Episodes with 'stories' (3)


#508 - Running Man Loyalty Race: Sharing Playbook

2020-06-21 6.0%

No guests

7012 bells bestofsomin cheaterkwangsoo coins fanstory firstkiss fun funny lovefrogsomin luckyjihyo membersfunnystories minchan mustsee mustwatch noguests personalstories playfuljaeseok race ripnametag spartace stories story teasingkwangsoo trueorfalse waterballoon

This week, the members play three games with a theme inspired by a movie called 'The Platform.' They're placed on eight different floors, and the member on the top most floor can take as many coins as they're able. The one with the most coins can buy different prizes including a card that can be used to get exempted from a penalty. Who will be the final winner? Stay tuned to find out!


#636 - Running Man Family Outing, Part 2

2023-01-08 5.5%

Joo Woo-jae

breakfast camping chatteringspecial cooking dinner drinking eating familyouting fart firewood food funnyjihyo ghost ghoststories heartwarming ingredients kimchi kjkfirekeeper mattress minchan mustwatch pensionhouse porkbelly ricecake roulette scarystories sleeping snacks stories teasingsomin unlucky


#641 - Golden Retreat Time

2023-02-12 4.8%

No guests

cooking eating firewood food funnyjihyo heartwarming kjkfirekeeper mattress membersfunnystories noguests penalty personalstories stories tag teasingsomin thiefsechan trynottolaugh


What's New (2023-10-17): login is now required for certain features
Statistics (as of 2025-02-21):
  • 741 episodes, 1,082 guests, 1,491 tags
  • 105,235 users, 483,362 watches, 101,468 favorites, 24,468 plans to watch