Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | #213 - Running Man Mini Series - It's Okay, That's Chaebol 2014-09-21 7.0% Choi Yeo-jin Kim Min-seo Lee Yoo-ri Seo Woo Yoo In-young acting chaebol competitiveguests couplerace couples fiercegirls float goodconcept goodguests intense mud mustwatch platform playfuljaeseok pool ripnametag roleplay scavenger shredder slap spartace villain villainguests water whack Couple teams are formed with actresses who play villains in dramas. They must find the guy who has the second generation of inheritance. Mud pool platform and timed shredder challenges are held where the winning team receive hints. In the end a nametag elimination match is held where each actress must stand on a platform with the nametag of the suspected rich guy. | 929 | 500 | 53.82% |
![]() | 2014-10-05 9.7% bestofgary garyloveline hideandseek karaoke peperogame ripnametag roleplay singing wedding | 726 | 161 | 22.18% |
![]() | #216 - Running Heroes - Heroes' Resurrection 2014-10-12 8.7% No guests 7012 blindfold chairs costumes courage kwangvatar noguests relay rmteam roleplay superpowers teamwork Seven superheros wake up from a deep slumber and receive various missions to get their superpowers back. The highlight of this episode is Kwang Soo's costume. | 792 | 282 | 35.61% |
![]() | 2014-10-19 11.6% Cho Jin-woong Kim Sung-kyun Oh Sang-jin bestofjongkook betrayerkwangsoo bingo cheaterkwangsoo cheating funnyguests group mrcapable mud racestarter ripnametag roleplay saunaquiz sparta vjbloopers vjkwonreol volleyball | 677 | 131 | 19.35% |
![]() | #218 - Find and Chase Down the Culprit 2014-10-26 9.3% Jung Eun-ji (Apink) Kim Ji-hoon Oh Yeon-seo apink bestofjongkook betrayal idol instruments kidnap music ripnametag roleplay spy suspense | 742 | 233 | 31.40% |
![]() | 2014-11-23 9.2% No guests aliens costumes food goldjihyo goodconcept mondaycouple mustwatch noguests puzzle ripnametag roleplay Seven creatures from outer space mysteriously land on Earth and must complete a puzzle, food exercise, and eliminate one alien race in order to go back home. | 744 | 216 | 29.03% |
![]() | 2015-12-13 4.7% antidote betrayers easybrothers eggs funny horror mustwatch roleplay scary zombie | 797 | 407 | 51.07% |
![]() | #281 - The House - The Heir Game 2016-01-10 6.3% gangsterjihyo goodconcept heirs housedeed propertygame ripnametag roleplay vjkwonreol | 710 | 241 | 33.94% |
![]() | #286 - Mystery Mountain Cabin & 7 Detectives 2016-02-14 5.8% | 675 | 161 | 23.85% |
![]() | 2016-09-11 6.9% BamBam (Got7) Choi Youngjae (Got7) Hyolyn (Sistar) Jackson Wang (Got7) JB (Got7) Kim Yu-gyeom (Got7) Mark (Got7) Park Jin-young (Got7) 7012 acupressure barrelgame dancing escape fishing idols luckyjihyo missions mustwatch obstacle pedometer pirateroulette prison ripnametag roleplay stamping train unluckyjaeseok Running Man are told they can go anywhere on a train and are asked to write down where they'd like to go. Suddenly guards come out and force them to write down "Prison". They have to face a unique challenge per carriage on the train. If they fail, they are sent to prison. | 793 | 276 | 34.80% |
![]() | #336 - Member's Week 4 - The Last Strongest Member 2017-01-29 5.1% 7012 7012foreverinourhearts abalone costumes kwangvatar membersweek poorkwangsoo powers roleplay strongestrunningman superpowers survivalseries watergun yoomesbond This week, it’s another Member’s Week. However, the main character of this week is unknown. The only thing the members know is that they each are given a certain superpower and they need to be the last one to survive in this race. Who will win this final battle of supernaturals? | 733 | 278 | 37.93% |
![]() | 2017-10-29 8.6% Ha Yeon-soo Jo Se-ho Kang Daniel (Wanna One) Noh Sa-yeon acting boss costumes dancing eating food idol money poorkwangsoo quiz roleplay This week, the Running Man members parody the movie 'City of Crime'. They break up into three groups and compete for the prize money. Guests Kang Daniel, Ha Yeon Soo, Cho Sae Ho and No Sa Yeon assume the role of gang bosses and show off their talents to choose their gang. | 761 | 128 | 16.82% |
![]() | #381 - Bad Guys: War Against The Evildoer 2017-12-17 9.0% Choi Gwi-hwa Go Bo-gyeol Heo Sung-tae Lee Sang-yeob acejihyo acting badjihyo busgames bustalk criminal detective food foreheadslap gangsterjihyo goodconcept hints immortalchanhee lovefrogsomin mafia math membersfunnystories personalstories roleplay spartace trial villainguests voting witness This week, the Running Man members face off in a race with four actors who are known for their portrayal of villains. There are two villains, two detectives, and a wit-ness among the members and the guests. Along with the guests, the Running Man members must find out who stole the money. | 743 | 170 | 22.88% |
![]() | 2018-01-28 9.1% No guests angryjongkook bestof2018 bestofkwangsoo betrayers busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo crazysomin easybrothers escaperoom funny goodfeeling guessthemovie jail kookminsiblings kwangmin membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests personalstories prison reststop reststopfood roleplay spartace stealing teasingseokjin tofu unluckykwangsoo waterbomb Running Man has become a series of lies and betrayals. As a result, the members will pay for their sins on today's race. They will be put into prison throughout the course of the race for the sins they have committed, and they can only come out when they have served their time. The last member to finish serving their time will have to self-punish themselves with a water bomb. Who will be the member who will get the penalty? | 926 | 395 | 42.66% |
![]() | 2018-10-07 7.1% busan drawing escaperoom fishing foreheadslap money mustwatch quiz roleplay spelling surfing teams vacation vjkwonreol The race is not over yet! In order to complete their mission of 100, Jae Seok and Seok Jin have been doing various and random part-time jobs such as cycling and cleaning see-through floors. This time, they go net fishing, and Kwang Soo tags along as well. Meanwhile, Team Seoul is having a hard time finishing their vacation plans. | 692 | 78 | 11.27% |