| #254 - Welcome to the Game World 2015-07-05 9.4% Choi Min-ho (Shinee) Choi Soo-young (Girls' Generation) Im Yoona (Girls' Generation) Kim Hyo-yeon (Girls' Generation) Kim Tae-yeon (Girls' Generation) Kwon Yuri (Girls' Generation) Seohyun (Girls' Generation) Sunny (Girls' Generation) Tiffany Hwang (Girls' Generation) choiminho funguests gianttetris goodconcept hongman idols mud mudflat pacman ripnametag | 842 | 357 | 42.40% |
 | #159 - Couple Race 2013-08-18 14.1% Choi Jung-in Jo Jung-chi (Mystic89) John Park Kim Kwang-kyu Lim Kim (Togeworl) Park Sang-myun Sayuri Fujita boat couplerace couples dance elimination fddongwan gold goldbars goodfeeling mondaycouple quiz stream swimmingpool water | 819 | 350 | 42.74% |
 | #175 - Escaping 2013-12-08 12.4% Gong Yoo Park Hee-soon action dancing escape gold loveline nopants pool prison ripnametag suspect teams thief vote voting water watergame | 902 | 350 | 38.80% |
 | #042 - The Best Running Man 2011-05-08 7.9% Heo Young-saeng (SS501) candyalliance cars driving findtheguest keys kjkbeastmode mustwatch oneofthebest race randommrcapable ripnametag sparta strongestrunningman survivalseries unluckykwangsoo The race starts almost right away with the Running Men having to find the right key to their assigned car, find the guest, and be the first to arrive at the location where the best Running Man is decided through nametag elimination. The first to arrive receives a special advantage. | 974 | 348 | 35.73% |
 | #182 - Hong Kong Fan's Race 2014-01-26 14.8% Min Do-hee (Tiny-G) Yeo Jin-goo Yim Si-wan (ZE:A) acupressure blobjump chess easybrothers fangames flyingchair funguests goodconcept goodfeeling idol mondaycouple mustwatch oneofthebest pool ripnametag spartace unluckykwangsoo water | 835 | 344 | 41.20% |
 | #324 - The Messy Special 2016-11-06 6.8% No guests 7012 7012foreverinourhearts bestofgary castchange emotional foreheadslap funny goodbye massage mondaycouple mustwatch noguests sportsmassage | 697 | 341 | 48.92% |
 | #165 - Search for the Little Girl 2013-09-29 12.9% No guests acejihyo emotional fansign fansparticipate fanstory father goodfeeling heartwarming membersfamily mustsee mustwatch noguests race rmfanguest school signatures wallclimbing | 816 | 339 | 41.54% |
 | #237 - The Greatest Love Race 2015-03-08 11.7% Hani (EXID) Jung So-min Nam Ji-hyun Yerin (GFriend) Yoon So-hee acupressure couple couplerace dancing exid funny gameofwits gfriend goodconcept goodguests goofyguests idols kwangsooloveline maposiblings mustwatch pirateroulette quiz upanddown waterchairs | 835 | 338 | 40.48% |
 | #138 - Control of the School Flag 2013-03-24 19.7% Kim Su-ro Kim Woo-bin Lee Jong-hyun (CNBLUE) Lee Jong-suk Min Hyo-rin acejihyo bestofgary competitiveguests easybrothers flag flowerboys food kjkbeastmode pool prettyboys ripnametag school sparta water wrestling | 898 | 335 | 37.31% |
 | #196 - Running Man's Time Travel 2014-05-18 9.5% No guests 7012 acejihyo deathnote duplicator fansparticipate fddongwan goodconcept kookminator meepmeep mondaycouple mustwatch noguests phoenix powers ripnametag rollroll sherlockholmes sixthsense spy superpowers survivalseries timetravel university yoomesbond | 794 | 330 | 41.56% |
 | #556 - We Will Find Spring For You 2021-05-23 6.1% Lee Yong-jin Sung Si-kyung avatar balancegame bestof2021 blinddate dancing date eating funguests goodconcept infinitechallenge lovefrogsomin minchan mongdol mustwatch ofcourse personalstories roleplay singing sleepingjihyo teasingkwangsoo teasingseokjin yooneunhyeteasing | 629 | 330 | 52.46% |
 | #040 - Beethoven Virus 2011-04-24 10.2% Nichkhun (2PM) Ok Taec-yeon (2PM) acejihyo badjihyo bells costumes fddongwan findtheguest goodfeeling idol idols instruments kkuk mondaystaffcouple muscularahjumma music mustwatch photo ripnametag rockpaperscissors runningball unluckykwangsoo vjbloopers vjkwonreol Running Man members must find Little Prince outfits in a French village while being chased by the two guests. Afterwards two teams are formed and must perform classic European songs with assorted instruments and are judged by a panel. | 956 | 328 | 34.31% |
 | #124 - The Man Who Became A King 2012-12-16 21.2% Go Soo Han Hyo-joo acejihyo bestofkwangsoo betrayal betrayers candyalliance cheaterkwangsoo easybrothers eat eating fddongwan firewood food foodmission goodconcept goodguests goofyguests invincible mustwatch myeokpd race restaurant ripnametag ripnametagking roleplay spicy voting | 849 | 328 | 38.63% |
 | #271 - The 100 vs. 100 Race (1) 2015-11-01 9.9% Chang Jung-koo Chi In-jin Choi Kyung-ho DJ Pumkin (AOMG) DJ R2 Go Woo-ri (Rainbow) Heo Tae-hee Hwang Choong-jae Hyun Joo-yup Jung Doo-hong Jung Tae-ho Juvie Train (Buga Kingz) Kim Jun-hyun Kim Ki-bang Kim Ki-tae Kim Kwang-kyu Kim Soo-yong Kim Won-hyo King Kong Lee Jung Lee Sang-ho Lee Sang-min Lee Won-hee Lim Hyung-jun Lim Ju-hwan Lim Seul-ong (2AM) Linda M.TySON Ma Ah-sung Mino (Free Style) Noh Ji-sim Nuol Oh Jung-suk Park Geun-sik Recto Luz Sam Hammington San Shim Hyung-tak Superbee Taemi Uee (After School) Wang-bae Yang Sang-gook Yoon Park Young-jun (Brown Eyed Soul) Yui-yeop Zion Luz (Rapercussion) athleteguests athletes competition competitiveguests friends games goodfeeling hahascheme idols mustwatch producer ripnametag rmteam teamwork | 890 | 328 | 36.85% |
 | #195 - I'm MC Yoo 2014-05-11 11.4% CL (2NE1) Hwang Chan-sung (2PM) Jang Wooyoung (2PM) Jo Jung-chi (Mystic89) Jun. K (2PM) Lee Jun-ho (2PM) Minzy (2NE1) Muzie (Mystic89) Nichkhun (2PM) Park Bom (2NE1) Sandara Park (2NE1) Yoon Jong-shin (Mystic89) barrelgame chinups coffee dancing dogs easybrothers flowerboys food idols kjkbeastmode matching mcyoo outfits relay ripnametag scubafeet sparta tossing vjkwonreol An MC in a loud outfit leads three teams through a relay, elimination rounds, and a nametag elimination relay. | 827 | 327 | 39.54% |