Episode #726 - Be Clever to Trust

Broadcast Date: 2024-11-03

Watches: 252 (6ixthsen5e, ace21r, aciel, agasthya, agnetiks, aishamamri, akmalwan, alexxem, alexzheng, andrg1l, anorganicboat, anothermissdrama, anthayashi, astig, avivi, basilkate, bearypink, beeta, benjo, berobot, bid, bob545, bonus, borabora, bunny89700, bzysun, calbeeplus, camboro, choilachay, christinechune156gmailcom, chukki, citoe, cjace00, clhor, cmiyc, cookieyukimahlabidabs, cosmia, csicskagyasz, cygnus, dannyskoos, darkch0c0late, diakammo, diantama, dinojunior, dippy, doberman286, dunnowh0, edche, editherideul, ellichiu, ellieotto, emircarmell, entropix, eqtor, ethankuo, exolola, ezzense, fareast01, fcksollis, fi10mo, filsah, finnmorning, frostiris, gareth, garf, geny696, gokomoly, gomiman, grayphantom, gtwhat, hagi, hakuna, halyangdream7012, hyams, hykzqwmx, icarustc, ikyr, iman0701, infiresjamy, insinuationism, izzummy, jaaj, jacktiew, jaein, jai25limyahoocom, jat93, jay1130, jayjay026, jennifer, jimmyac, joannachia, joshuji3333, julie, jumbell01, justarunningfan, kaezkaez, kanghoony, karthyhu, kawaki, kbt, keiciaa, kexopop, key, khuynh180, kiirosoul, kimsarang, kingkong, kingsel, kkkkkkkkkk, kkukiefan, krimurox, krissel, kulukbana, likableloser, linden, lite, loffy71, lomily, lusa, madyannejacobe, marcaxabado, marwahzd, mayupi, mcrypt1, mdomingo5, memeory66, mfpos, miasanmia, michael555, mingo, minthetkhine, misterliyum, mj28, mrmaebart, mslizacajilig, naksu, nam, nark, natasya, nathirah, natsudrage, nayeon88, ndhrosli, nepscer, nervx6, nottvi24, ogrunningfan, oliverngliang95318hotmailcom, pewok, picle, plongerman, potatoe, psar, pulgas08, qatriq, qqmotion, raileeeyy, raz, red5fly, rh4lf, rm123, rmjihyo, rmm0m24, runningmanwatcher455, saimin, salalala, saltedpillow, sanashyshyshy, sansan99, saolo, seceer, sedifus, shiina, shinthomas, shiv42534, silveratlas, simplejuan, slimyslimy, slooth15, sneako, snowflake123, snowywhitelinen, solomonher, songhojin, sporetwins, stan45, stephenehhh, suttu, swethaj, tapatuti, tdc000, tes123, theahuramazda, throwexcess, treyjean, txente, tywwyt, tzullyoona, ub9, ulazy198, viciobr, vizta, vyshali, vzng, wes, wsxvrd, xaroya, yazidehier, yinsi, yuankhai1996, zerraphim, zxcvbnmyoshi, 40 private users)

Faves: 40 (abbyphqi, anson0814, aqua12581yahoocom, arloo, arrowtotheknee, avivi, bforbutter, dcswing08gmailcom, dinkiv, dippy, doozy, fasuyifsuh, fezza, halyangdream7012, heta, jay1130, junco21, kkukiefan, monkyun, naksu, natsudrage, panapple, runmanrobo, runningmanlover3, runningmanwatcher455, samuraiguy, satsuki, sl21, smooffy1234, snowywhitelinen, stryker789, throwexcess, totorohugs, trinleedugem, ub9, 5 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 15.87%

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