Episodes with 'armwrestle' (6)


#155 - Destiny's Pairs

2013-07-21 13.2%

Bae Suzy (miss A)

armwrestle couples fddongwan hideandseek horror idol idols items mirror mustwatch ripnametag roleplay scary school shoethrowinggame teams tossing

At an ordinary high school, high school members compete in shoe tossing and nametag elimination matches. Afterwards they must find their destined partner, stand in front of the Mirror of Mystery and ask if they are the destined couple. But a horrible truth is revealed.


#207 - Ji Suk-jin and Friends

2014-08-03 9.8%

Kim Hee-chul (Super Junior) Kim Je-dong Lee So-yeon Nam Hee-suk Park Soo-hong

armwrestle dodgeball friends gold goodguests idol idols kwangsooloveline mondaycouple mud relay runningmanvs sukjinwin


#301 - 7 vs. 300 (2)

2016-05-29 7.4%

No guests

7012 acejihyo armwrestle crazykwangsoo ddakdji ddakji dirtyplay egg emotional funnyjaesuk mondaycouple noguests pillowfight randommrcapable runningmanvs slapmatch sparta spartace tricksters university unluckykwangsoo unluckyseokjin

The members continue their battle against the 300 university students. Through various games, both teams show their teamwork, determination and passion. As the members head out for the final mission, they find themselves somewhere deep within the mountains. Will they all be able to complete their mission and escape the mountains?


#339 - Member's Week 6 - Yoo Jae Suk Special

2017-02-19 6.8%

Heo Kyung-hwan KCM Kim Won-hee Kim Yong-man Lee Chun-hee

7012 7012foreverinourhearts armwrestle balloons emotional flour food hideandseek karaoke membersweek runningmanvs singing thighbattle trivia tugofwar

This week is Jae Suk's week and he invites 5 of his friends to pair with the other 5 RM members and compete against each other.


#360 - 7th Anniversary Special: Real Family Outing (1)

2017-07-23 8.2%

Cheon Sung-moon Jeon Wook-min Jo Se-ho Kim Jong-myung Kim Soo-yong Park Geun-sik Son Na-eun (Apink) Tae Hang-ho

anniversary armwrestle badweather competitiveguests dancing drawing family familypackage framerkwangsoo friends funguests funny garycameo goofyguests idol kwangmong membersfamily membersfunnystories mentionofjoongki nostalgia personalstories rain siblings teasingkwangsoo ugliestmemberdebate

This week, Running Man celebrates their seventh anniversary. The members' friends and family also come to visit. Cho Sae Ho visits Jae Seok, and Son Na Eun visits Se Chan. So Min's brother, Wook Min, and Ji Hyo's brother, Sung Moon, also come to their sisters' aid.


#361 - 7th Anniversary Special: Real Family Outing (2)

2017-07-30 6.6%

Cheon Sung-moon Jeon Wook-min Jo Se-ho Kim Jong-myung Kim Soo-yong Park Geun-sik Son Na-eun (Apink) Tae Hang-ho

acejihyo anniversary armwrestle badjihyo badweather betrayal betrayerkwangsoo betrayers busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo competitiveguests crazysomin family friends funguests funny gangsterjihyo goofyguests iceshower idol kjkbeastmode kwangmong luckyjihyo money mustwatch nonsensegame nopants poorkwangsoo pulltheradish punishment quiz rain shoethrowinggame siblings sparta unlucky unluckyjaeseok unluckykwangsoo wardrobemalfunction

This week, the Running Man members continue off where they left off last week. Kwang Soo accidentally loses control over his own pants. The losing members will have to receive the ice shower penalty. Who are the winners and the losers?


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  • 745 episodes, 1,085 guests, 1,493 tags
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