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Episodes with 'weird' (1)


#364 - Summer Special: Finding Ghosts (3)

2017-08-20 6.7%

No guests

badjihyo busgames bustalk eating food gangsterjihyo genderswap ghost goodconcept guessthemovie horror maposiblings membershiptraining minchan mountaintrip mustwatch mysterythriller noguests punishment race ripnametag summerspecial suspense thrilling unpredictable weird wittyjaeseok

This week, the eight members go on a retreat. Little do they know, two of them are ghosts. They need to find out who among them are ghosts. Who will win today's race?


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  • 702 episodes, 1,060 guests, 1,429 tags
  • 47,606 users, 375,330 watches, 74,954 favorites, 17,102 plans to watch