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Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | #466 - War of Light: Black and White 2019-09-01 6.4% Jang Ye-won Kim Ye-won Sunmi (Wonder Girls) Sunny (Girls' Generation) couplerace dancing deities idols kwangsooandleesunbin lovefrogsomin minchan minigames spartace spy This week, Sunny from Girls' Generation, anchorwoman Jang Ye Won, idol singer SUNMI, and actress Kim Ye Won join the show. They pair up with the male members and get ready to run in this week's evil versus good themed race. However, picking partners isn't an easy task. So Min and Ji Hyo get shunned by the male members but somehow keep their cool. | 718 | 125 | 17.41% |
![]() | 2020-02-23 6.4% Bae Jong-ok Heo Kyung-hwan Kang Han-na Shin Hye-sun bestofjongkook holdhands judge minchan ripnametag roomoftime switchtime This week, the quest for more time continues. Say goodbye to alliances, trust, and loyalty when time isn't on their side. It's everyone for themselves in a blind name tag elimination where instincts can get you on the outs. Also, the Room of Time springs up, twisting an already unpredictable outcome. Who will come out on top? | 678 | 110 | 16.22% |
![]() | #518 - Brahms Music School Race: Do You Like Number 1? 2020-08-30 6.4% Kim Min-jae Kim Sung-cheol Park Eun-bin Park Ji-hyun hammer holdhands joker kimjongkooklose music penalty promote quiz ripnametag songguess spartace strawberrygame This week, Kim Sung Cheol, Kim Min Jae, Park Eun Bin, and Park Ji Hyun from the new drama, 'Do You Like Brahms?' join the show as guests. The members and the guests are divided into different school levels according to the test and game results. In the race, they can only eliminate those who are in the same or lower grades. Who will be the last one to survive? And don't forget to check-out 'Do You Like Brahms?' | 632 | 108 | 17.09% |
![]() | #541 - 2021 New Year Driving Out Bad Luck Race: Take My Bad Luck Away 2021-02-07 6.4% Ahn Eun-jin Bae Yoon-kyung Lee Sang-yi balloon busgames bustalk ripnametag waterbomb This week, three young actors visit Running Man for a race to drive out bad luck in the new year. The Running Man members and their guests divide into three teams and play a series of games to see which team ends up with the least number of penalties. The final penalty is a giant water bomb that will surely wash away all their bad luck. Who's going to get soaked? | 565 | 103 | 18.23% |
![]() | #558 - Three Meals for Jae Suk 2021-06-06 6.4% No guests bestof2021 betrayers coins cooking easybrothers farewellkwangsoo feelchokcross food leekwangsoo mentionofgary minchan noguests productplacement roleplay teasingseokjin unluckykwangsoo | 555 | 154 | 27.75% |
![]() | #559 - Goodbye, Our Special Brother 2021-06-13 6.4% No guests 9012 bestof2021 bestofkwangsoo betrayerkwangsoo bustalk castchange cheaterkwangsoo easybrothers emotional farewellkwangsoo food garycameo goodbye goodbyekwangsoo hiddenmissions jaeseokannoyingkwangsoo kwangmin kwangmong leekwangsoo mustwatch noguests nostalgia quiz sad thankyouleekwangsoo unluckykwangsoo | 661 | 488 | 73.83% |
![]() | #281 - The House - The Heir Game 2016-01-10 6.3% gangsterjihyo goodconcept heirs housedeed propertygame ripnametag roleplay vjkwonreol | 712 | 241 | 33.85% |
![]() | 2016-10-30 6.3% Choi Min-ho (Shinee) Jang Do-yeon Kim Jun-hyun Seo Ji-hye Yang Se-chan auction avatar bomb competitiveguests idol idols jjajang kwangmong obstacle skipping | 687 | 130 | 18.92% |
![]() | #326 - Steamed Rice Stealer Race 2016-11-20 6.3% Eun Ji-won (Sechs Kies) Hwang Woo-seul-hye Jang Su-won (Sechs Kies) Kang Sung-hoon (Sechs Kies) Kim Jaeduck (Sechs Kies) Lee Jaijin (Sechs Kies) | 593 | 52 | 8.77% |
![]() | 2019-04-21 6.3% Han Bo-reum Hani (EXID) Kim Hye-yoon Mingyu (SEVENTEEN) Seungkwan (SEVENTEEN) Solji (EXID) balloons hani idols likes seventeen socialmedia teams videos waterbomb The members of Running Man and six guests need to make their names or keywords searched online during the time this week's episode airs. The one who is most searched online will receive a benefit. Also, they create and upload videos online to promote themselves. The one that gets the most number of likes will win a prize. Stay tuned to find out the winner. | 739 | 93 | 12.58% |
![]() | #517 - Link Average Race, Cut Off to Survive 2020-08-23 6.3% No guests action balloon bestof2020 bestofkwangsoo cheaterkwangsoo funny gun intense karaoke link mustwatch nerfgun noguests sticker styrofoam teams tether unluckykwangsoo This week, the members randomly team up to play multiple games where the winner of each game decides whether to keep their team members or cut ties with them. At the end of each game, the losing team gets a penalty ball which will determine whether they get a penalty in the end. Who will be the one to receive the penalty this week? Stay tuned to find out! | 660 | 160 | 24.24% |
![]() | #522 - America vs Asia, The Trade King 2020-09-27 6.3% Ailee Joon Park (g.o.d) Kangnam (M.I.B) Yiren (Everglow) betrayal betrayers debate idols membersfunnystories personalstories ripnametag tax This week, the members are divided into three teams – Team America, Team Asia, and Team Customs – to play in the Trade King Race. Each team needs to earn as much money as possible to become the final winner. The guests joining Team America are Joon Park and Ailee. The guests joining Team Asia are Kangnam and Yiren of EVERGLOW. Who will be the winning team this week? Stay tuned to find out! | 622 | 67 | 10.77% |
![]() | #549 - Idol Star Project: Brave Idol's Day 2021-04-04 6.3% Eunji (Brave Girls) Minyoung (Brave Girls) Yujeong (Brave Girls) Yuna (Brave Girls) airheadsechan ballking betrayers busgames bustalk cheaterkwangsoo conveyorbeltgame crazysomin dancing dibidibidip discordance food idols immortalchanhee mamamoo noglassesjaeseok norealrules paint photosession playfuljaeseok rollinbattle sadsinging singing somin squirtle teasingseokjin toiletbowl unluckykwangsoo | 539 | 52 | 9.65% |
![]() | #012 - Seoul Design Fair @ Seoul Olympic Stadium 2010-09-26 6.2% No guests 1vs8 bells bomb donatello framerkwangsoo hotpants ladder mondaycouple noguests prank punishment pygmalioneffect ripnametag runningball sulli thief trivia Running Man members and guest Song Joong Ki arrive at the Jamsil Olympic Stadium to stop a ticking time bomb. They split up into two teams, Team Mission and Team Pursuit. As the detonation counts down, Team Mission looks for hints on how to defuse the bomb, while Team Pursuit tries to eliminate them. Various other missions award them Running Balls that can save them from utter humiliation. | 1027 | 141 | 13.73% |
![]() | #045 - Cheil Advertising Agency Office, Part 2 2011-05-29 6.2% carpool clothes code coffee cosmetics driving food innocentgary jeans model phonecall randommrcapable runningball towel Continuing from the last episode, the leaders of the two teams must pick up their team members and solve a code before the other team. After solving the code, they receive a mission to get 30 types of coffee and bring them to the master. Then they must compete against each other in mock commercial shoots. | 810 | 88 | 10.86% |