Episode #704 - Wonderful Value for Money, Part 2

Broadcast Date: 2024-05-12

Watches: 253 (3rag0n, 4danbi4, 6ixthsen5e, aciel, akmalwan, alessia, alexxem, alexzheng, amaes, angellox, angelwings08010, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, anthayashi, anya1012, apopolypse, aqsa, armybool, astig, atj22774, avivi, axur, azkjk, azzubirs, bananas, basilkate, batpoopcrazy, bcth2023, bibioux, blackninja902, borabora, braxis, bunny89700, calbeeplus, camboro, celinesm, cherryqueen, chlzslvdr, cjace00, cron, crqmson, csicskagyasz, cybellecliomendez, cyfekt, cygnus, dan1073, dannyskoos, darkch0c0late, diakammo, dippy, discomonkey69, dunnowh0, ellieotto, emanskie, emilyhu, emircarmell, entropix, esqueleton, exolola, ezzense, fanny18, fatboiownz, finnmorning, flo, floweringyouth, frostiris, gara, geny696, gericzx, ggbye, gina, gomiman, grayphantom, hagi, hakuna, halyangdream7012, hariez, heh97, hyams, hyeseok, icarustc, icemarbl, iman0701, infiresjamy, insinuationism, isa, ishtar, ivanh12, jaaj, jaein, jamesrepuela, jayyvonlovergmailcom, jelsomino, jetalone, jinxylolo, jm13015, joji, jumbell01, justinntyne, juun, karthyhu, kbt, keiciaa, key, khuynh180, kiirosoul, kingaphrodite, kitkot, knhuynh7, krissel, kyotoprotocol, layover, lenalfttt, lite, lusa, lydiamauch, mahima2002, malika, marcaxabado, margauxch, marycarrenlariosagmailcom, maryiyah, mdomingo5, mendozarichard, mfpos, michael555, mintchoco, minthetkhine, miriapradita, mirror2true, misshangry, mnireina, mochisu, momo123456, monsuta8, morrisseyallie, motr8la, mozart1, mra, mrmaebart, munaakapotato, myalexx14, na0, naksu, natsudrage, nethu, nevra, oasl, ogrunningfan, ohrimas, ombak, oni, pallavisingh, papatonk, patttyyllavor, peekapooka, philkim, picle, plongerman, popoyskie, psar, purplerain, qatriq, qqmotion, raiszaha, rakurai, raz, rm123, rosesky027, rundb, runningman0928, runningmanwatcher455, saimin, salmon, saltedpillow, sandra, shamab2, shinchan9012, silveratlas, sivajipro, snehsarang, solomonher, sostrange, sweetblack, synphonia, talbert, tdc000, teamyuyu, teecei, theahuramazda, tineeeyy11, tulip, tumra, tumra1, txente, tzullyoona, ub9, uchu, victorrsmc, vinunleaded, vst1e, winky22, wizard33, wooseoksweat, yanyilee, yazidehier, yoyo92, yuankhai1996, yuina, yulinachris, yuppy, zaix, zhehaotu, 40 private users)

Faves: 41 (08kua, 3violet, 6ixthsen5e, alexzheng, allrnt, amaes, angellox, anothermissdrama, apopolypse, batpoopcrazy, blazeddoughnut, borabora, brainiacgeekster, cjace00, dinkiv, dragonslayer64, dzero, eugmusta, firlachiel, gkdhkdl, halyangdream7012, harusanjokes, heh97, jaewooking, jl050503, kjnfwekfnwef, lovelypenguin24, na0, natsudrage, nethu, niklu17, pacil, skya500, sweetalmighty, theahuramazda, tineeeyy11, xsilversnow, yohohoho, yulinachris, 2 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 16.21%

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