Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | #013 - SBS Broadcasting Center 2010-10-03 7.1% Jang Dong-min Lizzy (After School) bestofjaeseok heroyoo hideandseek idol punishment runningball tapes thief words yoorucewillis Guest Starring After school's Lizzy and bad boy Jang Dong Min, this weeks Landmark is no other than the SBS Broadcasting Center. | 1028 | 241 | 23.44% |
![]() | 2011-04-10 10.7% No guests bestofjaeseok betrayal dongwan fddongwan findtheguest innocentgary mustwatch noguests oneofthebest runningball secretmission spy stress tabletennis watergun wristband yoomesbond The first ever spy concept is introduced in this episode. One Running Man member is selected to eliminate the others through spraying their nametags with water in a hospital. Afterwards, they undergo an eye test and stress competition. | 1028 | 371 | 36.09% |
![]() | 2012-04-22 17.6% No guests bestofjaeseok betrayerkwangsoo escape goodconcept innocentgary jail keys map mustwatch myeokpd noguests oneofthebest playboyhaha prison secretmission sharpjongkook spy suspense thrilling uee watergun yoomesbond yooneunhyeteasing | 987 | 524 | 53.09% |
![]() | #338 - Production Staff's Week 2017-02-12 6.9% Irene (Red Velvet) Seulgi (Red Velvet) Wendy (Red Velvet) Yeri (Red Velvet) bestofjaeseok betrayerkwangsoo couple idols jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo membersweek mustwatch sauna thief This week, it’s a week of rest for the Running Man members. They go to the sauna to have a good rest. Little do they know, Jae Seok and Kwang Soo are chosen as thieves, and the two need to compete against each other. Whoever steals the heaviest amount of the other members’ clothes wins. | 749 | 183 | 24.43% |
![]() | 2019-02-24 6.8% No guests bestofjaeseok betrayal betting coachkook escaperoom fansparticipate gambling goodconcept hideandseek historical luck luckyjihyo money mustwatch noguests pirateroulette ripnametag spartace unluckyjaeseok The race for this episode is The Great War of Money. The member with the most amount of money after the race is the final winner. They compete in teams and as individuals for each mission. For every mission, they get hints for the next stage and accumulate money to become the winner. What is the secret behind these missions and hints. Stay tuned to find out the final winner who will receive the invaluable prize! | 762 | 167 | 21.92% |
![]() | #477 - SBS Ghost Stories, Part 1 2019-11-17 7.9% Choi Ri Heo Kyung-hwan Hyuna Kang Han-na Lee Guk-joo Park Jin-young (Got7) Seo Eun-soo Sihyeon (Everglow) animals bestofjaeseok dancing environment funny idols lovefrogsomin movies plastic ripnametag trynottolaugh The Mysterious Animal Farm Race continues. With only a vague hint about the two forbidden animals hidden among them, teams struggle to pinpoint who the two could be. It turns out they got entirely misled and need to work together to sort things out. However, Jae Seok's detective instants pick up a rather important detail staring right at his face. What could it be? | 750 | 206 | 27.47% |
![]() | #614 - The Story of Running Man 2022-07-31 4.2% No guests bestof2022 bestofjaeseok bestofsomin betrayal betrayers crazysomin fansparticipate goodconcept hahascheme hide membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests sweetsomin unpredictable wittyhaha yoomin | 435 | 124 | 28.51% |
![]() | #700 - Sweet and Sweet 7,000 Dollars 2024-04-14 No guests anniversary bestofjaeseok bustalk dart heartwarming mentionofgary mentionofjoongki mentionofkwangsoo mentionofsomin noguests ripnametag rmteam singing swing thief vtuber watergun yoomesbond | 313 | 72 | 23.00% |