| #580 - Running Man vs Production Team, 2021 Running Man Penalty Negotiation 2021-11-21 5.5% No guests 9012 acejihyo bestof2021 footvolleyball funny immortalchanhee mongdol mustwatch noguests nostalgia productplacement quiz rmteam rmvsstaff runningball runningballs runningmanvs spartace teamwork teasingseokjin waterbomb | 498 | 138 | 27.71% |
 | #636 - Running Man Family Outing, Part 2 2023-01-08 5.5% Joo Woo-jae breakfast camping chatteringspecial cooking dinner drinking eating familyouting fart firewood food funnyjihyo ghost ghoststories heartwarming ingredients kimchi kjkfirekeeper mattress minchan mustwatch pensionhouse porkbelly ricecake roulette scarystories sleeping snacks stories teasingsomin unlucky | 387 | 107 | 27.65% |
 | #274 - Chain Link Camping 2015-11-22 5.4% Ahn Daniel (Teen Top) Jo Jung-chi (Mystic89) Kim Kwang-kyu Min Kyung-hoon Park Soo-hong camping escape footvolleyball link pairs punishment ripnametag tether visithome | 659 | 133 | 20.18% |
 | #290 - Running Man Dubai Special - Sandglass Race (2) 2016-03-13 5.4% Jung Il-woo Lee Da-hae breakfast international kickball ripnametag sleeping timed | 650 | 95 | 14.62% |
 | #331 - Bad Santa Christmas Special with Kim So-hyun 2016-12-25 5.4% Kim So-hyun 7012 betting bullying children christmas flogging guessthemission mentionofgary songguess telepathy | 621 | 123 | 19.81% |
 | #343 - Gongju Tour - Couple Race 2017-03-26 5.4% Choi Tae-joon Jeon So-min Kang Han-na Lee Se-young Park Jin-joo Umji (GFriend) bestofsomin betrayerkwangsoo cheatingguests couplerace crazysomin gfriend idols jeonsomin karaoke kwangmin kwangsooloveline unluckysomin unpredictable This week, the members welcome lovely princesses and a prince. They are divided into couples and their mission is to have the most money left at the end of the day. The losing couple will face a punishment. Who will lose? Mission: Retain as much money as possible until the end of the race and avoid taking the last place. (aired in two parts) | 699 | 126 | 18.03% |
 | #567 - Team Selection Race, Young Ji versus Young Ji 2021-08-22 5.4% Heo Young-ji (Kara) Lee Young-ji dancing footvolleyball idol imagegame membersfunnystories mentionofkwangsoo minchan productplacement quiz songjeoktoma spartace teasingjongkook teasingseokjin | 521 | 97 | 18.62% |
 | #575 - Squid Game 2021-10-17 5.4% No guests ddakji gameofwits mentionofkwangsoo noguests productplacement roleplay squidgame stealing tugofwar unluckyseokjin yutnori | 524 | 99 | 18.89% |
 | #585 - Running Man Year-End Special 2021-12-26 5.4% Cha Chung-hwa Ha Do-kwon Heo Young-ji (Kara) cooking eggs fortunetelling framerkwangsoo funnyguests hideandseek idol lovefrogsomin mentionofkwangsoo minchan nojaeseok sbsentertainmentaward spartace stealing | 440 | 49 | 11.14% |
 | #509 - Superpower School Race, War of Superpowers: The End Game 2020-06-28 5.3% Kang Han-na Lee Sang-yeob funny mosquito mustsee mustwatch paint powers ripnametag spy superpowers survivalseries This week, the members become the students of Superpower School and obtain one superpower each. They don't know what everyone else's superpower is, so they need to figure it out during the race. With Lee Sang Yeob and Kang Han Na as this week's guests, they use their superpowers to eliminate one another. Who will become the final winner? Stay tuned to find out! | 728 | 191 | 26.24% |
 | #573 - Fierce Transfer Race 2: Negotiation of Long Legs 2021-10-03 5.3% An Hye-jin Kim Hee-jin Kim Yeon-koung Lee So-young Oh Ji-young Park Eun-jin Yeum Hye-seon athleteguests doppleganger easybrothers footvolleyball funguests mentionofkwangsoo negotiation pfizersukjin pilchokcross speakinformally styrofoam | 526 | 171 | 32.51% |
 | #584 - 2021 Clever Year-end Party 2021-12-19 5.3% Cha Chung-hwa Ha Do-kwon Heo Young-ji (Kara) 3guests acting betrayal betrayers cooking crazysomin dancing eggs gameofwits guessperson idol mentionofkwangsoo minchan mustwatch pettyjongkook | 455 | 76 | 16.70% |
 | #594 - Running Man Presidential Race 2022-03-06 5.3% Jo Se-ho lovefrogsomin membersfunnystories mentionofkwangsoo pirateroulette racetrack voting | 416 | 39 | 9.38% |
 | #516 - Operation: Clear Out the Criminals, Domestic Investigation 2020-08-16 5.2% Kim Dae-myung Kim Sang-ho Kwak Do-won bestofseokjin cheaterkwangsoo crazykwangsoo crazysomin criminal guessthemovie interrogation jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo mustwatch nosechan pettygang police ripnametag secretidentity spy teasingkwangsoo This week, the stars of a new movie, 'The Golden Holiday,' join the members to participate in a race where they have to find two criminals and two police officers. The guests, Kwak Do Won, Kim Sang Ho, and Kim Dae Myeung, are new to the race, so they get a bit clumsy. Will they successfully find the criminals? Stay tuned to find out! | 626 | 102 | 16.29% |
 | #563 - The Strange Family Photo Race 2021-07-11 5.2% No guests 9012 anniversary auction betrayal betrayers bidding chatteringspecial costumes coverphoto membersfunnystories mentionofkwangsoo noguests photosession productplacement sleepingjihyo spartace t | 520 | 81 | 15.58% |