| #154 - Shanghai Dream Cup 2013 2013-07-14 15.3% Koo Ja-cheol Park Ji-sung Patrice Evra Sulli (f(x)) acupressure bestofseokjin foreigners funnyguests headers idol manchesterunited mondaycouple mustwatch photo skipping smiling soccer tossing ttakji A soccer superstar is introduced and various challenges are held between two teams (ttakji, straw soccer, acupressure rope skipping, and a header match). The winner of each match receives a ticket allowing the soccer superstars to select a Running Man member to compete in the Dream Cup soccer match. A hilarious free-kick photozone challenge is held where the opposing team gets to kick the ball against the other team who must be smiling in the photo. The highlight of this episode is at the end where the actual Dream Cup is held. | 754 | 191 | 25.33% |
 | #229 - Making Couple Race 2015-01-11 15.3% Lee Seo-jin Lee Seung-gi Moon Chae-won candidcamera fool mondaycouple obstaclecourse secretmission spy | 671 | 85 | 12.67% |
 | #066 - Nationwide Tour Race 2011-10-30 15.0% Kim Sun-a Song Joong-ki breakfast costumes flowerboys funnyjaesuk gangs jumping mondaycouple morningmission poorkwangsoo sleepingjihyo spartace | 794 | 126 | 15.87% |
 | #143 - Superpower Karaoke Race 2013-04-28 14.9% Kim In-kwon Lee Kyung-kyu Ryu Hyun-kyung acejihyo dodgeball eggs karaoke mondaycouple ripnametag spa teams unluckykwangsoo | 740 | 186 | 25.14% |
 | #132 - Actors (Spy) vs. Singers (Spy) 2013-02-10 14.8% Hwang Jung-min Hyuna Park Sung-woong bags bestofkwangsoo cards chopsticks dumbanddumber easybrothers fddongwan hideandseek idol mustwatch ripnametag secret spy teams teamwork There are two teams and a spy has been planted in each. After completing some challenges on the streets, the real action begins when both teams must retrieve money bags and give them to the big boss. | 868 | 389 | 44.82% |
 | #182 - Hong Kong Fan's Race 2014-01-26 14.8% Min Do-hee (Tiny-G) Yeo Jin-goo Yim Si-wan (ZE:A) acupressure chess easybrothers fangames flyingchair funguests goodconcept goodfeeling idol mondaycouple mustwatch oneofthebest pool ripnametag spartace unluckykwangsoo water | 819 | 339 | 41.39% |
 | #055 - High School Girl Idols Special 2011-08-07 14.6% Bae Suzy (miss A) Luna (f(x)) Park Ji-yeon (T-ara) Sulli (f(x)) bells byul couplerace couples dancing food hideandseek idols mustwatch pedometer pencilsharpener piggyback rmvsstaff wristband High school couples must complete various challenges before an elimination game at a school. | 896 | 217 | 24.22% |
 | #179 - Running Man Cooking Battle (1) 2014-01-05 14.4% John Park Kim Jae-kyung (Rainbow) Kim Kyung-ho Kim Sung-kyu (Infinite) Lee Dong-wook Park Soo-hong Song Kyung-ah cooking cookingbattle idols mondaycouple | 724 | 101 | 13.95% |
 | #028 - Ansung Natural Resort 2011-01-30 14.3% Kim Byung-man dancing fddongwan findtheguest karaoke meepmeep mondaycouple nunchucks pogostick pylon randommrcapable runningball singing sitting trafficcone turbo walkietalkie weigh This episode takes place at a spa and the special guest is known for his acrobatic stunts. Running Man members must find him among other people at the spa and do diet karaoke and stunt challenges against Kim Byung-man. | 915 | 225 | 24.59% |
 | #062 - Running Man in China, Part 2 2011-09-25 14.3% Kang Ji-young (Kara) Kim Joo-hyuk Lee Yeon-hee china idol international jackiechan onetwopunchvj playboyhaha ripnametag songjihyo spy | 865 | 217 | 25.09% |
 | #173 - Superpower Baseball 2013-11-24 14.2% Bae Suzy (miss A) Hyun-jin Ryu baseball coinflip dance idol idols powers superpowers teams | 727 | 160 | 22.01% |
 | #029 - COEX Aquarium 2011-02-06 14.1% No guests aquarium balance driving membercooperation nicknames noguests photo pool runningball teamwin Jae Suk and Jong Kook compete to see how many of the Running Man members will join them in their car to the aquarium. There they take photos of animals/objects that resemble other members, and undergo a team challenge where they must pass each other on a balance beam in a pool without falling. | 919 | 228 | 24.81% |
 | #065 - Chase 2011-10-23 14.1% Kim Joo-hyuk Kim Sun-a blinking cars chase dice easybrothers food mondaycouple secretagent secretguest sharpjongkook singing sleepingjihyo train trainstopquest treasure unluckykwangsoo | 798 | 63 | 7.89% |
 | #078 - Chohanji 2012-01-22 14.1% Hong Soo-hyun Lee Beom-soo badjihyo daesangaward ddakdji gangsterjihyo hahavsjihyo happynewyear heartrate kwangmong kwangsooloveline maposiblings quiz yoodaesang | 775 | 81 | 10.45% |
 | #159 - Couple Race 2013-08-18 14.1% Choi Jung-in Jo Jung-chi (Mystic89) John Park Kim Kwang-kyu Lim Kim (Togeworl) Park Sang-myun Sayuri Fujita boat couplerace couples dance elimination fddongwan gold goldbars goodfeeling mondaycouple quiz stream swimmingpool water | 804 | 342 | 42.54% |