Episodes with 'badjihyo' (39)


#034 - Hongdae area

2011-03-13 9.2%

Park Jun-gyu Uee (After School)

1versus badjihyo cheolminpd coupon eat fddongwan findtheguest food friends idol kimsoohyun kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep mondaycouple mondaystaffcouple tricksters tricktheguest vjbloopers vjkwonreol water wristband

Running Man members look for the two guests who are at the same time looking for 5 coupons in restaurants in the Hongdae area. If they enter a restaurant and the guest is not there, they must stay and eat. Afterwards, a 1:9 challenge is held against one of the guests, and a water pouring challenge is held between two teams.


#040 - Beethoven Virus

2011-04-24 10.2%

Nichkhun (2PM) Ok Taec-yeon (2PM)

acejihyo badjihyo bells costumes fddongwan findtheguest goodfeeling idol idols instruments kkuk mondaystaffcouple muscularahjumma music mustwatch photo ripnametag rockpaperscissors runningball unluckykwangsoo vjbloopers vjkwonreol

Running Man members must find Little Prince outfits in a French village while being chased by the two guests. Afterwards two teams are formed and must perform classic European songs with assorted instruments and are judged by a panel.


#049 - The Bodyguards

2011-06-26 9.8%

Goo Hara (Kara) Noh Sa-yeon

badjihyo briefcase carry cars coffee driving fddongwan food gangsterjihyo hands idol onetwopunchvj piggyback poorkwangsoo queen tossing unluckykwangsoo watergun

The men of Running Man pair up and have to find their Queen, then protect and pamper her throughout various missions, ending in an epic watergun showdown.


#070 - Telephone Race

2011-11-27 17.3%

Lee Min-ki Park Chul-min Son Ye-jin

badjihyo betrayal fddongwan gangsterjihyo highschool mondaycouple phone playboyhaha ripnametag school secretidentity spartace spy train vjkwonryeol


#078 - Chohanji

2012-01-22 14.1%

Hong Soo-hyun Lee Beom-soo

badjihyo daesangaward ddakdji gangsterjihyo hahavsjihyo happynewyear heartrate kwangmong kwangsooloveline maposiblings quiz yoodaesang


#081 - What Gary Knows

2012-02-12 17.1%

No guests

badjihyo easybrothers england english gangsterjihyo germany innocentgary international kwangmong mondaycouple myeokpd noguests paris smartseokjin


#082 - Spy Game

2012-02-19 17.3%

Lee Da-hae

1versus badjihyo betrayal boxing busan fddongwan gangsterjihyo guessthesong innocentgary kwangsooannoyingjongkook mondaycouple myeokpd playboyhaha randommrcapable secretmission sharpjongkook spy teasingjongkook water waterballoon waterbomb yooneunhyeteasing


#104 - Running Olympics

2012-07-22 19.9%

Eunhyuk (Super Junior) Hahm Eun-jung (T-ara) Jung Yong-hwa (CNBLUE) Lee Joon (MBLAQ) Nichkhun (2PM) Yim Si-wan (ZE:A) Yoon Doo-joon (Beast)

athleticgames badjihyo bells coachkook competitiveguests fddongwan flowerboys gangsterjihyo hideandseek idols jail kjkbeastmode kwangsooannoyingjongkook meepmeep olympics pool poorkwangsoo prettyboys race relay ripnametag runningmanvs schemerharoro suspense teamwork trampoline vjkwonreol volleyball

A multilingual and talented MC announces the Running Man team and Idols team. They first compete against each other in a relay race, trampoline volleyball match, water high jump match, and a back-and-forth nametag elimination match.


#108 - Don't Walk, Date

2012-08-26 17.2%

Gong Hyo-jin Lee Joon (MBLAQ)

acting badjihyo balloons fddongwan heartrate idol meepmeep mustwatch nogary poorkwangsoo quiz teasingkwangsoo water yooneunhyeteasing


#111 - Middle Aged Flowers Race

2012-09-16 20.4%

Im Ha-ryong Ko Chang-seok Lee Jong-won Shin Jung-geun Son Byong-ho

badjihyo baseball blindfold bus busan dice fddongwan food hide map ripnametag rollercoaster shoethrowinggame


#113 - Absolute Ddak Ji

2012-09-30 16.6%

Jeon Mi-seon Yoo Hae-jin Yum Jung-ah

acejihyo badjihyo bestofjongkook chuseok coinflip ddakdji easybrothers fddongwan foodmission gangsterjihyo godongwan jongkookloveline meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch roleplay sparta ssireum


#142 - Best Couple Race

2013-04-21 16.4%

Lee Bo-young Lee Sang-yoon

acupressure badjihyo bingo carry coachkook couplerace fddongwan food foodbingo gangsterjihyo goeun kimhwan mondaycouple randommrcapable teams traitorsclub


#160 - Ranking Organization

2013-08-25 12.2%

Andy Lee (Shinhwa) Eric Mun (Shinhwa) Jun Jin (Shinhwa) Lee Min-woo (Shinhwa) Shin Hye-sung (Shinhwa)

acupressure badjihyo ball boat camera cheating coins dirtyplay eggs elevator fddongwan food gangsterjihyo idol idols kwangmong maposiblings meepmeep mondaycouple mud pants poorkwangsoo ranking ripnametag scream slap tabletennis

Running Man members undergo various challenges in order to establish a rank order which brings various benefits to the top-ranking members, and gold coins are given according to rank. The challenges lead them to an island where they meet pirates who rob them of their gold coins.


#167 - The Legend of the Troublemakers

2013-10-13 11.5%

Chun Jung-myung Kim Min-jung

badjihyo bags boxing gangsterjihyo kwangja mustwatch police ripnametag school spy traitorsclub


#168 - The Wolf and the Lamb

2013-10-20 12.4%

IU Park Myeong-su

acejihyo badjihyo boxing gangsterjihyo gary gold goldbars goldjihyo kwangmong mondaycouple ofcourse ripnametag seohyunjin suzy swimmingpool

In this episode, musicians IU and Park Myung Soo join the members and have a Wolf and Sheep Race. They get to choose to be either a wolf or a sheep, and they should make a guess about the ratio of wolves to sheep. The final winner who gets it right will win the gold.


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