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Episode #482 - Ghost Hunter Race

Broadcast Date: 2019-12-22 (filmed on 2019-12-02)

Location: Four Seasons Hotel Seoul (Dangju-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul)

Description: This week, Ryan Reynolds, Melanie Laurent, and Adria Arjona join the show to promote their new movie, 6 Underground. They pick three members from the Running Man cast to team up and fight full-heartedly against the rest. Watch these Hollywood superstars mingle Korean style!

Rating: 7.4%

Watches: 550 (2freealina, 4danbi4, abitlovely, abubakaz, abzur, ac1kt, ace21r, achayls, achikitalove, aciel, agnetiks, ailexeen, aiyaz, akmalwan, alec, alexzheng, alilou, altriane, amanda, aminaash, ancoraimparo, angelicious, annelilavla, anothermissdrama, anta, applepie, applesauce, ashaai, asiabreanna, astrosprinkle, ayakenchin01, ayeayeron, ayushikin, bananas, barabuckets, bernaberrr, bigbosshardfacts, binky, blackanfuni, bluechasing, bonzai, brandoinho57, brumbrum96, btyn7727, bubbleguy25, buddy, bullettime, bungkoes, bunsosoy, buscusting, cagzkie, callmetom, captainemohead, cchow97, champion, chanhalzkie, chapalin, cheese, chenhau, cherryqueen, chiltonchenggmailcom, cjace00, claroling, clem225, cloudgirl109, cloudysky, cmlcmm, dabby, daisyannatan88, darkch0c0late, darren08, daskaelj, dayz, dbryanrev, deadead, deigue, dekio, denn, devilnoangel, dho8202, dilatorily, dimasyopan, duenally, dunkelbluete, earvin19, elkakarotto, ellieotto, emilyhu, end01, enet, entropix, envuna, eschele12, estreyuh, etheryn, eudatg, exolola, faasian, fashionnom2, fatamorgana21, fathurroughman, fatou, filianalter, fitzvexia, flea, gabsouththth, ghiacstll, gilgamesh7012, girafe, giraffe00, gloss, goldik20, gonakuu, grayphantom, grizzly, hafiz12, hagi, hakuna, haluo, hamburglar, hananananana, hanzi, haririabd, harold564, haykalqayyum, hecate86, heebae, heheboi81, heronico, hmd, hollow27mc, hrjaems, hyejoo, hykzqwmx, iamcdr, icarustc, ichiro73, ida, iloveyok, iman0701, imchocopie, imreallydumb, ishop88, isodynamix, itazura, itisi, itzsamuel, ivanh12, ivantandela, izumixyung, jaaj, jabs, jaein, jas, jaywon, jclements, jeanellet, jeazzyy, jennifer, jeongie, jeongyeon, jiahengk, jiniwini, jinxylolo, jl050503, jmdp0014, joeil31, johnjeelee, johnstefan88, josh, joy2816, jraid, jumbell01, junglebert, justinbb7, justinntyne, jwangathan, jwgmyg, jwong02, kae7012, kainkinlen, kaitogutz, kandi, kaolin, karthyhu, kazechi, keese25, kenzoakabane, kevin0wens, kexopop, key, kiadeethee, killerbee02, kimtaehyuk, kingaphrodite, kingpan, kitsuto9012, kle, koya, kungfukielly, kurpagand, lambmastuh, lancenaive, largecokenoice, lawrencehsj, laxr, lazygeb, leahpizza, leessang, lemony09, leonid, liarya, lionel, lite, littlefriday13, littlephaipie, liyahikonic, logiburr, lokman, lolamo, longdame, lonky, lu0pam, mac93, mackers27, mandu, marebear, maroram, marvol, matchu, matthew, mattnac, maulvader, maycry159, mdindra12, meowlenne, mercuryfm, mfpos, mhy, michielcx, miggymacapagal, mikewangsa, mintpai, misterliyum, mmmlll, mncylrmanalastas, mojojako19, mokilo, monkeydcookie, monsuta8, motr8la, mrajusshi, mrkimi80, mrtodamhumble, myst, mzfmin, n3wbi3, namiazuki, natsudrage, nblanco37, ncunkd, neosjs, nerumin, nethu, netopia19, nigmo, nikhilagubbala, nikonface12, nimwa, niuxvip, nixie, njabagat, njdogino, nocklife, nononoze, nottoshabby98, nowarzz, nuno, nyrely, ojunhao, olivias, opepreo, oppanget, ozzphs, pandapanda10217, park1r, pasteijin, patrycja2000, peasbutter, phantom115, phatk, philkim, picle, pijonghoo, poemyboy, poisondart, porgand, pudeeng, purloin, purplerain, qqmotion, qtineeey, r0blovespizza, raaaawr, raiszaha, raz, reaperiosyt, restalious, rielmordechai, rielmrdch, rizqy, rizzychung, rmhanna, rmjack, rmwin, rochellemae18, rockdiamond222, rommeler, rorapark, runnercho2, runningmanong, runrunrun, runrunrunrun, rvnclws30, ryan1597, ryushae, sakura18, salmon, saltedpillow, sananwar, sandra10ung, saolo, sapphireblue, sara, saveourseouls, scarlet8060, schulighteu, schzone, scifrobacito, secondsky, shabnam, shaikha11, shamentari, shana08, sharu, shiin, shiina, shinramyun, shockery, siapasihdia6, silveratlas, sincerelysire, sirkelvino, sivajipro, sleepyfan, sleepysquid, slowcraik, sm1hkh, snowinter, sofiah, sololanz, solomonher, sominsbestie, sostrange, soysayso, sparta, srasinister, ss169, steve7h3ripper, suarez, sun, sunny8751, surrealstrawberry, sweetblack, sylveonanimation, synphonia, szheng, tamago, tangy, tephteph, tes123, thatoneboi, thatonecurryguy, thebaybabe, thebean, theindra, theo, tine21somia, toejimon, trashboat, txente, tzullyoona, ub9, unbeatableegg, undesconocido, urixingdae, us3n3t, usreq, vaniexe, verandrea, verunai, victoria, victorrsmc, vietbaguette, viktor, vinodpoovaiah, vst1e, wall, wandew, watermelonkoala, xepyonx, xhteng, yanadieyana98, yetsunak, yogavinyo, yrapamuspusan, ysasdiary, yua, yuina, yuriaik0, yzamarie, zainak, zallone, zee, zix, zkdzky, zmoser, zuchat, zunzelf, 121 private users)

Faves: 87 (alexzheng, amaz180, amberenflame, angippoong, ariyaruizu, basilkate, bentsai10, blazeddoughnut, buddy, callmetom, chenhau, cyc421, doggy, dunkelbluete, exolola, hamburglar, hansybarts36, herois555, hykzqwmx, imchocopie, itzsamuel, izacle, jaein, jennacoriiin, jl050503, johanal, kae7012, kathrynbrowning, kawaiidreamer, kevin0wens, key, laxr, leekwangsooforeva, lime02, littlephaipie, maroram, masakosa, mfpos, monsuta8, mrjoshvdz, namiazuki, natsudrage, nethu, nixiepuff, njabagat, qtineeey, r0blovespizza, regigtz, rielmrdch, rizzybanks9, rizzychung, rockdiamond222, runnercho2, ryan1597, secondsky, selinco, serenaji, sl21, sonder, ssamyuljin07, stryker789, sweetalmighty, sweetloouuu, taniadom, txente, verandrea, verunai, vincentd1, wc, xandas, xtezuka, zek, 15 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 15.82%

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