Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | #498 - I Saw the Angels and Devils: The Devils' Advocates 2020-04-12 7.9% Ahn Bo-hyun Ji Yi-soo Lee Joo-young Song Jin-woo bustalk cavewomanjihyo competitiveguests funny funnyopening goodguests identityrace nosomin ripnametag sominsick spy teams watergun This week, actors Ahn Bo Hyun, Ji Eui Soo, Song Jin Woo, and Lee Joo Young join the Devil's Whisper Race to act as captains. Among the Running Man members are three devils and five angels with their identities hidden. Through a series of games and chances, each team needs to get the right combination of devils and angels in their team to win prizes. The key to winning is finding the devils. Just who could the devils be? | 646 | 80 | 12.38% |
![]() | #503 - Festival Money Securing Race: A World of the Festival 2020-05-17 6.6% Ahn Ji-young (Bolbbalgan4) Bewhy Hyojung (Oh My Girl) Jessi Lee Jin-hyuk (UP10TION) bustalk couple dodgeball funny idols mustwatch nosomin paint ripnametag This week, the kings and queens of festivals Jessi, BewhY, Ahn Ji Young, Lee Jin Hyuk, and Choi Hyojung join the show. They team up with Running Man members by their music genre and compete for money that will determine their chances of winning. Individually, the money earned throughout the race will either reward them or give them the penalty. | 735 | 229 | 31.16% |
![]() | #505 - Eliminating Trespassers: Secret of the Old Village 2020-05-31 6.9% No guests bestof2020 bestofhaha busted diamond digging funny gems goodconcept horror jeonsomin jongkookloveline kimgyeran money mustwatch mystery noguests oneofthebest ripnametag roleplay scarecrow scary somin sominsback suspense thrilling traditionalvillage unpredictable So Min joins the members after a long hiatus. The members head to a village called Gujeon where gems are buried everywhere. They are to dig out the gems which are valuable. However, there seems to be a secret the villagers are hiding. Will the members be able to safely make it out of the village? Stay tuned to find out! | 759 | 324 | 42.69% |
![]() | #506 - Captains of Running Man 2020-06-07 6.5% Im Na-yeon (Twice) Kim Da-hyun (Twice) Mina (Twice) Momo (Twice) Park Ji-hyo (Twice) Sana (Twice) Son Chae-young (Twice) Tzuyu (Twice) Yoo Jeong-yeon (Twice) betrayerkwangsoo betting dancing funny idols money moreandmore moremore mustwatch paint ripnametag soap soapwater teams twice water All members of TWICE are on Running Man! They're here to promote their new song, 'More and More' and to play fierce games. TWICE and the Running Man members divide into four teams to play the games and win as much money as possible. The individuals with the least amount of money will get punished in the end. | 753 | 201 | 26.69% |
![]() | #508 - Running Man Loyalty Race: Sharing Playbook 2020-06-21 6.0% No guests 7012 bells bestofsomin cheaterkwangsoo coins fanstory firstkiss fun funny lovefrogsomin luckyjihyo membersfunnystories minchan mustsee mustwatch noguests personalstories playfuljaeseok race ripnametag spartace stories story teasingkwangsoo trueorfalse waterballoon This week, the members play three games with a theme inspired by a movie called 'The Platform.' They're placed on eight different floors, and the member on the top most floor can take as many coins as they're able. The one with the most coins can buy different prizes including a card that can be used to get exempted from a penalty. Who will be the final winner? Stay tuned to find out! | 731 | 221 | 30.23% |
![]() | #509 - Superpower School Race, War of Superpowers: The End Game 2020-06-28 5.3% funny mosquito mustsee mustwatch paint powers ripnametag spy superpowers survivalseries This week, the members become the students of Superpower School and obtain one superpower each. They don't know what everyone else's superpower is, so they need to figure it out during the race. With Lee Sang Yeob and Kang Han Na as this week's guests, they use their superpowers to eliminate one another. Who will become the final winner? Stay tuned to find out! | 737 | 197 | 26.73% |
![]() | #510 - 2020 Reincarnation Camp 2020-07-05 6.5% Jo Se-ho Lee Do-hyun Sunmi (Wonder Girls) Zico (Block B) acejihyo acesongjihyo assistantsomin bestof2020 bustalk chaeunwoo handsanitizer hurray idols jihyo kwangmin mongdol mustwatch pirateroulette reincarnation ripnametag secretidentity survival watergame zombie This week, the members are guided to the Reincarnation Camp by SUNMI, a special guide for this episode. Just when they are enjoying their lunch, a swarm of zombies suddenly attacks them. They have to find the Human Antibody and survive until the ambulance arrives. However, the Parent Zombie gets into action and starts eliminating them one by one. Who will be the last man standing? Stay tuned to find out! | 754 | 250 | 33.16% |
![]() | #515 - 2 Person Prison Break Race, My Unfamiliar Partner 2020-08-09 6.7% Ha Do-kwon Ji Seung-hyun Kim Yong-ji Kim Young-min acejihyo bestofkwangsoo bigpicture boss crazysomin escape football goofyguests kjkbeastmode kwangsooannoyingjongkook locked money partners pettygang playfuljaeseok prison ripnametag rugby secondnametag secretidentity spy This week, the members are joined by four guests, Kim Young Min, Ha Do Kwon, Ji Seung Hyun, and Kim Yong Ji. They are put into Running Prison, where they have to find the boss and gang members of Petty Gang. If they manage to escape before the boss and gang members do, they're exempt from getting punished. Stay tuned to find out who manages to escape Running Prison first! | 669 | 129 | 19.28% |
![]() | #516 - Operation: Clear Out the Criminals, Domestic Investigation 2020-08-16 5.2% Kim Dae-myung Kim Sang-ho Kwak Do-won bestofseokjin cheaterkwangsoo crazykwangsoo crazysomin criminal guessthemovie interrogation jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo mustwatch nosechan pettygang police ripnametag secretidentity spy teasingkwangsoo This week, the stars of a new movie, 'The Golden Holiday,' join the members to participate in a race where they have to find two criminals and two police officers. The guests, Kwak Do Won, Kim Sang Ho, and Kim Dae Myeung, are new to the race, so they get a bit clumsy. Will they successfully find the criminals? Stay tuned to find out! | 637 | 105 | 16.48% |
![]() | #518 - Brahms Music School Race: Do You Like Number 1? 2020-08-30 6.4% Kim Min-jae Kim Sung-cheol Park Eun-bin Park Ji-hyun hammer holdhands joker kimjongkooklose music penalty promote quiz ripnametag songguess spartace strawberrygame This week, Kim Sung Cheol, Kim Min Jae, Park Eun Bin, and Park Ji Hyun from the new drama, 'Do You Like Brahms?' join the show as guests. The members and the guests are divided into different school levels according to the test and game results. In the race, they can only eliminate those who are in the same or lower grades. Who will be the last one to survive? And don't forget to check-out 'Do You Like Brahms?' | 642 | 111 | 17.29% |
![]() | #522 - America vs Asia, The Trade King 2020-09-27 6.3% Ailee Joon Park (g.o.d) Kangnam (M.I.B) Yiren (Everglow) betrayal betrayers debate idols membersfunnystories personalstories ripnametag tax This week, the members are divided into three teams – Team America, Team Asia, and Team Customs – to play in the Trade King Race. Each team needs to earn as much money as possible to become the final winner. The guests joining Team America are Joon Park and Ailee. The guests joining Team Asia are Kangnam and Yiren of EVERGLOW. Who will be the winning team this week? Stay tuned to find out! | 631 | 68 | 10.78% |
![]() | #525 - BLACKPINK in Running Man, Save Us From Probability 2020-10-18 6.7% Jennie (BLACKPINK) Jisoo (BLACKPINK) Lisa (BLACKPINK) Rosé (BLACKPINK) 3guests acejihyo blackpink brainwaves bustalk couple dice dragonking funguests idols jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo jasu minchan mustwatch paintshower penalty rabbit rabbitear ricecake ripnametag slide teasingkwangsoo truth unluckykwangsoo This week, BLACKPINK joins the members in ‘Save Us From Probability', a race in which the members' fates are determined by probability. Their goal is to get as little 'penalty rice cakes' as possible in order to avoid getting the penalty. Will the BLACKPINK members be able to win the prize, or will they get penalized? | 733 | 269 | 36.70% |
![]() | #526 - Robber versus Robber: Faceless King of Tomb Robbery 2020-10-25 6.5% footvolleyball pettygang police quiz ripnametag roleplay Lee Je Hoon and Im Won Hee join the show as special guests in a race of betrayal between cops and robbers. All of them have gathered to rob a tomb organized by the chairperson of the Tomb Robbery Association. Among them, two police officers secretly investigate to reveal the chairperson's identity. However, the robbers and officers can betray one another, making the task difficult. | 619 | 55 | 8.89% |
![]() | #531 - Penthouse Special Part 2: Tenant War 2020-11-29 7.0% Eugene Ha Do-kwon Kim So-yeon Lee Ji-ah betrayal betrayers competitiveguests hiddenmissions kungkungta money mustwatch penalty productplacement ripnametag stealing unluckykwangsoo This week, the race from last week continues. The guests and members are divided into top class and bottom class where they receive money according to their mission results. Although they're divided into two classes, it's an individual race, so they keep an eye on each other to avoid getting betrayed. Who will make it to the penthouse? | 609 | 109 | 17.90% |
![]() | #533 - Sweet Home 5pm, Saturday night 2020-12-13 7.5% Lee Do-hyun Lee Jin-wook Lee Si-young Song Kang acejihyo bestof2020 bestofseokjin betrayal betrayers coins commonknowledge framerkwangsoo genie goodfeeling goodplot identityrace lovefrogsomin monster mustwatch mystery productplacement quiz ripnametag roleplay seokjinmc songjeoktoma teasingkwangsoo teasingseokjin unluckykwangsoo unpredictable voting This week, Lee Si Young, Lee Do Hyun, Song Kang, and Lee Jin Wook, the four leads of the drama 'Sweet Home,' join the members for a race called ‘The Apartment You Live In.' In the race, they have to find a monster hidden among the residents of the Running Apartment in order to avoid getting the penalty. Will they be able to find the monster? | 710 | 314 | 44.23% |