Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | 2011-03-13 9.2% Park Jun-gyu Uee (After School) 1versus badjihyo cheolminpd coupon eat fddongwan findtheguest food friends idol kimsoohyun kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep mondaycouple mondaystaffcouple tricksters tricktheguest vjbloopers vjkwonreol water wristband Running Man members look for the two guests who are at the same time looking for 5 coupons in restaurants in the Hongdae area. If they enter a restaurant and the guest is not there, they must stay and eat. Afterwards, a 1:9 challenge is held against one of the guests, and a water pouring challenge is held between two teams. | 900 | 151 | 16.78% |
![]() | 2016-05-29 7.4% No guests 7012 acejihyo armwrestle crazykwangsoo ddakdji ddakji dirtyplay egg emotional funnyjaesuk mondaycouple noguests pillowfight randommrcapable runningmanvs slapmatch sparta spartace tricksters university unluckykwangsoo unluckyseokjin The members continue their battle against the 300 university students. Through various games, both teams show their teamwork, determination and passion. As the members head out for the final mission, they find themselves somewhere deep within the mountains. Will they all be able to complete their mission and escape the mountains? | 748 | 147 | 19.65% |
![]() | #388 - Craziness at Jeju Special 2018-02-04 9.7% Goo Hara (Kara) Lee Da-hee Mina (Gugudan) Seol In-ah athleticgames betrayerkwangsoo couples dancing fiercegirls funny goodguests goofyguests idols jeju kwangsooloveline longjump pirateroulette tricksters This week, the Running Man members are joined by Koo Ha Ra, Seor In A, Lee Da Hee, and Mina. They are divided into groups of two, and the winning couple will receive some delicious black pig. On the other hand, the couple that loses will be rewarded with a water bomb during this icy winter. | 839 | 267 | 31.82% |
![]() | 2019-05-12 6.8% No guests betrayers flogging flour kookminsiblings luck luckyjihyo noguests platform quiz raceofwits schemerharoro tricksters unluckyjaeseok unluckysomin The members are split into groups and play games to obtain Chance Cards which can be used in the final race. After two rounds of games, the members arrive at a giant and dark place for the final race. They need to solve the riddles of Sejong the Great to be the final winner. Also, a harsh penalty awaits those who get eliminated. | 671 | 59 | 8.79% |
![]() | #512 - The 1st Tazza Hip Chairman Election: Battle of the Workers 2020-07-19 6.7% No guests badjihyo betrayal betrayerkwangsoo betrayers betting blindfold candyalliance caramel cards funny gambling gangsterjihyo membersfunnystories mindgames money mustwatch noguests pettyjongkook playfuljaeseok roleplay stealing tazza teasingseokjin tricksters unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo voting This week, the members gather to play several games to win caramels, their currency for this week. The number of caramels they have at the end will have a big impact on next week's episode. Alliances and strategies are important, so the members pay their full attention to avoid getting betrayed and falling behind. Who will win the most caramels? Stay tuned to find out! | 708 | 222 | 31.36% |