Episodes with 'footvolleyball' (22)


#267 - Running Man Special: Consensus

2015-10-04 8.6%

No guests

7012 bowling emotional footvolleyball foreheadslap goodfeeling grimreaper infinitechallenge luckyjihyo massage mondaycouple mustwatch noguests oneofthebest pirateroulette rmteam sportsmassage teamwork unluckykwangsoo


#274 - Chain Link Camping

2015-11-22 5.4%

Ahn Daniel (Teen Top) Jo Jung-chi (Mystic89) Kim Kwang-kyu Min Kyung-hoon Park Soo-hong

camping escape footvolleyball link pairs punishment ripnametag tether visithome


#398 - Yang Se Chan and Jeon So Min One Year Anniversary

2018-04-29 7.0%

Im Na-yeon (Twice) Kim Da-hyun (Twice) Mina (Twice) Momo (Twice) Park Ji-hyo (Twice) Sana (Twice) Son Chae-young (Twice) Tzuyu (Twice) Yoo Jeong-yeon (Twice)

acejihyo acrosticpoem angryjongkook badjihyo betrayers dancing footvolleyball funny games gangsterjihyo goodfeeling goodguests idols jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo jeonsomin kpop kwangmong kwangsooloveline mustwatch penalty poem teasingkwangsoo toilet twice unluckykwangsoo

This week, the Running Man members celebrate the one-year anniversary of So Min and Se Chan's joining the show. They can hardly believe that a year has passed since they first greeted and welcomed the two members to Running Man. Today's theme is called 'Running 365 Retreat'. The members will have 365 minutes to spend on this retreat. Furthermore, they can plan out their own schedule. What kind of surprising and hilarious incidents will occur?


#442 - Running Man College

2019-03-10 6.8%

Han Eun-jung Hong Jin-young Keum Sae-rok

ace acejihyo champion footvolleyball games secretidentity secretmission singing songguess spartace spy university waterbomb

This week, the members go out on a spring orientation. Han Da Gam, Keum Sae Rok, and Hong Jin Young join for this episode. They play various games from the old times and foot volleyball in teams. During the orientation, the members must find the returning student who is hiding among them. They get hints about the returning student as they complete each game. Stay tuned to find out the identity of the returning student!


#486 - Running Martial Arts School: Trade the Cards

2020-01-19 7.8%

Kang Han-na Keum Sae-rok Lee Joo-young Park Cho-rong (Apink)

airmattress cards couple couplerace footvolleyball funnyjihyo idols mentionofgary minchan sechanloveline waterballoon

This week, guests Keum Sae Rok, Lee Ju Young, Park Cho Rong, and Kang Han Na couple up with Running Man members to race. Each couple will each get a card form a deck consisting of elements, punishments, and prizes. The combination of the two cards, held in possession by each team, gives a particular outcome. Each mission gives them a chance to switch cards with other couples.


#526 - Robber versus Robber: Faceless King of Tomb Robbery

2020-10-25 6.5%

Im Won-hee Lee Je-hoon

footvolleyball pettygang police quiz ripnametag roleplay

Lee Je Hoon and Im Won Hee join the show as special guests in a race of betrayal between cops and robbers. All of them have gathered to rob a tomb organized by the chairperson of the Tomb Robbery Association. Among them, two police officers secretly investigate to reveal the chairperson's identity. However, the robbers and officers can betray one another, making the task difficult.


#542 - 2021 Running Man Neighborhood Athletic Meet with The Penthouse

2021-02-14 6.9%

Ha Do-kwon Park Eun-seok Yoon Jong-hoon

apples ball balloon footvolleyball gangsterjihyo mustwatch quiz ripnametag tag

For the last day of the Lunar New Year holidays, the three actors of 'The Penthouse,' Park Eun Seok, Yoon Jong Hun, and Ha Do Kwon, visit Running Man. They join the show for the 2021 Running Man Neighborhood Athletic Meet where they compete to gather more trophy stamps in their stamp books.


#557 - Going Home Race, Read the Room

2021-05-30 6.9%

No guests

badjihyo childrensday easybrothers emotional farewellkwangsoo feelchokcross footvolleyball gameofwits hadream mongdol noguests pilchokcross playfuljaeseok teasingkwangsoo


#567 - Team Selection Race, Young Ji versus Young Ji

2021-08-22 5.4%

Heo Young-ji (Kara) Lee Young-ji

dancing footvolleyball idol imagegame membersfunnystories mentionofkwangsoo minchan productplacement quiz songjeoktoma spartace teasingjongkook teasingseokjin


#571 - Gym Revival Project, Trainer Jong Kook and National Team

2021-09-19 4.4%

Lee Sang-joon Lee Young-ji Mi-joo (Lovelyz)

betrayal betrayers crazysomin dancing food footvolleyball idol idols kookminsiblings mentionofkwangsoo playfuljaeseok spartace stealing survey teasingjongkook teasingseokjin voting yooneunhyeteasing


#572 - Female Volleyball Team, Fierce Transfer Contract


An Hye-jin Kim Hee-jin Kim Yeon-koung Lee So-young Oh Ji-young Park Eun-jin Yeum Hye-seon

athleteguests athletes bestof2021 competitiveguests doppleganger easybrothers footvolleyball goodguests goofyguests mentionofkwangsoo money negotiation pfizersukjin spartace


#573 - Fierce Transfer Race 2: Negotiation of Long Legs

2021-10-03 5.3%

An Hye-jin Kim Hee-jin Kim Yeon-koung Lee So-young Oh Ji-young Park Eun-jin Yeum Hye-seon

athleteguests doppleganger easybrothers footvolleyball funguests mentionofkwangsoo negotiation pfizersukjin pilchokcross speakinformally styrofoam


#580 - Running Man vs Production Team, 2021 Running Man Penalty Negotiation

2021-11-21 5.5%

No guests

9012 acejihyo bestof2021 footvolleyball funny immortalchanhee mongdol mustwatch noguests nostalgia productplacement quiz rmteam rmvsstaff runningball runningballs runningmanvs spartace teamwork teasingseokjin waterbomb


#590 - The Myth of Dangun in the Year of the Black Tiger, Part 2

2022-01-30 3.9%

Bae Seul-ki Eunhyuk (Super Junior) Hong Soo-ah

chamchamcham footvolleyball idol idols mafiagame mentionofkwangsoo productplacement quiz sharpjongkook


#596 - This Is My First Time Being a Captain, Part 2

2022-03-27 4.7%

Cha Jun-hwan Jin Ji-hee

bustalk captainji chalk crazysomin footvolleyball hideandseek membersfunnystories minchan productplacement ripnametag singing teasingseokjin walkietalkie waxing yooneunhyeteasing


What's New (2023-10-17): login is now required for certain features
Statistics (as of 2025-03-04):
  • 743 episodes, 1,084 guests, 1,493 tags
  • 108,242 users, 487,615 watches, 103,202 favorites, 24,837 plans to watch