Episodes with '1versus' (6)


#011 - Seoul Central Post Office

2010-09-19 7.6%

Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Kim Je-dong

1versus 1vs8 cheaterkwangsoo coaches framerkwangsoo hiddenmissions hideandseek hotpants innocentgary jenga jihyo mondaycouple playfuljaeseok prank ripnametag runningball scolding secretmission smear stamping thief words

Return of the young superstar Jung Yong Hwa and funny querks of Kim Jae Dong. The landmark for this episode centers around Seoul Central Post Office. The love story continues between Song Ji Hyo and Gary. This is one action packed episode!


#014 - Boramae Safety Experience Center

2010-10-17 10.0%

Lizzy (After School)

1versus 1vs8 369 acejihyo air bibobibo framerkwangsoo hotpants idol mckwangsoo microphone mondaycouple musicalchair punishment ripnametag runningball secretmission singing thief

Busan's country girl Lizzy (From group Afterschool) returns for another exciting episode taking place in Boramae Safety Experience Center.


#025 - Bucheon Museum Manhwa Information Center

2011-01-09 11.3%

Park Bo-young

1versus anime castchange charades comics cosplay costumes flyinghat framerkwangsoo hideandseek lastepisodeoflizzy mondaycouple ripnametag rmfanguest singing skipping trickguest tricktheguest ttakji

This episode features Secret Gary, anime karaoke, and a red riding hood/wolves mission in a comics museum.


#031 - Alpensia Ocean 700 Water Park

2011-02-20 11.9%

Hyun Young

1versus acejihyo air beachwear birthday breadstick bridge commander cramp dancing elimination fddongwan findtheguest funny gaze karaoke meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch playfuljaeseok pool poorkwangsoo rmvsstaff rockpaperscissors runningball songsongcouple splashing summerspecial teamwin teamwork teasingkwangsoo vjkwonreol waterpark

In order to challenge the Running Man team, the FD (Floor Director) has set up special obstacles at a water park: find the guest, karaoke challenge, and an Indiana Jones-esque bridge. This episode kicks off with the RM team outside in beachwear during winter.


#034 - Hongdae area

2011-03-13 9.2%

Park Jun-gyu Uee (After School)

1versus badjihyo cheolminpd coupon eat fddongwan findtheguest food friends idol kimsoohyun kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep mondaycouple mondaystaffcouple tricksters tricktheguest vjbloopers vjkwonreol water wristband

Running Man members look for the two guests who are at the same time looking for 5 coupons in restaurants in the Hongdae area. If they enter a restaurant and the guest is not there, they must stay and eat. Afterwards, a 1:9 challenge is held against one of the guests, and a water pouring challenge is held between two teams.


#082 - Spy Game

2012-02-19 17.3%

Lee Da-hae

1versus badjihyo betrayal boxing busan fddongwan gangsterjihyo guessthesong innocentgary kwangsooannoyingjongkook mondaycouple myeokpd playboyhaha randommrcapable secretmission sharpjongkook spy teasingjongkook water waterballoon waterbomb yooneunhyeteasing


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