Thumbnail | Episode | Watches | Favorites | Fave:Watch |
![]() | 2010-12-19 11.9% Choi Si-won (Super Junior) Kim Min-jong acting christmas costumes hideandseek idol idols runningball shopping socks Christmas-themed, this episode takes place at Lotte Mart. A shopping challenge takes place where they must pick the most popular items, re-enact various scenes from Min-jong's movies, and then face-off in a hide-and-seek match where the mission team must find 4 Christmas ornaments. | 947 | 102 | 10.77% |
![]() | #025 - Bucheon Museum Manhwa Information Center 2011-01-09 11.3% 1versus anime castchange charades comics cosplay costumes flyinghat framerkwangsoo hideandseek lastepisodeoflizzy mondaycouple ripnametag rmfanguest singing skipping trickguest tricktheguest ttakji This episode features Secret Gary, anime karaoke, and a red riding hood/wolves mission in a comics museum. | 955 | 243 | 25.45% |
![]() | 2011-04-24 10.2% Nichkhun (2PM) Ok Taec-yeon (2PM) acejihyo badjihyo bells costumes fddongwan findtheguest goodfeeling idol idols instruments kkuk mondaystaffcouple muscularahjumma music mustwatch photo ripnametag rockpaperscissors runningball unluckykwangsoo vjbloopers vjkwonreol Running Man members must find Little Prince outfits in a French village while being chased by the two guests. Afterwards two teams are formed and must perform classic European songs with assorted instruments and are judged by a panel. | 955 | 328 | 34.35% |
![]() | 2011-10-30 15.0% breakfast costumes flowerboys funnyjaesuk gangs jumping mondaycouple morningmission poorkwangsoo sleepingjihyo spartace wakeup | 807 | 132 | 16.36% |
![]() | #125 - Snowball Fight Race (Christmas Special) 2012-12-23 19.5% Jeong Hyeong-don Juvie Train (Buga Kingz) Park Sang-myun Ryu Dam Shindong (Super Junior) balance bestofgary cheaterkwangsoo cheatingguests christmas competitiveguests costumes easybrothers elimination food foodmission idol pool punishment snow snowball socks teamwork tubing Three teams of four are formed between the Running Men and Santa Clauses. They compete against each other through Santa and Rudolph, pool balance beam, and food challenges. Winning teams receive bonus snowballs. At the end, an elimination snowball match begins. | 753 | 222 | 29.48% |
![]() | 2013-04-14 17.7% Eun Ji-won (Sechs Kies) Jessica Jung (Girls' Generation) animals costumes guess idols kwangsooshines masks missions mustwatch photo quiz ripnametag swimmingpool themepark water zoo | 861 | 309 | 35.89% |
![]() | #216 - Running Heroes - Heroes' Resurrection 2014-10-12 8.7% No guests 7012 blindfold chairs costumes courage kwangvatar noguests relay rmteam roleplay superpowers teamwork Seven superheros wake up from a deep slumber and receive various missions to get their superpowers back. The highlight of this episode is Kwang Soo's costume. | 808 | 289 | 35.77% |
![]() | 2014-11-23 9.2% No guests aliens costumes food goldjihyo goodconcept mondaycouple mustwatch noguests puzzle ripnametag roleplay Seven creatures from outer space mysteriously land on Earth and must complete a puzzle, food exercise, and eliminate one alien race in order to go back home. | 758 | 221 | 29.16% |
![]() | #336 - Member's Week 4 - The Last Strongest Member 2017-01-29 5.1% 7012 7012foreverinourhearts abalone costumes kwangvatar membersweek poorkwangsoo powers roleplay strongestrunningman superpowers survivalseries watergun yoomesbond This week, it’s another Member’s Week. However, the main character of this week is unknown. The only thing the members know is that they each are given a certain superpower and they need to be the last one to survive in this race. Who will win this final battle of supernaturals? | 748 | 281 | 37.57% |
![]() | 2017-10-29 8.6% Ha Yeon-soo Jo Se-ho Kang Daniel (Wanna One) Noh Sa-yeon acting boss costumes dancing eating food idol money poorkwangsoo quiz roleplay This week, the Running Man members parody the movie 'City of Crime'. They break up into three groups and compete for the prize money. Guests Kang Daniel, Ha Yeon Soo, Cho Sae Ho and No Sa Yeon assume the role of gang bosses and show off their talents to choose their gang. | 778 | 136 | 17.48% |
![]() | 2017-11-26 8.3% No guests australia costumes funny international mustwatch newzealand noguests outfits punishment Jong Kook, Haha, and Kwang Soo undergo their penalties and dress up in outrageous airport fashion. So Min and Seok Jin will join the trip to Australia, and Ji Hyo and Jong Kook will join the trip to New Zealand. On these penalty trips, their decisions will cause some surprising results. What will happen? | 779 | 156 | 20.03% |
![]() | #386 - Running Man Age Notice R Ddakji War Race (2)/Gourmet Food 2018-01-21 8.1% No guests badge cheapfood costumes coverphoto crossdress cutejongkook eating food funny noguests penalty porkbelly quiz restaurant spoon trading tvratingnotice The members have a chance to eat all the food they want. However, they are only given 10 dollars. They must choose a menu within a given time, and if they don't finish the food, they are given a penalty. What is the penalty, and will the members successfully finish their mission? | 724 | 105 | 14.50% |
![]() | #401 - TV Rating Notice Final: Director Battle (Game of Thrones) 2018-05-20 7.0% Cheon Sung-moon Han Ki-beom Han Min-gwan Jo Woo-jong K.Will Lee Jong-hyuk Oak-Jeong Kim Seo Ji-seok bestofhaha costumes coverphoto doppleganger flyingchair funny funnyguests launchchairs membersfamily pirateroulette pool quiz tvratingnotice twin unluckykwangsoo unluckysomin Today is the day the Running Man members will find out whose TV rating notice storyboard they will use. The members are greeted by the pirate roulette game and a flying chair. They play a quiz game, and whoever does not get the correct answer will be flown backwards into a pool. Which member will have the honor of actualizing his or her TV rating notice? | 757 | 107 | 14.13% |
![]() | 2019-05-26 6.6% 9thanniversary bustalk costumes fakeidentity family kungkungta music mystery race ripnametag roleplay spy traditionalvillage waterbomb The members continue to plan the fan-meet to celebrate the nine years of Running Man. This week, they have to choose two members who will put on a couple performance at the fan-meet. Through multiple rounds of games and races, the two members are chosen. And special guests join the members this week. | 719 | 97 | 13.49% |
![]() | #455 - The Devil Wears Running Shirts, Part 2 2019-06-09 6.6% 9thanniversary costumes dance dancing kpopdance The members continue to work on the t-shirt that they will give out to their fans at the fan-meet. Whose drawings will be printed on the t-shirt? Also, the members keep practicing the group dance moves with Lia, the choreographer. But they soon get exhausted and frustrated with the extremely challenging choreography. | 723 | 176 | 24.34% |