Episode #724 - Hierarchical Clan

Broadcast Date: 2024-10-20

Watches: 235 (6ixthsen5e, aaliasharma2001gmailcom, ace21r, aciel, agnetiks, ahreeyah, akmalwan, alexxem, alexzheng, angeloppa, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, anthayashi, artemisia, astig, avivi, azzubirs, basilkate, bbgum, berobot, blacksoul, bob545, bunny89700, calbeeplus, camboro, chantie, chapalin, chukki, citoe, clair707, cosmia, csicskagyasz, cygnus, dannyskoos, darkch0c0late, dayle, diakammo, diantama, dkim1, doberman286, dunnowh0, edche, elbert, eli12, ellieotto, emircarmell, entropix, eqtor, exolola, ezzense, fakrishaifudin, farhan2013, finnmorning, floraluz23, frostiris, geny696, gift, gohbinli18, gokomoly, gomiman, grayphantom, hagi, halyangdream7012, ham, hanaryena, heera, hl210, hungrymommae, hyams, icarustc, impjingxp, infiresjamy, insinuationism, izzummy, j0k3r10n, jaaj, jaein, jennifer, jhonm, jimmyac, joji, jumbell01, justarunningfan, kabaolor10, kanghoony, karthyhu, kbt, kcommon, kdramasssss, keiciaa, kexopop, key, kiirosoul, kimsarang, kitkit2024, kkkkkkkkkk, kkurakkura, krissel, krndwng, liisamoon, likha, linxexo, liphen, lite, longbowman, lorddehe, luncheonmeatspam, lusa, marcaxabado, maria03, maxunlimited, mdomingo5, megaloman, meja, mfpos, michael555, mingo, minniele, minthetkhine, misterliyum, mounika, mrmaebart, mynameisneth, na0, naksu, nami162, natsudrage, newfoundent, noonateh, norah, nursingbsm, ogrunningfan, ohrimas, pearlymiu, picle, pintoebeans, plongerman, polliuss, psar, qatriq, qqmotion, ravesrz, raz, red5fly, remo, renomaguy, rjdeleon, rm123, rmgirin, rmjihyo, rosesky027, runningmanwatcher455, saimin, saltedpillow, saolo, sarahlou, sbayle, seihakreach, shafwan1989, shairiel, silveratlas, sivajipro, snh, snowywhitelinen, solomonher, sonylali, sosomanes94, sporetwins, sugarhigh1, sumairu, swethaj, tdc000, teju, tes123, test1, tham10, theahuramazda, throwexcess, toinette, tuah81, tubsen, txente, tzullyoona, unknownkiller, untargeted, urimkim, vani, vincedotlink, vizta, vzng, welethaes, winfox70, wsxvrd, xavierhoxh, xlemuel, yanskrrt, yanyilee, yas, yazidehier, yinsi, yuankhai1996, yumiyoimiya, zohaahmed4328gmailcom, 32 private users)

Faves: 59 (ace21r, adakail, adinansi, alexzheng, arloo, arrowtotheknee, axolotls, bforbutter, bini, blaziken800, daantje, dannykaizen, dinkiv, emilio0, ernestlimjw, euhgnaw, ezzense, fasuyifsuh, fezza, firlachiel, fishwhiskers, gradertake863, halyangdream7012, hanaryena, jennifer, key, kkurakkura, lovinxuan, magenta, mdi007, modestgoddess79, monkyun, muratk13, na0, nami162, natsudrage, nellbell, neshiiyo, ohonezero, phant0m, plongerman, pudsterchingu, redchicken, sistyrs, slopasdw, snowywhitelinen, stryker789, throwexcess, totorohugs, yanskrrt, yanyilee, zen30103, zzzkkklol, 6 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 25.11%

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