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Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | #047 - Kyobo Book Center, Part 2 2011-06-12 7.7% quiz signatures survival timed unluckykwangsoo Continuing from the last episode (#46), the Running Men must get into the office as early as possible, with the team that has all members present winning a point. Next they are quizzed in order to get allotted times in which they must complete various missions across the city. | 806 | 50 | 6.20% |
![]() | 2017-10-08 7.7% No guests chuseok eating food indonesia international kwangmin livebroadcast noguests penalty roulette sweetsomin unluckykwangsoo vjbloopers wet This week, the Running Man members continue with the Tiger Moth Tour Truth Game. They finally get to see Kwang Soo and So Min ride the cable car in Indonesia. Will the members be able to guess correctly? | 715 | 85 | 11.89% |
![]() | #376 - Running Man Dongye Olympic Race 2017-11-12 7.7% Eunhyuk (Super Junior) Irene (Red Velvet) Joy (Red Velvet) Lee Donghae (Super Junior) Leeteuk (Super Junior) Yesung (Super Junior) acupressure conveyorbeltgame dibidibidip idols money ripnametag spy This week, the Running Man members are joined by Super Junior's Eun Hyuk, Lee Teuk, and Ye Sung, as well as Red Velvet's Irene and Joy. So Min meets her childhood friend, and they have a match. Who will win this week? | 792 | 166 | 20.96% |
![]() | #393 - The Curse of the Diamond 2018-03-25 7.7% Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob athleteguests busgames bustalk cheatingguests couple drawingrelay familypackage funguests funny goofyguests jongkookloveline kwangsooloveline mafiagame maposiblings membersfunnystories mustwatch peperogame personalstories waterbomb This week, the Running Man members continue from where they left off last week. Accompanied by guests Lee Sang Yeob, Lee Da Hee, Hong Jin Young, and Kang Han Na, the members set off to do various missions. At the end, the losers will have to go on a scary trip to somewhere frightening while the winners will get to enjoy the luxury at a wonderful place. | 802 | 132 | 16.46% |
![]() | #409 - Summer Waterpark Couple Race 2018-07-15 7.7% Han Eun-jung Hwang Chi-yeul Jennie (BLACKPINK) Jisoo (BLACKPINK) Pyo Ye-jin Yoon Bo-ra (Sistar) acrosticpoem blackpink couplerace dancing funguests funny horror idols impossible kwangsooloveline maze mentionofjoongki missionimpossible mustwatch ripnametag scary unluckykwangsoo waterpark This week, the Running Man members are joined by Han Eun Jung, Bora, Pyo Ye Jin, Hwang Chi Yul, and Black Pink's Jisoo and Jennie. They team up with one another to play various games in order to win prizes and avoid penalties. Their goal is to get two heart cards before everyone else and avoid getting the bomb cards. Who will win prizes, and who will get the penalty? | 868 | 305 | 35.14% |
![]() | 2018-07-29 7.7% No guests acejihyo angryjongkook flogging hints noguests punch quiz secret secretmission sharpjongkook shoestealing stealing thief unluckyseokjin water yooneunhyeteasing Where did Jong Kook's shoes go? One of the Running Man members has a personal vendetta against Jong Kook and stole his shoes as a way to get back at him. The members play various games in order to get hints as to who this petty thief is. Seok Jin's strange behavior puts him at the top of that list. Who is the real petty thief? Will the members figure out who that person is? | 775 | 133 | 17.16% |
![]() | #480 - Run to You: Project to Attract Investments 2019-12-08 7.7% Kang Han-na Lee Hee-jin Yoo Byung-jae YooA (Oh My Girl) betting birthday coins crazysomin dancing funny goofyguests idols investing investments kungkungta leesunbin lovefrogsomin minchan minigames pettyjongkook poorkwangsoo quiz raceofwits teasingseokjin thighslap waterbomb This week, Kang Han Na is back alongside Lee Hee Jin of Baby V.O.X, YooA from OH MY GIRL, and the very comic Yoo Byung Jae. It's an individual race this week where the right investment takes the win. In a series of games, four members will face each other in competition while the rest place their bets on one person winning. Each of the four members selected will have different odds of winning, thus making the rewards higher but riskier. The loser faces the water bomb. | 702 | 136 | 19.37% |
![]() | #493 - Fate Betting Race: Throw Double or Nothing 2020-03-08 7.7% Kang Tae-oh (5urprise) Kim Na-hee Lee Na-eun (April) Yura (Girl's Day) couples funny idols nokwangsoo trynottolaugh This week, Running Man sticks to staying indoors. But to liven the atmosphere, actor Kang Tae Oh, trot singer Kim Na Hee, Lee Na Eun from April, and Yura from Girl's Day join the cast to race. The men partner up with the women and compete in a high-risk game of pushing their luck with a great big dice. Will they stay where they sit or go for greater cash rewards? | 644 | 76 | 11.80% |
![]() | #494 - Do Whatever You Want! Running MT 2020-03-15 7.7% coins cooking eggs fart funny goofyguests headphone leekwangsoo nokwangsoo runningmanmt This week, Running Man creates their own program for a retreat. Actor Jo Byeong Gyu and Actress Im Soo Hyang join as guests to have fun. Each person comes up with a plan to play games and do various activities for the retreat. The members decide who gets to be the host and do what kind of activity by looking at the itinerary. | 622 | 74 | 11.90% |
![]() | 2020-12-27 7.7% Choi Soo-young (Girls' Generation) Lee Yeon-hee Yoo Tae-oh Yoo Yeon-seok bustalk flour idol playfuljaeseok yutnori This week, the members are joined by the four leads of the upcoming movie, 'New Year Blues,' Yoo Yeon Seok, Lee Yeon Hee, Choi Soo Young, and Yoo Teo. Since it's the last episode of 2020, the guests and the members participate in missions where they send off the old year and welcome the upcoming year. Which team will win and which team will get the penalty? | 618 | 79 | 12.78% |
![]() | #011 - Seoul Central Post Office 2010-09-19 7.6% Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Kim Je-dong 1versus 1vs8 cheaterkwangsoo coaches framerkwangsoo hiddenmissions hideandseek hotpants innocentgary jenga jihyo mondaycouple playfuljaeseok prank ripnametag runningball scolding secretmission smear stamping thief words Return of the young superstar Jung Yong Hwa and funny querks of Kim Jae Dong. The landmark for this episode centers around Seoul Central Post Office. The love story continues between Song Ji Hyo and Gary. This is one action packed episode! | 1039 | 151 | 14.53% |
![]() | #214 - R-POP Star Race Special (My Lovely Girl vs. Running Man) 2014-09-28 7.6% Alex Chu (Clazziquai) Kim Ki-bang Krystal Jung (f(x)) Park Yeong-gyu Rain 7012 acupressure athleteguests badminton bestofkwangsoo crossdress dancing handball idol idols kwangja mustwatch obstaclecourse playfuljaeseok poorkwangsoo rmteam rollingchair runningmanvs singing track This week, the show is having a competition in an audition-like manner to win microphones made out of gold. The cast of My Lovely Girl comes on the show to show their amazing teamwork and great chemistry. Rain, Krystal, Park Yeong Gyu, Alex, and Kang Ki Bang work as a team to fight against Team Running Man in games that require both brawn and brains. In addition, special guests will join to make the competition more exciting. | 740 | 196 | 26.49% |
![]() | #436 - RPG: Episode 4, The Last War 2019-01-27 7.6% Hong Jong-hyun Jeong Yu-mi Kwon Mina Lee Yoo-ri Seungri (Big Bang) Shin Ji-min (AOA) chamchamcham couplerace funnyopening ice idols leesungkyung level lovefrogsomin ship spartace At last, the Level Up Race will come to an end as the winner will be decided today. Six guests have been invited and they have been randomly assigned with different levels. The members of Running Man will partner up with the guests and compete against each other to reach the highest level. | 718 | 121 | 16.85% |
![]() | #445 - The Counterattack of Singles 2019-03-31 7.6% Bona (Cosmic Girls) Jang Hee-jin Kim Jae-yeong couple couplerace eating fansparticipate idol ripnametag secretcouple spartace spy students university This week's guests are Jang Hee Jin, Bona of WJSN, and Kim Jae Young. Amongst the members and the guests, one secret couple and one relationship virgin are hiding, and the relationship virgin exists to catch the secret couple. As they play games, some members start to act unusual and suspicious. Stay tuned to find out if the relationship virgin manages to catch the secret couple. | 728 | 118 | 16.21% |
![]() | #489 - A Special Party: Hungry Race 2020-02-09 7.6% No guests acting birthday cheating crazysomin eating food greedy hahascheme kookie kookminsiblings kwangsooannoyingjongkook lovefrogsomin minchan noguests pettyjongkook playfuljaeseok presents teams teasingseokjin wittyhaha This week, it an unusual race for two of the members, So Min and Seok Jin. They have no clue that the staff and the other members have rigged the race. They split up into two teams, but first, they share the meaningful and not so meaningful gifts they brought from home that will later test their greed. Who will be the greediest of them all? | 654 | 55 | 8.41% |