Episodes with 'unluckykwangsoo' (54)


#371 - Tiger Moth Tour (2)

2017-10-08 7.7%

No guests

chuseok eating food indonesia international kwangmin livebroadcast noguests penalty roulette sweetsomin unluckykwangsoo vjbloopers wet

This week, the Running Man members continue with the Tiger Moth Tour Truth Game. They finally get to see Kwang Soo and So Min ride the cable car in Indonesia. Will the members be able to guess correctly?


#377 - Return of the Heiress Race

2017-11-19 8.8%

Im Se-mi Kim Ji-min Kim Se-jeong (Gugudan) Ko Sung-hee

acting balloons betrayal betrayers couples dancing goldjihyo heirs idol jumprope kwangmin maposiblings penalty poorkwangsoo ripnametag secretidentity somin unluckykwangsoo vjkwonryeol

This week, the Running Man members become sons of Running Airline's wealthy chairman. They need to fight against each other to get to the highest rank, which will consequently give them the right to the chairman's fortune. They are also accompanied by heiresses who will help them through the race. Who will become the final heir to receive the fortune?


#383 - Winter Kingdom Survival

2017-12-31 7.0%

Eun Ji-won (Sechs Kies) Jang Su-won (Sechs Kies) Kang Sung-hoon (Sechs Kies) Kim Jaeduck (Sechs Kies) Lee Elijah Lee Jaijin (Sechs Kies) Soyou (Sistar)

blindfold foodmission idols kwangmin quiz snow train traintobusan unluckykwangsoo zombiegame

This week, the Running Man members will depart for a field training in celebration of the upcoming 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. They are joined by Sechs Kies, Soyou, and Lee Elijah. Who will get the water bomb penalty?


#384 - The New Year Fortune 2018

2018-01-07 8.1%

No guests

acupressure bustalk crazykwangsoo foodmission fortunetelling happynewyear kookminsiblings kwangmin ma mentionofjoongki minchan noguests pettyjongkook pirateroulette poorkwangsoo quiz secretmission spartace stonegold unluckykwangsoo waterbomb

The Running Man members gather together for a new year's special. Each member randomly selects a lucky pouch. Four pouches are Gold Pouches and four are Stone Pouches, but there is a member who has Hands of Stone and can change a Stone Pouch into a Gold Pouch. The members with a Stone Pouch at the end will get a water bomb penalty. Who will be the member to get penalized?


#387 - Running Prison

2018-01-28 9.1%

No guests

angryjongkook bestof2018 bestofkwangsoo betrayers busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo crazysomin easybrothers escaperoom funny goodfeeling guessthemovie jail kookminsiblings kwangmin membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests personalstories prison reststop reststopfood roleplay spartace stealing teasingseokjin tofu unluckykwangsoo waterbomb

Running Man has become a series of lies and betrayals. As a result, the members will pay for their sins on today's race. They will be put into prison throughout the course of the race for the sins they have committed, and they can only come out when they have served their time. The last member to finish serving their time will have to self-punish themselves with a water bomb. Who will be the member who will get the penalty?


#390 - Global Random Tour: Mission Impossible

2018-03-04 7.9%

Heo Kyung-hwan Lee Sang-yeob Shorry J (Mighty Mouth) Yoo Byung-jae

food foodmission funny international japan mustsee randomtour stepcounter thailand travel unluckykwangsoo

This week, the Running Man members have a Random Tour Race. They will be divided into three groups. In order to determine their team, they will have to stand up, sit down, or lie down. The losers will not get a water bomb this time but will be forced to go home later than everyone else. Once the teams are created, they ride the bus and end up at Incheon International Airport. Where could they be going?


#395 - Family Package Part 2: Find the Coaches

2018-04-08 7.1%

Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob

amateurspy athleteguests athleticgames balloons bestofhaha busgames bustalk coach coaches competitiveguests familypackage goofyguests hahascheme hints jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo jongkookloveline mustwatch quiz racestarter ripnametag schemerharoro spy trial unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo voting

This week, Ji Hyo is handed a briefcase that is supposed to contain the Luxury Stickers. However, she opens it only to find it empty. While everyone is surprised, a video is played. In the video, three coaches announce that they have the Luxury Stickers and that they intend to eliminate the gold medalist who is hiding among the members. Furthermore, the coaches are among the members as well. If the coaches find the gold medalist first, the Running Man members will be listed for the Shuddering Package. However, if the rest of the members identify the coaches, then the coaches' names will be listed. Who are the mysterious gold medalist and the coaches?


#396 - Family Package Part 3: Steal House and Get Out Race

2018-04-15 7.4%

Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob

funguests funny goofyguests jongkookloveline kickthecan lostshoe shoethrowinggame steal stealing teams unluckykwangsoo

This week, the Running Man members and the guests are divided into two teams. Every time a team wins a mission, they are given the chance to steal an item from the opposing team's house. If they succeed in stealing the item in the given time, a Luxury Sticker will be awarded. However, if they choose the item that the opposing team has marked, a Shuddering Sticker will be given.


#398 - Yang Se Chan and Jeon So Min One Year Anniversary

2018-04-29 7.0%

Im Na-yeon (Twice) Kim Da-hyun (Twice) Mina (Twice) Momo (Twice) Park Ji-hyo (Twice) Sana (Twice) Son Chae-young (Twice) Tzuyu (Twice) Yoo Jeong-yeon (Twice)

acejihyo acrosticpoem angryjongkook badjihyo betrayers dancing footvolleyball funny games gangsterjihyo goodfeeling goodguests idols jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo jeonsomin kpop kwangmong kwangsooloveline mustwatch penalty poem teasingkwangsoo toilet twice unluckykwangsoo

This week, the Running Man members celebrate the one-year anniversary of So Min and Se Chan's joining the show. They can hardly believe that a year has passed since they first greeted and welcomed the two members to Running Man. Today's theme is called 'Running 365 Retreat'. The members will have 365 minutes to spend on this retreat. Furthermore, they can plan out their own schedule. What kind of surprising and hilarious incidents will occur?


#399 - Family Project Final: A Secret Door

2018-05-06 7.2%

Hong Jin-young Im Na-yeon (Twice) Kang Han-na Kim Da-hyun (Twice) Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob Mina (Twice) Momo (Twice) Park Ji-hyo (Twice) Sana (Twice) Son Chae-young (Twice) Tzuyu (Twice) Yoo Jeong-yeon (Twice)

emotional fart flogging funny handwriting heartwarming hongkong infinitechallenge international jongkookloveline kwangsooloveline membersfunnystories mission mustwatch personalstories poorkwangsoo runningballs teams trynottomakesound unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo unluckysomin

Twice has dropped by last week to congratulate Se Chan and So Min's one-year anniversary. This week, the winning members hand out badges, and Kwang Soo seems to steal their attention. After saying their farewells to Twice, the Running Man members continue on with their missions. Lee Da Hee, Lee Sang Yeob, Kang Han Na, and Hong Jin Young join the Running Man members once again in You Take the Shuddering Package. Each team is required to undergo missions that have been chosen by the other teams. If they complete the missions, they will receive four Shuddering Running Balls. If they fail, they will receive 40 Shuddering Running Balls.


#401 - TV Rating Notice Final: Director Battle (Game of Thrones)

2018-05-20 7.0%

Cheon Sung-moon Han Ki-beom Han Min-gwan Jo Woo-jong K.Will Lee Jong-hyuk Oak-Jeong Kim Seo Ji-seok

bestofhaha costumes coverphoto doppleganger flyingchair funny funnyguests launchchairs membersfamily pirateroulette pool quiz tvratingnotice twin unluckykwangsoo unluckysomin

Today is the day the Running Man members will find out whose TV rating notice storyboard they will use. The members are greeted by the pirate roulette game and a flying chair. They play a quiz game, and whoever does not get the correct answer will be flown backwards into a pool. Which member will have the honor of actualizing his or her TV rating notice?


#409 - Summer Waterpark Couple Race

2018-07-15 7.7%

Han Eun-jung Hwang Chi-yeul Jennie (BLACKPINK) Jisoo (BLACKPINK) Pyo Ye-jin Yoon Bo-ra (Sistar)

acrosticpoem blackpink couplerace dancing funguests funny horror idols impossible kwangsooloveline maze mentionofjoongki missionimpossible mustwatch ripnametag scary unluckykwangsoo waterpark

This week, the Running Man members are joined by Han Eun Jung, Bora, Pyo Ye Jin, Hwang Chi Yul, and Black Pink's Jisoo and Jennie. They team up with one another to play various games in order to win prizes and avoid penalties. Their goal is to get two heart cards before everyone else and avoid getting the bomb cards. Who will win prizes, and who will get the penalty?


#416 - Dangerous Choice (1)

2018-09-02 8.0%

B.I (iKON) Bobby (iKON) Kim Ji-min Lee Elijah Lee Joo-yeon (After School) Lee Si-a (Chi Chi) Seungri (Big Bang) Sunmi (Wonder Girls)

betrayal betrayers candy dancing eggs escape escaperoom idols membersfunnystories memberssecrets mustwatch personalstories raceofwits teamwork truthordare unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo

This week, the staff asks each of the members to write down the other members' secrets. While some of them are hesitant to reveal some secrets, claiming that disclosing them could force the members to retire, others immediately jot down sentences after sentences. Afterward, they are asked to participate in a game of Truth or Dare.


#479 - Along with Distrust

2019-12-01 7.8%

No guests

betrayal betrayers betting bustalk candies cheaterkwangsoo cheating coins crazysomin eating emptyheads english food kookminsiblings lovefrogsomin minchan minigames noguests penalty personalstories pettyjongkook poorkwangsoo quiz raceofwits sharpjongkook teamwork teasingseokjin unluckykwangsoo yondu

This week, the cast unite as one in today's race where every member must succeed. Each time the group completes a mission, they will get to enjoy delicious winter snacks. However, in each mission, the person with the fewest candies left will have to face the penalty of doing the Yondu makeup and selling 100 fish-shaped buns. Every mission counts!


#512 - The 1st Tazza Hip Chairman Election: Battle of the Workers

2020-07-19 6.7%

No guests

badjihyo betrayal betrayerkwangsoo betrayers betting blindfold candyalliance caramel cards funny gambling gangsterjihyo membersfunnystories mindgames money mustwatch noguests pettyjongkook playfuljaeseok roleplay stealing tazza teasingseokjin tricksters unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo voting

This week, the members gather to play several games to win caramels, their currency for this week. The number of caramels they have at the end will have a big impact on next week's episode. Alliances and strategies are important, so the members pay their full attention to avoid getting betrayed and falling behind. Who will win the most caramels? Stay tuned to find out!


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