| #226 - Take Care of Our Mother 2014-12-21 10.3% Kang Hye-jung Kim Hye-ja Lee Chun-hee candidcamera christmas familyouting heartwarming hulahoop unluckyseokjin | 624 | 55 | 8.81% |
 | #238 - Water Fairy Race 2015-03-15 10.3% Kim Seo-hyung Ye Ji-won badjihyo bus cheaterkwangsoo cola egg fansparticipate gangsterjihyo gold jongkookloveline luckyjihyo personalstories taxi train waterbottle | 662 | 46 | 6.95% |
 | #039 - Seoul Folk Flea Market 2011-04-17 10.2% Im Yoona (Girls' Generation) Sunny (Girls' Generation) driving elimination fiercegirls food gangsterjihyo hamburger handprint idols snacks vjkwonreol At the flea market, Running Man members must find 5 items while the two guests can eliminate them by putting a handprint on their name tags. Afterwards, teams are formed and they must buy the #2-#5 snack items that are most popular from the night market. | 872 | 133 | 15.25% |
 | #040 - Beethoven Virus 2011-04-24 10.2% Nichkhun (2PM) Ok Taec-yeon (2PM) acejihyo badjihyo bells costumes fddongwan findtheguest goodfeeling idol idols instruments kkuk mondaystaffcouple muscularahjumma music mustwatch photo ripnametag rockpaperscissors runningball unluckykwangsoo vjbloopers vjkwonreol Running Man members must find Little Prince outfits in a French village while being chased by the two guests. Afterwards two teams are formed and must perform classic European songs with assorted instruments and are judged by a panel. | 942 | 319 | 33.86% |
 | #247 - Happy Kwang Soo Day! 2015-05-17 10.2% No guests aquarium eating findtheguest flattery fool goodfeeling hiddencamera housewarming leekwangsoohouse membersfamily membershouse noguests pool poorkwangsoo scavenger visithome waterchairs Kwang Soo is the main character for the day, and doesn't know it. | 898 | 391 | 43.54% |
 | #249 - Jjajang Road: The Blacklist Race 2015-05-31 10.1% Kim Jun-hyun Uee (After School) badjihyo battleship bellyfight bestofkwangsoo crazykwangsoo fight food gangsterjihyo goodfeeling goodguests idol jjajang kwangmong kwangsooloveline mustwatch rockpaperscissors | 720 | 272 | 37.78% |
 | #014 - Boramae Safety Experience Center 2010-10-17 10.0% Lizzy (After School) 1versus 1vs8 369 acejihyo bibobibo framerkwangsoo hotpants idol mckwangsoo microphone mondaycouple musicalchair punishment ripnametag runningball secretmission singing thief Busan's country girl Lizzy (From group Afterschool) returns for another exciting episode taking place in Boramae Safety Experience Center. | 1001 | 175 | 17.48% |
 | #201 - Running Man vs. Idols 2014-06-22 10.0% Choi Min-ho (Shinee) Hoya (Infinite) Hwang Chan-sung (2PM) Jung Jin-young (B1A4) Kang Min-hyuk (CNBLUE) Kim Sung-kyu (Infinite) Yoon Bo-ra (Sistar) animals apink basketball dancing idols mud relay rmteam runningmanvs | 764 | 184 | 24.08% |
 | #250 - Dashing Through Time 2015-06-07 10.0% Daesung (Big Bang) G-Dragon (Big Bang) Seungri (Big Bang) T.O.P (Big Bang) Taeyang (Big Bang) basketball bigbang choiminsoo idols platform racecars relay spinning timetravel wardrobemalfunction water | 846 | 280 | 33.10% |
 | #260 - The Million Seller Race (5th Anniversary Special Part 1) 2015-08-16 10.0% Joon Park (g.o.d) Kim Gun-mo Koo Jun-yup (CLON) Lee Ha-neul (DJ DOC) Lee Jae-hoon (Cool) citizens ddakdji discs idols legends personalstories singing | 646 | 96 | 14.86% |
 | #271 - The 100 vs. 100 Race (1) 2015-11-01 9.9% Chang Jung-koo Chi In-jin Choi Kyung-ho DJ Pumkin (AOMG) DJ R2 Go Woo-ri (Rainbow) Heo Tae-hee Hwang Choong-jae Hyun Joo-yup Jung Doo-hong Jung Tae-ho Juvie Train (Buga Kingz) Kim Jun-hyun Kim Ki-bang Kim Ki-tae Kim Kwang-kyu Kim Soo-yong Kim Won-hyo King Kong Lee Jung Lee Sang-ho Lee Sang-min Lee Won-hee Lim Hyung-jun Lim Ju-hwan Lim Seul-ong (2AM) Linda M.TySON Ma Ah-sung Mino (Free Style) Noh Ji-sim Nuol Oh Jung-suk Park Geun-sik Recto Luz Sam Hammington San Shim Hyung-tak Superbee Taemi Uee (After School) Wang-bae Yang Sang-gook Yoon Park Young-jun (Brown Eyed Soul) Yui-yeop Zion Luz (Rapercussion) athleteguests athletes competition competitiveguests friends games goodfeeling hahascheme idols mustwatch producer ripnametag rmteam teamwork | 868 | 319 | 36.75% |
 | #049 - The Bodyguards 2011-06-26 9.8% Goo Hara (Kara) Noh Sa-yeon badjihyo briefcase carry cars coffee driving fddongwan food gangsterjihyo hands idol onetwopunchvj piggyback poorkwangsoo queen tossing unluckykwangsoo watergun The men of Running Man pair up and have to find their Queen, then protect and pamper her throughout various missions, ending in an epic watergun showdown. | 839 | 150 | 17.88% |
 | #207 - Ji Suk-jin and Friends 2014-08-03 9.8% Kim Hee-chul (Super Junior) Kim Je-dong Lee So-yeon Nam Hee-suk Park Soo-hong armwrestle dodgeball friends gold goodguests idol idols kwangsooloveline mondaycouple mud relay runningmanvs sukjinwin | 700 | 88 | 12.57% |
 | #191 - Adventures in Australia - Part III 2014-03-30 9.7% Kim Woo-bin Rain australia ddakdji ddakji international ripnametag wildwest | 689 | 131 | 19.01% |
 | #203 - One Day Tour Race 2014-07-06 9.7% Baek Sung-hyun Cha Yu-ram Fabien Heo Kyung-hwan Ji Sung Ju Ji-hoon Sam Okyere Son Na-eun (Apink) Yoon Bo-mi (Apink) apink idols ripnametag spy tour | 707 | 111 | 15.70% |