.9%

BamBam (Got7) Choi Youngjae (Got7) Hyolyn (Sistar) Jackson Wang (Got7) JB (Got7) Kim Yu-gyeom (Got7) Mark (Got7) Park Jin-young (Got7)

7012 acupressure barrelgame dancing escape fishing idols luckyjihyo missions mustwatch obstacle pedometer pirateroulette prison ripnametag roleplay stamping train unluckyjaeseok

Running Man are told they can go anywhere on a train and are asked to write down where they'd like to go. Suddenly guards come out and force them to write down "Prison". They have to face a unique challenge per carriage on the train. If they fail, they are sent to prison.


#335 - Member's Week 3

2017-01-22 6.7%

No guests

7012 bestofseokjin emotional jail membersweek noguests prison teasingseokjin wedding

This week, it’s Seok-jin’s week. As the member who was usually “out” and sent to prison first during races, he wants the other members to experience what he has gone through for the past 7 years. He also wants to express his love for his wife. What kind of crisis will the members be put in this time?


#387 - Running Prison

2018-01-28 9.1%

No guests

angryjongkook bestof2018 bestofkwangsoo betrayers busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo crazysomin easybrothers escaperoom funny goodfeeling guessthemovie jail kookminsiblings kwangmin membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests personalstories prison reststop reststopfood roleplay spartace stealing teasingseokjin tofu unluckykwangsoo waterbomb

Running Man has become a series of lies and betrayals. As a result, the members will pay for their sins on today's race. They will be put into prison throughout the course of the race for the sins they have committed, and they can only come out when they have served their time. The last member to finish serving their time will have to self-punish themselves with a water bomb. Who will be the member who will get the penalty?


#406 - Family Package Project: Abroad Special

2018-06-24 8.0%

Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob

familypackage international london mustwatch prison smellythings switzerland trynottolaugh trynottomakesound

The long-awaited day has come. The Running Man members go on the Luxury Package and the Shuddering Package. The Luxury Package members go to Zermatt, Switzerland while the Shuddering Package members get ready to experience wing walking. What kinds of memories will they make at the Luxury Package? Will the Shuddering Package members be able to go through with wing walking?


#449 - Return of Yoomes Bond

2019-04-28 7.1%

Esom Kim Kyung-nam Shin Ha-kyun

betrayal isolation money mustwatch prison spy surpriseguest watergun yoomesbond

This week, the members and two guests are given 100,000 dollars. In order to win their share in the end, they must try not to spend the money and save as much as they can while being locked up in individual rooms. In the middle of the mission, Jae Seok realizes he has a secret mission to accomplish with an assistant.


#515 - 2 Person Prison Break Race, My Unfamiliar Partner

2020-08-09 6.7%

Ha Do-kwon Ji Seung-hyun Kim Yong-ji Kim Young-min

acejihyo bestofkwangsoo bigpicture boss crazysomin escape football goofyguests kjkbeastmode kwangsooannoyingjongkook locked money partners pettygang playfuljaeseok prison ripnametag rugby secondnametag secretidentity spy

This week, the members are joined by four guests, Kim Young Min, Ha Do Kwon, Ji Seung Hyun, and Kim Yong Ji. They are put into Running Prison, where they have to find the boss and gang members of Petty Gang. If they manage to escape before the boss and gang members do, they're exempt from getting punished. Stay tuned to find out who manages to escape Running Prison first!


#605 - 2022: Truth or False Charge

2022-05-29 4.3%

Hong Ye-ji Hwang Seok-jeong Kim Ji-young

football loveline mentionofkwangsoo prison productplacement rmvsstaff roleplay singing soccer spartace spelling trial voting


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