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Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | 2010-07-11 11.0% bestof2010 chickenfight clothesrack couplehat fiercegirls peacefulgary photo platform punishment ripnametag rockpaperscissors scavenger songjoongki A never-before-seen action variety show with an amazing cast. To start off the first episode, they head over to the T shopping mall in Seoul after closing hours. They will be split into two different teams and compete against each other for the passcode that will let them escape from the mall. From running around to find clues to ripping each other's name tag, no one can predict what will happen to them. Stay tuned to see which team emerges victorious. | 2272 | 254 | 11.18% |
![]() | #002 - Suwon World Cup Stadium, Part 1 2010-07-18 7.9% Goo Hara (Kara) Lee Chun-hee Song Ji-hyo charades diving goldenpig idol jumping money peacefulgary photo platform pool rockpaperscissors soccer songjihyo stadium In this episode Lee Chun Hee and Goo Hara join in with the cast as they venture through Suwon stadium. The mission in this landmark is to find the "golden pigs", which have undisclosed amounts of coins in them. The teams are split into the "Away" and "Home" teams and the victor becomes the team with the highest amount of coins! | 1404 | 151 | 10.75% |
![]() | #003 - Suwon World Cup Stadium, Part 2 2010-07-25 7.1% Goo Hara (Kara) Lee Chun-hee Song Ji-hyo diving goldenpig headphone idol money pool punishment scavenger soccer sparta spartace telepathy vjkwonryeol Continuing on from Episode 2. More fierce games pursue and only 1 team will come out victorious! | 1231 | 135 | 10.97% |
![]() | #004 - Gwacheon National Science Museum, Part 1 2010-08-01 7.1% Jessica Jung (Girls' Generation) Nichkhun (2PM) Song Ji-hyo curling goldenpig idols museum pool rain ripnametag sparta trilobite typhoon wind An exciting day at Gwacheon National Science Museum. Guest appearances from Nichkhun and Jessica will make this a spectacle to see. The teams this time are divided into "Child" and "Adult" team, and the mission is to find the "Golden Pigs" with the most money! | 1223 | 174 | 14.23% |
![]() | #005 - Gwacheon National Science Museum, Part 2 2010-08-08 7.7% Jessica Jung (Girls' Generation) Nichkhun (2PM) Song Ji-hyo curling goldenpig idols money peacefulgary photo platform pool punishment scavenger Continuing from ep 4, the 2 teams battle for the rights to leave. | 1168 | 128 | 10.96% |
![]() | #074 - The Best Running Man #2 2011-12-25 17.1% No guests bestofgary betrayal betrayers christmas deathnote duplicator fddongwan hahascheme kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch noguests oneofthebest phoenix powers randommrcapable ripnametag schemerharoro sechskies sharpjongkook sixthsense strongestrunningman superpowers survivalseries unluckykwangsoo unpredictable vietsub vjkwonreol wittyhaha Running Man pairs are formed and receive a meeting place. The remaining Running Man not in a pair does not receive the hint but receives the meeting place accidentally. There they receive unique superpowers and a nametag elimination begins. | 1165 | 664 | 57.00% |
![]() | 2010-08-15 7.7% Kim Shin-young Se7en Son Dam-bi badminton castchange coffee drinking fiercegirls globe obstacle punishment ripnametag runningball scavenger scoop spoon YG's prince se7en, sing Queen Son Dam Bi, and funny as ever Kim Shin Young join the cast for this week's episode which takes place in the beautiful Seoul Tower in Nam San. | 1094 | 66 | 6.03% |
![]() | #010 - National Museum of Contemporary Art 2010-09-12 7.2% auction chopsticks coffee coins drawing framerkwangsoo gangsterjihyo hideandseek ladle liedetector mondaycouple paintings punishment ripnametag runningball speedwalk spoon tossing unluckyjongkook unluckyseokjin Korean bad boy Cha Tae Hyun and sweet girl Yoon Se Ah join the cast for this weeks episode which airs at the National Museum of Contemporary Art. KJK's greatest weakness revealed? | 1093 | 179 | 16.38% |
![]() | 2013-09-08 12.9% Bang Min-ah (Girl's Day) Hwang Chan-sung (2PM) Hyolyn (Sistar) Jang Wooyoung (2PM) Jung Eun-ji (Apink) Kim Da-som (Sistar) Kim Sung-kyu (Infinite) L (Infinite) Lee Gi-kwang (Beast) Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Son Na-eun (Apink) Yang Seung-ho (MBLAQ) Yoon Doo-joon (Beast) Yura (Girl's Day) acejihyo apink bestofgary bestofkwangsoo bestofseokjin blobjump competitiveguests dancing dodgeball flowerboys idols kpop mustsee mustwatch platform pool prettyboys race sexyjongkook shinhye teams unluckyjaeseok water Each Running Man is teamed up with an idol music group and introduce themselves in hilarious dance performance. A pool platform match, blop jump, dodgeball match, and a timed escape challenge are held. | 1087 | 588 | 54.09% |
![]() | #007 - Sejong Center for the Performing Arts 2010-08-22 7.5% Hahm Eun-jung (T-ara) Jo Kwon (2AM) Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) ballerina couplehat drinking hideandseek idols lemons peacefulgary photo punishment pyramid ripnametag runningball scoop spoon tea Taking place in the beautiful Sejong Center of Performing Arts, today we get the young stars Jo Kwon, Jung Yong Hwa and Eun Jeong in the mix. | 1083 | 112 | 10.34% |
![]() | #008 - Seoul Museum of History, Gyeonghui Palace 2010-08-29 8.2% Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Park Jun-gyu Victoria Song (f(x)) alarm bignose chopsticks drinking eggs hideandseek hotpants idols mondaycouple mustwatch nostalgia past punishment ripnametag runningball tea tugofwar The landmark for this episode is the Seoul Museum of History. With special guests Victoria, Lee Joon, and Park Jun Gyu, this is one episode not to miss. | 1075 | 148 | 13.77% |
![]() | 2010-09-05 8.4% Kim Su-ro Lee Hong-gi (F.T. Island) Shin Bong-sun 3guests angryjihyo balloons broom coinflip docilejongkook drinking eggs familyouting fiercegirls hairband hideandseek hotpants idol jongkookloveline karaoke ladle mustwatch nosechan nosomin oldepisode panchiki personalstories playfuljaeseok punishment ripnametag rollercoaster runningball scoop singing spoon tea Hilarious episode starring Shin Bong Sun and her boy hood crush Kim Jong Kook. The episode takes place in the land of fantasy, Seoul's famous Lotte World. | 1067 | 145 | 13.59% |
![]() | #147 - Flower Boy Athletic Tournament 2013-05-26 16.0% acejihyo acupressure bowling chickencatching college fansparticipate flowerboys flyingchair funny godongwon launchchairs mondaycouple mustsee mustwatch pool relay rockpaperscissors school students tossing track tugofwar watermelon Flower boys gather and form 3 teams. Each compete in various athletic competitions, including an acupressure track relay race, rock-paper-scissors game with launching chairs, challenges in a small village, and then a tug-of-war with hundreds of university students. | 1063 | 611 | 57.48% |
![]() | #011 - Seoul Central Post Office 2010-09-19 7.6% Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Kim Je-dong 1versus 1vs8 cheaterkwangsoo coaches framerkwangsoo hiddenmissions hideandseek hotpants innocentgary jenga jihyo mondaycouple playfuljaeseok prank ripnametag runningball scolding secretmission smear stamping thief words Return of the young superstar Jung Yong Hwa and funny querks of Kim Jae Dong. The landmark for this episode centers around Seoul Central Post Office. The love story continues between Song Ji Hyo and Gary. This is one action packed episode! | 1050 | 154 | 14.67% |
![]() | #012 - Seoul Design Fair @ Seoul Olympic Stadium 2010-09-26 6.2% No guests 1vs8 bells bomb donatello framerkwangsoo hotpants ladder mondaycouple noguests prank punishment pygmalioneffect ripnametag runningball sulli thief trivia Running Man members and guest Song Joong Ki arrive at the Jamsil Olympic Stadium to stop a ticking time bomb. They split up into two teams, Team Mission and Team Pursuit. As the detonation counts down, Team Mission looks for hints on how to defuse the bomb, while Team Pursuit tries to eliminate them. Various other missions award them Running Balls that can save them from utter humiliation. | 1040 | 144 | 13.85% |