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Episode #349 - Global Project (3)

Broadcast Date: 2017-05-07 (filmed on 2017-04-06)

Location: Jangsaengpo Port (Maeam-dong, Nam-gu, Ulsan)

Description: This week, the members continue with their Global Project that expands more than just Asia. They barge into the unsuspecting Se Chan's house. They check out how Se Chan and his brother, Se Hyeong, live. While looking around, the members find an interesting object in his house. At his house, they do a series of missions. If the members succeed, they will be able to go home immediately. If not, two of the members will be required to wake up at 5am the next day.

Rating: 6.1%

Watches: 615 (10minuto, 1nder, 4danbi4, abhinbn, abitlovely, abubakaz, abzur, ac1kt, achayls, adler08, aerenzn, agnetiks, ailexeen, aiyaz, akmalwan, alec, alexzheng, alilou, alinaperes, alliric, altriane, amanda, aminaash, ancoraimparo, andresugito07, animeln, animelover, annelilavla, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, anthonyjustin, aosmine, ariacyj, asiabreanna, asianfridge, asiaprince, astrosprinkle, ayakenchin01, ayalungiii, ayeayeron, babybluebonny, babydee, bananas, bbiijj007, bernaberrr, bigbosshardfacts, blackanfuni, bledwings, bluechasing, boblastly, bogartdr16, bonzai, brandoinho57, brumbrum96, btyn7727, buddy, bullettime, bungkoes, buscusting, cagzkie, caleefornia, captainemohead, catanacatarina, cation0, champion, chanhalzkie, chapalin, chenhau, cherryqueen, cjace00, claroling, clem225, cligba, cloudgirl109, cloudysky, cmlcmm, csicskagyasz, cygnus, dabby, dan1073, dandandoodles, darkch0c0late, darren08, dayz, dbryanrev, deadead, deculein, deigue, dekio, demonlordie, 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mrkimi80, mrtodamhumble, mushmon, myst, mzfmin, namiazuki, nanimonai, naruy, natsudrage, nblanco37, ncunkd, neosjs, nerdunv, netopia19, neverendthishow, nigmo, nikhilagubbala, nikonface12, nimwa, njabagat, njdogino, nocklife, noctzy, nononoze, norotiana, notjod, nottoshabby98, nowarzz, nrunningman, nyrely, oliveirav09, olivias, opepreo, oppanget, ouchie, ozzphs, papsngbayan, park1r, pasteijin, patrycja2000, peasbutter, phatk, philkim, pijonghoo, pikaboo14, pinkmochi, poemyboy, porgand, prahmedge, promisejigeuk, pudeeng, purloin, purplerain, purplesatin77, qqmotion, r0blovespizza, raaaawr, raiszaha, rarasshi, raz, reigun08, renad, restalious, ricanfire94, rielmordechai, rielmrdch, rikchan, rimas, rizqy, rizzychung, rm123, rmhanna, rmjack, rmwin, rockdiamond222, rommeler, rorapark, rudi1986, runnercho2, runningmanong, runrunrun, runrunrunrun, rvnclws30, ryan1597, ryanarc08, ryushae, sailormoon, saimin, sakura18, salmon, saltedpillow, sam98tha, samid, sananwar, sandra10ung, saolo, sapphireblue, sara, sarcaei, saveourseouls, sayu, scarlet8060, schzone, scifrobacito, secondsky, seetruskcaj, shabnam, shaikha11, shamentari, shana08, shankaire, sharu, sheri, sheyrawr, shiina, shinramyun, shirazin, shockery, siapasihdia6, silveratlas, sirkelvino, sivajipro, sleepysquid, slowcraik, sm1hkh, snowinter, soeyannaung123444, sofiah, sololanz, solomonher, sominsbestie, songhojin, soysayso, sparta, spelwurdsrite, srasinister, ssieon, stephenoliver23, stingray, suarez, sun, sunny8751, sweetblack, sylveonanimation, szheng, takezuki, tangy, teo0326, tephteph, tes123, thameethu, theahuramazda, thebaybabe, tiluna, tine21somia, toejimon, trashboat, txente, tzullyoona, ub9, unbeatableegg, urixingdae, us3n3t, user713, vaaaaa, vaishnavi42, vaniexe, verandrea, verunai, victoria, victorrsmc, vincentd1, vinodpoovaiah, vins, vlimon, vrzxck, vst1e, vuachoikham167, watermelonkoala, west, wimter, xepyonx, xhteng, xyace, yanadieyana98, yogavinyo, yrapamuspusan, ysasdiary, yua, yuina, yuriaik0, zadael, zainak, zallone, zix, zuchat, zunzelf, 134 private users)

Faves: 74 (amaz180, anothermissdrama, ariacyj, bananabowl, bbiijj007, cagzkie, channie, chocolatepoopbunnything, crepeofthecrop, deadead, deculein, deianeira, eionpascua, elbert999, elliottk125, foosauce, foxxi, generictrashh, heehee, heibunny, iamokona, itzsamuel, jeazzyy, jelsomino, jiahengk, jl050503, jonam404, jonr11, kad369, kandi, kawaiidreamer, leekwangsooforeva, lime02, maroram, matthew, matthewchris, mcbeefykon, memmeria, migskatipunero, moltensnowman, motr8la, njabagat, pinkmochi, reidzman, rmreligion, rucshaerkahne, runnercho2, sailormoon, sakura18, scarlet8060, serenaji, shankaire, sl21, slowcraik, songjeoktoma, ssamyuljin07, thisoddone, ub9, viktor, west, williamtse91, wtwizard4091, xepyonx, zek, zondak, 9 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 12.03%

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