Most Watched Episodes (746) - Page 11

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#165 - Search for the Little Girl

2013-09-29 12.9%

No guests

acejihyo emotional fansign fansparticipate fanstory father goodfeeling heartwarming membersfamily mustsee mustwatch noguests race rmfanguest school signatures wallclimbing


#277 - The Zombie Virus Race

2015-12-13 4.7%

Yeom Dong Heon

antidote betrayers easybrothers eggs funny horror mustwatch roleplay scary zombie


#426 - Intimate Strangers

2018-11-18 7.9%

Irene (Red Velvet) Joy (Red Velvet) Kang Han-na Seol In-ah

acrosticpoem couple couplerace ddakji idols kwangsooloveline missions relay sechanloveline shoethrowinggame teamwork

The members of Running Man have been together for eight years now. But how well do they know about each other? This week, the members must choose the most suitable person to carry out the mission presented to them. If everyone succeeds, it's a happy ending. If not, a penalty awaits the members.


#316 - Train to Prison

2016-09-11 6.9%

BamBam (Got7) Choi Youngjae (Got7) Hyolyn (Sistar) Jackson Wang (Got7) JB (Got7) Kim Yu-gyeom (Got7) Mark (Got7) Park Jin-young (Got7)

7012 acupressure barrelgame dancing escape fishing idols luckyjihyo missions mustwatch obstacle pedometer pirateroulette prison ripnametag roleplay stamping train unluckyjaeseok

Running Man are told they can go anywhere on a train and are asked to write down where they'd like to go. Suddenly guards come out and force them to write down "Prison". They have to face a unique challenge per carriage on the train. If they fail, they are sent to prison.


#392 - Global Random Tour: Mission Impossible (3) and Running Man Special Project

2018-03-18 9.2%

Heo Kyung-hwan Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob Shorry J (Mighty Mouth) Son Na-eun (Apink) Yoo Byung-jae

cute eating fishing food goodguests idol japan jongkookloveline kwangsooloveline penalty randomtour roulette stepcounter

The Running Man members continue with their missions in different places. Jong Kook's team goes to Bangkok. There, they meet Son Na Eun of Apink and Namcha, a Thai celebrity. Kwang Soo's team are in Daema Island and need to fish all seven species that Haha has eaten. Kwang Soo is bossy because he has caught a fish. Haha desperately wants to catch one as well.


#393 - The Curse of the Diamond

2018-03-25 7.7%

Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob

athleteguests busgames bustalk cheatingguests couple drawingrelay familypackage funguests funny goofyguests jongkookloveline kwangsooloveline mafiagame maposiblings membersfunnystories mustwatch peperogame personalstories waterbomb

This week, the Running Man members continue from where they left off last week. Accompanied by guests Lee Sang Yeob, Lee Da Hee, Hong Jin Young, and Kang Han Na, the members set off to do various missions. At the end, the losers will have to go on a scary trip to somewhere frightening while the winners will get to enjoy the luxury at a wonderful place.


#216 - Running Heroes - Heroes' Resurrection

2014-10-12 8.7%

No guests

7012 blindfold chairs costumes courage kwangvatar noguests relay rmteam roleplay superpowers teamwork

Seven superheros wake up from a deep slumber and receive various missions to get their superpowers back. The highlight of this episode is Kwang Soo's costume.


#065 - Chase

2011-10-23 14.1%

Kim Joo-hyuk Kim Sun-a

blinking cars chase dice easybrothers food mondaycouple secretagent secretguest sharpjongkook singing sleepingjihyo train trainstopquest treasure unluckykwangsoo


#108 - Don't Walk, Date

2012-08-26 17.2%

Gong Hyo-jin Lee Joon (MBLAQ)

acting badjihyo balloons fddongwan heartrate idol meepmeep mustwatch nogary poorkwangsoo quiz teasingkwangsoo water yooneunhyeteasing


#300 - 7 vs. 300 (1)

2016-05-22 7.2%

J-Hope (BTS) Jimin (BTS) Jin (BTS) Jungkook (BTS) Rap Monster (BTS) Suga (BTS) V (BTS)

7012 badjihyo bts cheating ddakdji ddakji eat eating idols luckyjihyo membersfunnystories missions mustwatch personalstories quiz runningmanvs slapmatch university unluckykwangsoo vj vjbloopers vjkwonreol

It's the 300th episode of Running Man. The members must complete various missions relating to the number '300' in celebration of the 300th episode. For each mission that is completed, the members receive a puzzle piece. Each mission requires the members to face a strong opponent. Will the members be able to show their teamwork and beat these opponents for the puzzle pieces?


#394 - Family Package Part 1: The Lost Sticker

2018-04-01 8.6%

Hong Jin-young Kang Han-na Kim Ji-soo Lee Da-hee Lee Sang-yeob Yun Sung-bin

athleteguests athleticgames dancing familypackage highjump jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo jongkookloveline jumping longjump lovefrogsomin mattress mimicry olympics productplacement swing thighbattle

This week, the heroes of Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Winter Games join Running Man! Skeleton racers, Yun Sung Bin and Kim Ji Soo are here. In order to welcome them, the Running Man members prepare a parody show. Ji Hyo dresses up as a curler, and Kwang Soo dresses up as a human-faced bird. Meanwhile, the gold medalist Yun Sung Bin has a big match against Running Man's top player, Jong Kook. Who will win the glory?


#082 - Spy Game

2012-02-19 17.3%

Lee Da-hae

1versus badjihyo betrayal boxing busan fddongwan gangsterjihyo guessthesong innocentgary kwangsooannoyingjongkook mondaycouple myeokpd playboyhaha randommrcapable secretmission sharpjongkook spy teasingjongkook water waterballoon waterbomb yooneunhyeteasing


#285 - The 5th Strongest Running Man Competition

2016-02-07 5.7%

No guests

funny goodfeeling hiddenbox mustwatch mysterybox noguests ripnametag strongestrunningman survivalseries


#376 - Running Man Dongye Olympic Race

2017-11-12 7.7%

Eunhyuk (Super Junior) Irene (Red Velvet) Joy (Red Velvet) Lee Donghae (Super Junior) Leeteuk (Super Junior) Yesung (Super Junior)

acupressure conveyorbeltgame dibidibidip idols money ripnametag spy

This week, the Running Man members are joined by Super Junior's Eun Hyuk, Lee Teuk, and Ye Sung, as well as Red Velvet's Irene and Joy. So Min meets her childhood friend, and they have a match. Who will win this week?


#136 - Legend of the Nine Swords (Asia Race Part III, Vietnam)

2013-03-10 20.0%

Han Hye-jin Lee Dong-wook

bestofjihyo international mustwatch powers ripnametag ryuhyunjin vietnam


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Statistics (as of 2025-03-31):
  • 746 episodes, 1,087 guests, 1,496 tags
  • 115,434 users, 499,809 watches, 106,946 favorites, 25,926 plans to watch