Episode #733 - Cool Year-End Party, Part 2

Broadcast Date: 2024-12-22

Watches: 264 (6ixthsen5e, ace21r, aciel, agnetiks, ahjussi, ahmedsmadi97, ahreeyah, ainun, akmalwan, alankay1, alexxem, alexzheng, alicegogo, alisonr00, alveolate96, amen111111yahoocomhk, amirrrrr, annru, anorganicboat, anorganiclifeform, anthayashi, anu1819118359, artemisia, ashyyaaa, astig, attila000, aumetsu1, avivi, ayedee, bellald, ben1879, birdhouse1110, blezyrvra, blmyrunningman, bob545, brandon0902, brent, bunny89700, burningmetal, calbeeplus, calic0, camboro, chachi, chaos8377, chis, chris8789, christinechune156gmailcom, chukki, citoe, cjace00, csicskagyasz, cygnus, dan20, dana1926, darkch0c0late, dazeu, dian, diantama, dori, drobin, dubdub, duenally, dunnowh0, dvi9, edche, ejung8377, ellieotto, emircarmell, entropix, eqtor, ernajosette, eunicemae, exolola, ezzense, fettuccine2016, freian11, frostiris, fum2164m, gabrielsimm, garima, garink, geenwereldkind, geny696, gg11, goguadze11, gokomoly, gomiman, gowtham, grayphantom, guccicho, hagi, halyangdream7012, hanaryena, hanhyojoo, helenbeulah, hmd, hyams, icarustc, impjingxp, infinitejk, infiresjamy, insinuationism, irfanrazak, izzummy, jaaj, jaein, jalal810zeengmailcom, jay1130, jayw, jcleeok, jelariosa, jennifer, jermloverunningman, jhayzelle, jimmyac, jkbestboyyy, joeyyyy, johnwongzy, jozozow, justarunningfan, kanghoony, karthyhu, kaybee, keiciaa, kennethlim1990, kenzheng, kevinw86, kexopop, key, khlee, khuynh180, kiirosoul, kikitobio, kira75, kirito98, kitkit2024, kkkkkkkkkk, kokoaiman95, kolobos, korehyun, krissel, lalalisa, lazygeb, lecool3, lucasboy033, lyxz, madyannejacobe, mahi1525, maoudanzel, marcaxabado, maryann, maulani, mayupi, mcrypt1, mdanas, memeory66, menat, mfpos, mij, mimie, mingo, minthetkhine, mkkhanh, mrkspov, mrmaebart, musbi3001, nervx6, nicnicnicnic, nixie, noman, ogrunningfan, pallavi, pewok, picle, plongerman, pschkllr, qatriq, qqmotion, qtran036, raz, realkeni, redsfans10, riashi, rizen2024, runinggggmanjihhhhyo, runnerrex, saiiiimiiiii, saimin, saltedpillow, sedifus, sf121205, shibafubuki97, shibuyagumi, siamansi, silveratlas, simplejuan, sjh21, skt, slooth15, sme, smhmatrix, snowywhitelinen, solomonher, susie, syuhaira, tdc000, terpikathujan, terrytary, tes123, theahuramazda, tinks, toprun, tsa, txente, tzullyoona, ujol, useriskat, vinmi22, vizta, voldejk, vpcca, watchrunm, watermelon35, witchinghour, wjgk, wsxvrd, yanyilee, yassinariffin, yazidehier, yinsi, zaluka, 33 private users)

Faves: 56 (alexzheng, anorganiclifeform, aprilsohoo, argyrxs, artemisia, attila000, bforbutter, blaziken800, cath01, debu, dinkiv, duenally, ellzack, eugmusta, ezzense, fishwhiskers, halyangdream7012, hmd, impjingxp, jalfrz, jalfz, jennifer, js1, khuynh180, lennmae, louisecara, noobhot, panapple, rabbtwigg, runinggggmanjihhhhyo, silenttris, sl21, snocly, snowywhitelinen, soto, sparrowes, tacituskilgore, trinleedugem, urara09, willaxs, yanyilee, ykana123, zarith, zjyeung, 12 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 21.21%

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