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Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | #401 - TV Rating Notice Final: Director Battle (Game of Thrones) 2018-05-20 7.0% Cheon Sung-moon Han Ki-beom Han Min-gwan Jo Woo-jong K.Will Lee Jong-hyuk Oak-Jeong Kim Seo Ji-seok bestofhaha costumes coverphoto doppleganger flyingchair funny funnyguests launchchairs membersfamily pirateroulette pool quiz tvratingnotice twin unluckykwangsoo unluckysomin Today is the day the Running Man members will find out whose TV rating notice storyboard they will use. The members are greeted by the pirate roulette game and a flying chair. They play a quiz game, and whoever does not get the correct answer will be flown backwards into a pool. Which member will have the honor of actualizing his or her TV rating notice? | 746 | 105 | 14.08% |
![]() | 2018-11-11 7.0% acejihyo betrayerkwangsoo betrayers bowling crazykwangsoo driedpersimmon food glasses mustwatch penalty pieslap quiz raceofwits ripnametag unite wigs This week, the members of Running Man goes on a race called Go, Determined Gourmet. They must figure out which dish is the correct answer according to the hints they receive from completing the missions. Will the members be able to inherit the fortune from their dad? | 680 | 81 | 11.91% |
![]() | 2019-03-24 7.0% No guests detective escape escaperoom goodconcept guess mystery noguests numbers puzzle This week, the members gather at a mysterious room. As they enter the room, they find the dead body of a staff member. The members need to gather clues to find the culprit who killed him. As they move on to the next stage, some members become the prime suspect. At last, the members divided into two teams to solve the final mission. Stay tuned to find out the culprit and the final winner. | 744 | 123 | 16.53% |
![]() | 2019-04-14 7.0% Ha Seok-jin Kim Ji-seok Lee Yi-kyung bts chasing crazysomin dance date flour goodguests jblack lovefrogsomin mmary racekart secretmission somin tango teamwork wittyhaha Special events for So Min's birthday continue. After having a meal at a fancy restaurant, So Min and Ji Suk move on to learn how to dance the tango. And another man is expecting So Min to come there. Meanwhile, the other Running Man members are busy solving the quizzes and completing missions as fast as they can to catch So Min. | 702 | 101 | 14.39% |
![]() | #460 - Five Exits: Escape to Live 2019-07-21 7.0% Im Yoona (Girls' Generation) Jo Jung-suk bestofhaha escapeexit gameofwits hunters idol idols jjajang numbers random ripnametag secretmission spy watergun This week, Lim Yoon A and Cho Jung Seok join as guest celebrities on the show. Their mission with the other members is to escape a building through one of the five available doors. Each door will have a condition. Once a member gets what he needs, he may exit the building and enjoy paradise at the expense of the ones who don't. The doors are locked, so let's get the game started. | 715 | 145 | 20.28% |
![]() | #475 - Michelin Gourmet Eaters 2019-11-03 7.0% callmyname carwash costumes greedypigs guess guessperson mentionofgary penalty ripnametag songjeoktoma spy yangsechangame This week, comedienne Hong Hyun Hee and actress Park Ji Hyun join the show as guests. First, the penalty from two weeks ago gets addressed with a chance to win chance cards for an advantage in today's race, Let's Eat with Greedy Pigs. Among the cast, two are greedy pigs. However, these pigs aren't supposed to eat to win, and the only way to eat less is to lose in games. With sizzling hot meals on the table, who will be able to resist? | 677 | 100 | 14.77% |
![]() | 2020-01-12 7.0% Ahn Jae-hong Jeon Yeo-been Kang So-ra Kim Sung-oh betrayal deity flipbottle flogging food funny gameofwits goofyguests jjajang kimwoobin mechanicalbull memorize minchan pettyjongkook playfuljaeseok ripnametag rodeo waterbomb This week, the cast from Secret Zoo, Ahn Jae Hong, Kang So Ra, Jeon Yeo Been, Kim Sung Oh, join Running Man to promote their movie. Each guest is the captain of a team with two other Running Man members. Hidden among them are two reincarnated members and two deities of death who are out to get them. Only the deities can eliminate members. The losing team faces the water bomb. | 688 | 167 | 24.27% |
![]() | #504 - Crossroads of Choice: Too Much Dilemma 2020-05-24 7.0% Kim Jae-kyung (Rainbow) Kim Min-kyu Shim Eun-woo betrayers coins english goodguests idol idols jichangwook membershouse mentionofgary minchan nosomin poorkwangsoo soccer sominshouse visithome This week, actors who have faced a dilemma visit the show. Sim Eun Woo is a rising actress who showed impressive acting skills in 'A World of Married Couple.' Kim Min Gue shows off his charms in both variety shows and drama. Kim Jae Kyung is a versatile entertainer who can act and sing. These stars join the members to participate in Coin Dilemma. | 659 | 130 | 19.73% |
![]() | #521 - Fashion Choice Race, All or Nothing 2020-09-20 7.0% No guests balancegame balloons cap goodfeeling gun kwangmong membersfunnystories minchan nerfgun noguests personalstories playfuljaeseok quiz randomclothes roulette This week, the members play a race outdoors where they have to eliminate one another to become the final winner. Before the race, they look for chance cards which can be used to earn bullets or candy bars. The candy bars can be used to make the game more favorable to each member. Who will be the winner of this week's race? Stay tuned to find out! | 648 | 135 | 20.83% |
![]() | #531 - Penthouse Special Part 2: Tenant War 2020-11-29 7.0% Eugene Ha Do-kwon Kim So-yeon Lee Ji-ah betrayal betrayers competitiveguests hiddenmissions kungkungta money mustwatch penalty productplacement ripnametag stealing unluckykwangsoo This week, the race from last week continues. The guests and members are divided into top class and bottom class where they receive money according to their mission results. Although they're divided into two classes, it's an individual race, so they keep an eye on each other to avoid getting betrayed. Who will make it to the penthouse? | 600 | 106 | 17.67% |
![]() | #305 - Running Man vs Avengers 2016-06-26 6.9% Jo Se-ho Kim Dong-hyun Kim Jun-hyun Lee Jung-jin Lee Kyung-kyu Lee Soo-min Yoo Jae-hwan | 666 | 108 | 16.22% |
![]() | 2016-07-03 6.9% Kyung-ri (Nine Muses) Lee Ki-woo Nichkhun (2PM) acejihyo baywatch beach dance dancing davidhasselhoff flogging hiddenmissions idols | 686 | 174 | 25.36% |
![]() | 2016-09-11 6.9% BamBam (Got7) Choi Youngjae (Got7) Hyolyn (Sistar) Jackson Wang (Got7) JB (Got7) Kim Yu-gyeom (Got7) Mark (Got7) Park Jin-young (Got7) 7012 acupressure barrelgame dancing escape fishing idols luckyjihyo missions mustwatch obstacle pedometer pirateroulette prison ripnametag roleplay stamping train unluckyjaeseok Running Man are told they can go anywhere on a train and are asked to write down where they'd like to go. Suddenly guards come out and force them to write down "Prison". They have to face a unique challenge per carriage on the train. If they fail, they are sent to prison. | 799 | 278 | 34.79% |
![]() | #320 - Hangul Proclamation Day Special Race 2016-10-09 6.9% Jo Yoon-hee Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Lim Ji-yeon Yoo Hae-jin bestofjongkook bestofseokjin food foodmission goofyguests hangul history karaoke microphone quiz ripnametag singing teams | 622 | 43 | 6.91% |
![]() | 2016-11-27 6.9% bingo food idol idols jegichagi karaoke maposiblings mentionofgary pullsideburns singing skipping | 632 | 75 | 11.87% |