Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | #399 - Family Project Final: A Secret Door 2018-05-06 7.2% Hong Jin-young Im Na-yeon (Twice) Kang Han-na Kim Da-hyun (Twice) Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob Mina (Twice) Momo (Twice) Park Ji-hyo (Twice) Sana (Twice) Son Chae-young (Twice) Tzuyu (Twice) Yoo Jeong-yeon (Twice) emotional fart flogging funny handwriting heartwarming hongkong infinitechallenge international jongkookloveline kwangsooloveline membersfunnystories mission mustwatch personalstories poorkwangsoo runningballs teams trynottomakesound unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo unluckysomin Twice has dropped by last week to congratulate Se Chan and So Min's one-year anniversary. This week, the winning members hand out badges, and Kwang Soo seems to steal their attention. After saying their farewells to Twice, the Running Man members continue on with their missions. Lee Da Hee, Lee Sang Yeob, Kang Han Na, and Hong Jin Young join the Running Man members once again in You Take the Shuddering Package. Each team is required to undergo missions that have been chosen by the other teams. If they complete the missions, they will receive four Shuddering Running Balls. If they fail, they will receive 40 Shuddering Running Balls. | 862 | 211 | 24.48% |
![]() | 2018-09-02 8.0% B.I (iKON) Bobby (iKON) Kim Ji-min Lee Elijah Lee Joo-yeon (After School) Lee Si-a (Chi Chi) Seungri (Big Bang) Sunmi (Wonder Girls) betrayal betrayers candy dancing eggs escape escaperoom idols membersfunnystories memberssecrets mustwatch personalstories raceofwits teamwork truthordare unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo This week, the staff asks each of the members to write down the other members' secrets. While some of them are hesitant to reveal some secrets, claiming that disclosing them could force the members to retire, others immediately jot down sentences after sentences. Afterward, they are asked to participate in a game of Truth or Dare. | 838 | 186 | 22.20% |
![]() | #434 - RPG: Episode 2, The Secret of The Clans 2019-01-13 7.2% Chungha Kang Seung-yoon (Winner) Kim Do-yeon (Weki Meki) Lee Seung-hoon (Winner) basketball idols kookminsiblings kwangsooandleesunbin kwangsooloveline level membersfunnystories memberssecrets personalstories secret spartace Last week, the members of Running Man formed clans of two. Each member revealed the secret of their clan member. To win the race, they must protect the clan's secrets throughout today's race. As they move on from quest to quest, they will be joined by amazing guests, including the All-Stars of KBL, Winner, Chungha, and Do Yeon of Weki Meki. | 733 | 130 | 17.74% |
![]() | #470 - What Happened at Their Holiday Spot 2019-09-29 6.2% No guests animals hiddenmissions holiday host lobsterfishing membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests peanutpicking vote zoo With the fan-meet finished, the members of Running Man get treated to a vacation race. However, the planned activities feel more like physical labor than a vacation. Nevertheless, the members duke it out for points and strive to escape the traps of being the sole one getting penalized. Which unfortunate member will have to stick behind? | 692 | 75 | 10.84% |
![]() | 2020-03-01 8.1% bowling funny investing mafiagame membersfunnystories minchan nunchigame This week, it's all about their innocence. Actresses Bae Jong Ok and Shin Hae Sun join Running Man to promote their new movie Innocence. To keep to the theme, they play missions to win themselves free from blame. After each mission, they pick a random bag with an unknown monetary value from either the good or the bad table. The person with the most money left wins the race. Losers face the penalty. | 658 | 81 | 12.31% |
![]() | #508 - Running Man Loyalty Race: Sharing Playbook 2020-06-21 6.0% No guests 7012 bells bestofsomin cheaterkwangsoo coins fanstory firstkiss fun funny lovefrogsomin luckyjihyo membersfunnystories minchan mustsee mustwatch noguests personalstories playfuljaeseok race ripnametag spartace stories story teasingkwangsoo trueorfalse waterballoon This week, the members play three games with a theme inspired by a movie called 'The Platform.' They're placed on eight different floors, and the member on the top most floor can take as many coins as they're able. The one with the most coins can buy different prizes including a card that can be used to get exempted from a penalty. Who will be the final winner? Stay tuned to find out! | 731 | 221 | 30.23% |
![]() | #512 - The 1st Tazza Hip Chairman Election: Battle of the Workers 2020-07-19 6.7% No guests badjihyo betrayal betrayerkwangsoo betrayers betting blindfold candyalliance caramel cards funny gambling gangsterjihyo membersfunnystories mindgames money mustwatch noguests pettyjongkook playfuljaeseok roleplay stealing tazza teasingseokjin tricksters unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo voting This week, the members gather to play several games to win caramels, their currency for this week. The number of caramels they have at the end will have a big impact on next week's episode. Alliances and strategies are important, so the members pay their full attention to avoid getting betrayed and falling behind. Who will win the most caramels? Stay tuned to find out! | 708 | 224 | 31.64% |
![]() | #513 - Capitalistic Race with Partners: Don't Worry Be Happy 2020-07-26 6.7% Jang Won-young (IVE) Kim Do-yeon (Weki Meki) Kim Dong-jun (ZE:A) Mi-joo (Lovelyz) Song Yuqi ((G)I-dle) Soyou (Sistar) auction badjihyo bidding bustalk couplerace dance flour gangsterjihyo idols jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo lovefrogsomin membersfunnystories money mustwatch partners penalty teasingkwangsoo This week, six guests join the members to continue the race to win as much money as they can. The guests are Soyou, Kim Dong Jun, Jang Won Young, Kim Do Yeon, Lee Mi Joo, and YUQI. They partner up with the members and carry out the missions to win the prize and prize money. The team that comes in last receives a penalty. | 727 | 196 | 26.96% |
![]() | #521 - Fashion Choice Race, All or Nothing 2020-09-20 7.0% No guests balancegame balloons cap goodfeeling gun kwangmong membersfunnystories minchan nerfgun noguests personalstories playfuljaeseok quiz randomclothes roulette This week, the members play a race outdoors where they have to eliminate one another to become the final winner. Before the race, they look for chance cards which can be used to earn bullets or candy bars. The candy bars can be used to make the game more favorable to each member. Who will be the winner of this week's race? Stay tuned to find out! | 658 | 136 | 20.67% |
![]() | #522 - America vs Asia, The Trade King 2020-09-27 6.3% Ailee Joon Park (g.o.d) Kangnam (M.I.B) Yiren (Everglow) betrayal betrayers debate idols membersfunnystories personalstories ripnametag tax This week, the members are divided into three teams – Team America, Team Asia, and Team Customs – to play in the Trade King Race. Each team needs to earn as much money as possible to become the final winner. The guests joining Team America are Joon Park and Ailee. The guests joining Team Asia are Kangnam and Yiren of EVERGLOW. Who will be the winning team this week? Stay tuned to find out! | 631 | 68 | 10.78% |
![]() | #524 - Back to the Basics Race, Precious Sisters 2020-10-11 6.6% No guests badge bomb kwangmong membersfunnystories minchan mongdol mustwatch noguests nostalgia personalstories school spartace throwback uniform This week, the members participate in the Precious Sisters Race to find their original resolution and look back on how harshly they've been treating their female members. Ji Hyo and So Min give bomb badges to any member who treats them badly, and the four members with the most bomb badges become the candidates to get the penalty. Who will get the most bomb badges? | 663 | 210 | 31.67% |
![]() | #527 - Jeju Island Special Part 1: Wind, Women, Rocks, and Bomb 2020-11-01 7.1% Choi Yeo-jin Han Ji-eun Lee Joo-bin So Yi-hyun athleticgames badjihyo bestof2020 bestofkwangsoo charades cheaterkwangsoo competitiveguests food funguests gangsterjihyo hongjin jeju jenga membersfunnystories personalstories This week, Running Man visits Jeju Island in a very long time and gets the cast pumped up. Guests Han Ji Eun, Choi Yeo Jin, So E Hyun, and Lee Ju Bin join them as team leaders for the race. The wind, women, and rocks will represent Jeju Island as each team tries to collect one of each card through a series of missions and games. However, there is a bomb card capable of dropping them out of the race. Like always, the losing team faces a penalty, and the winning team wins a prize. | 618 | 105 | 16.99% |
![]() | #536 - 2021 Hoodwinker Association New Year's Party 2021-01-03 7.6% No guests betting caramel cheaterkwangsoo daesangaward framerkwangsoo gambling kimdaesang kwangmong maposiblings membersfunnystories noguests playfuljaeseok stealing tazza teasingseokjin unluckytrio waterballoon This week, the Card Shark Association is back to kick off the new year with a party. The fierce competition over caramels gets heated as the association's chairperson position hangs in the balance. Will Jae Seok keep his seat as the chairman and serve two consecutive terms? Or will the association bring in the new year with a new chairperson? | 603 | 123 | 20.40% |
![]() | #537 - Production Objective Race: Running Man Rewritten, Part 1 2021-01-10 6.9% No guests betting caramel gambling garycameo kimdaesang maposiblings membersfunnystories mustwatch noguests nostalgia playfuljaeseok teasingkwangsoo teasingseokjin ugliestmemberdebate unluckytrio The Card Shark Association New Year's Party comes to an end. The last mission is a cutthroat game that will determine who gets to go home first. Meanwhile, the members regroup after a week. A new race to decide whose idea will be used to update the outdated Running Man website begins. Stay tuned to see who has the catchiest and funniest ideas for the website. | 602 | 123 | 20.43% |
![]() | #547 - Yoo Jae Suk versus Kim Grand Award, Dignity of Grand Award 2021-03-21 6.2% No guests airheadsechan angryjongkook badjihyo bestof2021 bestofseokjin contract crazykwangsoo daesangaward food framerkwangsoo funny gangsterjihyo gold hideandseek kimdaesang kooinboo kookminsiblings membersfunnystories mudflat noguests pettyjongkook playfuljaeseok poorkwangsoo quiz sharpjongkook sleeping sleepingjihyo smartseokjin spartace teasingseokjin yoodaesang Two of the Running Man members, Jae Seok and Jong Kook, are Grand Award winners in the end-of-year entertainment awards. The members divide into Team Yu Grand Award and Team Kim Grand Award and compete for points. Only the winner gets to be exempt from the penalty. Who will be the three unlucky members to get the penalty? | 619 | 191 | 30.86% |