Episode #676 - Minority's Paradise

Broadcast Date: 2023-10-22

Rating: 4.1%

Watches: 580 (10minuto, 19980509, 3rag0n, 4danbi4, 6ixthsen5e, aantoniojen, abitlovely, abzur, ace21r, aciel, addictingpie, adeshola, agnetiks, ahmadron89, aishamamri, aiyaz, akmalgunz, akmalwan, alexxem, alexzheng, allforsvt, alrudy, amethystloverr97, amndtrfn, amro, amurita, andreajiwonyi, andrewhan124, ang23, angeldeguzman, angelwings08010, annelilavla, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, anthayashi, anwar1990, apolloz, ariane08, artemisia, arya, ashlynt, asiaprince, asmaa, astig, atlanta14, avivi, axur, ayakenchin01, azkjk, azzubirs, baenizze, balaji, bananas, bareberrybear, basilkate, bastana, batuytuy, bcth2023, bearypink, bee, beyoutysoul, bid, bigbosshardfacts, bipbapbao, blackninja902, blakejorgenson, blgpoos, bloo, boblastly, boosdoor, brandoinho57, braxis, broooo, bruyaan, bugsbunny3110, bunny389, bunny89700, buscusting, butterflyliss, cagzkie, calbeeplus, caligmonk, calneca, caratdarling, carbonjello, cavfuncion, cen, chapalin, cherryqueen, chlzslvdr, chrispybell, 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rekt15, rhuefhwi, richardlois8, rm7, rmjihyo, ronrum, rosesky027, rowenacaoile, rozerenity, runmen, runningmanwatcher455, runningtokki, ruriknk, ruslaplass, ryel, ryushae, saimin, salmon, salt, saltedpillow, sancugat, sangiljane, saolo, schzone, sedifus, senajunc, seokmin, seoltangiya, shariagln, sheenzone, shermanwu, sherpass, shiina, shonshon, shookijan, shuaellahae, silveratlas, simplejuan, sincerelysire, sleepysquid, slimyslimy, smallcloud, sobacore, solomonher, somini, sominsbestie, sonomarijh, soonkku, sostrange, soysayso, spacebutterfly94, sparta, spartazey, srasinister, staneveryone, stephelles, suarez, sunflchoi, sweetblack, taekwondo, tangarine98, teecei, teju, tet, theahuramazda, thegigishingmailcom, theyallhere, throwexcess, timmychan, tineeeyy11, tinkvia, titinurhamidah123, tnmh, totorohugs, treynakz, tta, tulip, txente, tzullyoona, ubemochis, unniex3, user9282727282, usernamemaie, verandrea, vibewitmo94, vicky, victorrsmc, voidtuner, vst1e, waistkein, wandew, wanqrrain, 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Faves: 124 (08kua, 19980509, 4smands, 6ixthsen5e, aaudreyleee, ace21r, alexluv106, alexzheng, aligeo, annelilavla, annie59, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, arrowtotheknee, arya1220, bearypink, bforbutter, blazeddoughnut, boocarisweat, bunny389, cagzkie, caratdarling, ccpp, cjace00, darkch0c0late, dea12, deerarnold, dinkiv, diogocoelho, doggy, dokyeomsunflower, drunkenpie, dulipat, ekskiru, erijmo, etheryn, eugmusta, eychi, fasuyifsuh, fishwhiskers, fuyu, girafe, halyangdream7012, hamzzii, hananananana, harusanjokes, hyams, icamtspel, ida, ieea, itsava, itspolol, jaebubs, jemelisaina, jeongie, jeonwonunu, jiahengk, jj77545, jl050503, joan, jrip, kae7012, kjnfwekfnwef, kkukiefan, lilsafsaaf, lydiamauch, magenta, maharaga, marebear, marikamaru, masakosa, mina13, mindeulle, mona051, monkyun, natsudrage, ninetteclarabella, nixie, peachimya, prun, ptee18, purplepanda1319, rd, ronrum, roundface, saltedpillow, sia2102, skya500, smooffy1234, sonomarijh, sostrange, sprint, standaman31, stlblrn, svtboo23, sweetblack, t1ff4ny, tiarajasmine, tifffffff33333333, tineeeyy11, titinurhamidah123, tonnac, totorohugs, verandrea, victorrsmc, vst1e, vxs, woofsoju, wtwizard4091, wzsc, xunsets, yanyilee, zarax, 11 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 21.38%

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