Episode #727 - Presumptuous Election for Class President

Broadcast Date: 2024-11-10

Watches: 228 (4krora, 6ixthsen5e, abhay2440, ace21r, aciel, adamsyafiq, agnetiks, akmalwan, alenalinyygmailcom, alexxem, alexzheng, alianabilahamzah, amadeusmozart1728, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, anthayashi, arenaf, artemisia, aruf, asassin, asen0106, ashntim01, astig, avivi, b0unce77, basilkate, berobot, bl1nk, bob545, brice1, brokenpencil, bunny89700, burnice24, calbeeplus, camboro, cartnewzator, chapalin, christinechune156gmailcom, chukki, citoe, clhy, cosmia, csicskagyasz, cygnus, danielchiuhaha, dannyskoos, darkch0c0late, derek97, dgtran2003, diakammo, diendpoop, diorbaby, dippy, dlt, dunnowh0, e2thebeat, edche, ellieotto, emircarmell, entropix, eqtor, eracia19, everybodyhateschrismay, exolola, ezzense, faisalafzaltest1gmailcom, fatou, finnmorning, fionay, flashback, frostiris, geny696, ggwp263, gino, gokomoly, gomiman, grayphantom, greenkoala7, gustivan, hagi, halyangdream7012, hanaryena, heizey, hideme25, hyams, hzelnt, iman0701, impjingxp, infiresjamy, inoodle23, insignificant, insinuationism, ispranaypink, itssharm, ivanpuayap, izzummy, j7loa, jaaj, jaein, jaimeehan, jat93, jay1130, jennifer, jeverlyfelton, jimmyac, joyal, julie, jumbell01, kanghoony, karthyhu, kbt, kebiasaan01, keiciaa, key, khuynh180, kiirosoul, kkkkkkkkkk, kkurakkura, kokakprincess, kopio0, krissel, kyros, lahiuvea, likitomi22, lite, lorentzon, lusa, madyannejacobe, marcaxabado, mayochen, mdomingo5, melbb, mfpos, michael555, mimiapa, mingo, minthetkhine, misterliyum, mrmaebart, naksu, natsudrage, nayeon88, nottvi24, pespunoza8, pham, picle, plongerman, pommags04, psar, qatriq, qin886, qqmotion, rapidviolin, raz, red5fly, rm123, rmjihyo, ruatfelakhiangte, runningmanla, runningmanwatcher455, saimin, saltedpillow, saolo, saraexol015, sechkiels, shinchanmj, silveratlas, simoon, sivajipro, siwe, slooth15, smick, snakebacon, snowywhitelinen, solomonher, soniamo, sseulgish, stan45, suburbian, sush, tdc000, tes123, theahuramazda, thiccfree, trmyshtn, txente, tzullyoona, ub9, vizta, vzng, woshinyx, wsxvrd, xaroya, xy127, yanyilee, yazidehier, ybjlh, ydv8u9zeq, yenzin, yoslime, zhanglb, zulco, 26 private users)

Faves: 27 (alievavea, anson0814, arloo, bforbutter, eswassistant, eugmusta, fasuyifsuh, gkdhkdl, halyangdream7012, hanaryena, jay1130, kkurakkura, mikeira, naksu, natsudrage, panapple, smick, stryker789, tacituskilgore, tes123, trinleedugem, tunyaing, tvn, yanyilee, ykana123, 2 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 11.84%

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