Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | 2014-12-14 11.1% bestofkwangsoo betrayal bromance membersfunnystories mondaycouple pen playfuljaeseok snow spartace spy staringcontest teasingjongkook ugliestmemberdebate wittyhaha | 758 | 254 | 33.51% |
![]() | #266 - Rest Stop Specialty Food Tour 2015-09-27 7.5% Eunhyuk (Super Junior) Hong Jin-young Lim Ju-hwan acejihyo beach betrayal chase eating idol idols jongkookloveline mondaycouple | 704 | 164 | 23.30% |
![]() | 2015-12-06 5.8% No guests 7012 acejihyo basketball bestofgary betrayal finding glasscube innocentgary locked mustwatch noguests | 747 | 261 | 34.94% |
![]() | 2016-06-12 6.7% Ahn Sung-ki Cho Jin-woong Han Ye-ri Kwon Yul bestofkwangsoo betrayal betrayers chase chasing competitiveguests crazykwangsoo hahascheme hints hunting maposiblings math suspense treasure unluckytrio vjkwonreol vjkwonryeol | 668 | 115 | 17.22% |
![]() | #307 - Summer MT Special - 'Thumbs Up' Couple Race 2016-07-10 7.4% Hyolyn (Sistar) Kim Da-som (Sistar) Shownu (Monsta X) Soyou (Sistar) Yoon Bo-ra (Sistar) badminton betrayal couples cringe dancing dirtyplay funny garyloveline idols kwangsooloveline rain ripnametag singing train | 740 | 178 | 24.05% |
![]() | #346 - Running Mate - Dangerous Room 2017-04-16 5.5% No guests 9012 betrayal busgames bustalk castchange conveyorbeltgame crazysomin minchan mustwatch newmembers noguests nonsensegame unluckysechan waterbomb This week, the members welcome two new Running Man members: Jeon So Min and Yang Se Chan. They are divided into two groups and go through different missions. Through each of these missions, they either obtain or lose a point. The member with the lowest points in total will be sent abroad to face their punishment. | 832 | 224 | 26.92% |
![]() | #348 - The 2nd Global Race Special 2017-04-30 5.1% 7012 9012 betrayal betrayerkwangsoo betrayers idol international jongkookloveline kwangmin membersfunnystories mentionofgary mondaycouple nonsensegame productplacement roulette teasingseokjin unluckysechan This week, Hyo Lyn of Sistar visits Running Man and surprises the members. Among the members, Jong Kook is the happiest. They are divided into three groups, and a case of betrayal unfolds. Also, the members' travel story in Osaka and Taiwan gets continued. | 798 | 87 | 10.90% |
![]() | 2017-05-07 6.1% balance balancegame betrayal crazysomin easybrothers food hahascheme housewarming kookminsiblings kwangmin luckyjihyo massage membersfamily membershouse monopoly secretmission ship sportsmassage stinkyfeet unluckyseokjin unluckytrio visithome vjkwonryeol whale This week, the members continue with their Global Project that expands more than just Asia. They barge into the unsuspecting Se Chan's house. They check out how Se Chan and his brother, Se Hyeong, live. While looking around, the members find an interesting object in his house. At his house, they do a series of missions. If the members succeed, they will be able to go home immediately. If not, two of the members will be required to wake up at 5am the next day. | 788 | 114 | 14.47% |
![]() | #361 - 7th Anniversary Special: Real Family Outing (2) 2017-07-30 6.6% Cheon Sung-moon Jeon Wook-min Jo Se-ho Kim Jong-myung Kim Soo-yong Park Geun-sik Son Na-eun (Apink) Tae Hang-ho acejihyo anniversary armwrestle badjihyo badweather betrayal betrayerkwangsoo betrayers busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo competitiveguests crazysomin family friends funguests funny gangsterjihyo goofyguests iceshower idol kjkbeastmode kwangmong luckyjihyo money mustwatch nonsensegame nopants poorkwangsoo pulltheradish punishment quiz rain shoethrowinggame siblings sparta unlucky unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo wardrobemalfunction This week, the Running Man members continue off where they left off last week. Kwang Soo accidentally loses control over his own pants. The losing members will have to receive the ice shower penalty. Who are the winners and the losers? | 820 | 321 | 39.15% |
![]() | #375 - City of Outlaws Race (2) / Mystery Autumn Trip Race 2017-11-05 6.8% Ha Yeon-soo Jo Se-ho Kang Daniel (Wanna One) Noh Sa-yeon betrayal items mentionofjoongki money ripnametag runningballs waterbomb This week, the Running Man members continue off from where they ended last week. Each of the three gangs have a safe that contains all their capital. They need to rip each other's name tags to find out where the opposing safes are. Which team will meet their victory? | 728 | 60 | 8.24% |
![]() | #377 - Return of the Heiress Race 2017-11-19 8.8% Im Se-mi Kim Ji-min Kim Se-jeong (Gugudan) Ko Sung-hee acting balloons betrayal betrayers couples dancing goldjihyo heirs idol jumprope kwangmin maposiblings penalty poorkwangsoo ripnametag secretidentity somin unluckykwangsoo vjkwonryeol This week, the Running Man members become sons of Running Airline's wealthy chairman. They need to fight against each other to get to the highest rank, which will consequently give them the right to the chairman's fortune. They are also accompanied by heiresses who will help them through the race. Who will become the final heir to receive the fortune? | 789 | 137 | 17.36% |
![]() | #382 - Miracle of Christmas? Nightmare of Christmas! 2017-12-24 8.0% No guests bestofkwangsoo betrayal christmas ghost horror mustwatch noguests race The Running Man members come together for a special Christmas party. Each member brings an object that holds a special Christmas memory and share it with one another. However, there's a secret behind this special party. All the gifts they acquired through sharing their stories disappear. Who will obtain all the gifts and have a happy Christmas? | 757 | 140 | 18.49% |
![]() | 2018-08-26 8.0% betrayal birthday bromance court crazykwangsoo debate grimreaper judge luckyjihyo mustwatch penalty personalstories seokjinvshaha waterslap Jae Seok, Haha, and Ji Hyo's birthdays are in August. For this week, Seok Jin, Jong Kook, Se Chan, So Min, and Kwang Soo are called in and told to choose between a birthday cake and a birthday punch. They are divided into teams by their choices, and each team is given an opposite goal. The failing team will suffer an incredible penalty. Which team will fail with their mission? Stay tuned to find out! | 741 | 105 | 14.17% |
![]() | 2018-09-02 8.0% B.I (iKON) Bobby (iKON) Kim Ji-min Lee Elijah Lee Joo-yeon (After School) Lee Si-a (Chi Chi) Seungri (Big Bang) Sunmi (Wonder Girls) betrayal betrayers candy dancing eggs escape escaperoom idols membersfunnystories memberssecrets mustwatch personalstories raceofwits teamwork truthordare unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo This week, the staff asks each of the members to write down the other members' secrets. While some of them are hesitant to reveal some secrets, claiming that disclosing them could force the members to retire, others immediately jot down sentences after sentences. Afterward, they are asked to participate in a game of Truth or Dare. | 838 | 186 | 22.20% |
![]() | 2019-02-24 6.8% No guests bestofjaeseok betrayal betting coachkook escaperoom fansparticipate gambling goodconcept hideandseek historical luck luckyjihyo money mustwatch noguests pirateroulette ripnametag spartace unluckyjaeseok The race for this episode is The Great War of Money. The member with the most amount of money after the race is the final winner. They compete in teams and as individuals for each mission. For every mission, they get hints for the next stage and accumulate money to become the winner. What is the secret behind these missions and hints. Stay tuned to find out the final winner who will receive the invaluable prize! | 762 | 168 | 22.05% |