Episode #701 - The 2nd Futsal Running Cup

Broadcast Date: 2024-04-21

Watches: 291 (3rag0n, 4danbi4, 6ixthsen5e, ace21r, aciel, adamfahmi, ahreeyah, aiyaz, akmalwan, akong, alexxem, alexzheng, amorey, anamaria, andrg1l, annelilavla, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, anthayashi, asiaprince, astig, audreygracekoo, avivi, axur, azkjk, azzubirs, bananas, barabuckets, basilkate, batpoopcrazy, bcth2023, berobot, blackninja902, bob545, boopboopbeepsheep, borabora, braxis, bunny89700, calbeeplus, camboro, carbonjello, carmelaflores513, celsiuss, chapalin, chatterino, cherryqueen, chlzslvdr, cindstrmdl, cjace00, clouds, cosmia, crazyinlovewithrunningman, csicskagyasz, cyfekt, cygnus, dan1073, dannyskoos, darkch0c0late, detojagk, diakammo, diantama, dibhise, dippy, discomonkey69, doberman286, dunnowh0, dyran7, edelweiss, edwonlim, ellieotto, emanskie, emilyhu, entropix, eqtor, esqueleton, exolola, ezzense, fatboiownz, feliseelize, finnmorning, fkurlogin, frostiris, gara, gentakterbang, geny696, gericzx, girafe, grayphantom, hagi, hakuna, halyangdream7012, hanarm, heckle, heyitsbai, hteza, hyams, hylss, icemarbl, iman0701, impjingxp, insinuationism, insukrho, isabellamini, ivanh12, iwa, jaaj, jaein, jamesrepuela, jat93, jaysonli, jennifer, jetalone, jhenjhen, jimizs0, jimmyac, jinxylolo, jokale, jtoverated, jumbell01, justinntyne, kae7012, kanghoony, kaolin, karthyhu, kbt, keiciaa, kellydiane, kertor, key, khuynh180, kiirosoul, kingaphrodite, knhuynh7, krissel, kroppskudde, kyos, laim22, lauren, lazylayxe, lengs31, lilizfzfghukjkjhjvhgjcgjjg, lite, lovelyrunner123, lusa, mabrur88, marc2623, marcaxabado, marwahzd, mdomingo5, mfpos, michael555, mintchoco, minthetkhine, misshangry, misterliyum, mnireina, mojojako19, monsuta8, motr8la, mozart1, mrmaebart, mrmuse, munaakapotato, na0, naksu, natsudrage, neko, ni, nicholastan94, oasl, ogrunningfan, ohrimas, onemanarmy98, ornerlia, papatonk, peasbutter, philkim, picle, plongerman, popoyskie, psar, purplerain, pyramidblack7, qatriq, qqmotion, raiszaha, raz, rh4lf, rm123, rm2k12, rosesky027, runningman101, runningmanwatcher455, saimin, salmon, saltedpillow, sam98tha, samid, saolo, shermanwu, shravs12, silveratlas, sivajipro, smgrm7777, snowywhitelinen, sofiahnadhirahbintizainuddin, solomonher, somedude2623, songjaylee, sweetblack, synphonia, t836, tajmahal, tdc000, tedpenk, teecei, tes123, theahuramazda, theyallhere, thithein, tigerkjk88, tineeeyy11, ttkkbb, tulip, txente, tzullyoona, ub9, useriskat, verandrea, veyl3, victorrsmc, voidtuner, vst1e, vyap9702, winky22, wizard33, xavierhoxh, yazidehier, yoogang, youdidwellbling, yrapamuspusan, yuankhai1996, yuina, yzamarie, zaix, zee, zer03toya, zr, 43 private users)

Faves: 108 (08kua, 6ixthsen5e, adback, affi, aiyaz, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, aprilsohoo, arrowtotheknee, ashley13, ayedee, barabuckets, batpoopcrazy, bforbutter, blaziken800, carbonjello, clouds, cosmia, cosmicv, crazyinlovewithrunningman, cutiemihoyo, diantama, dinkiv, doberman286, dragonslayer64, drahcir49, dyeomp, emilyhu, eugmusta, evayop, ezzense, fae4, fishwhiskers, halyangdream7012, harusanjokes, hp1011, hyams, jdjd, jennifer, jepuzzle, jimizs0, joji, jrip, js1, kathynn, keese25, khuynh180, kimcharu, laim22, lewis0090, lupalapulak, mabrur88, maharaga, mikeira, monkyun, mootdoot, motr8la, na0, natsudrage, omilatte, pacil, parmeshawn, pasange, plongerman, qwertypotatoe, redtomatoo, regigtz, ryuuuz, sam98tha, samid, skya500, snowywhitelinen, sostrange, soto, ssho305, stryker789, sunanda, sweetalmighty, tedpenk, theyallhere, timmat, tineeeyy11, tkay101, totorohugs, txente, usernameusername, vaniexe, victorrsmc, wizard33, wtwizard4091, ykana123, yzamarie, zee, ziemelvin, 14 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 37.11%

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