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Episode #402 - Zombie Couple Race

Broadcast Date: 2018-05-27 (filmed on 2018-05-14)

Location: AK Resort (Seorak-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do)

Description: Seol Hyun and Hye Jeong of AOA have come back as summer queens! Winner's Song Min Ho and Kang Seung Yoon, who have conquered both the music charts and variety shows, also greet the viewers. In addition, Joo E of Momoland and Da Young of WJSN have also tagged along. This week's race is called Zombie Couple Race. The members and the guests are divided into seven teams. Among the teams are two zombies. The humans need to gather hints in order to reveal who the zombies are. Who are the zombies, and who will be the survivors? Will the zombies win, or will the human race gain victory?

Rating: 6.4%

Watches: 639 (4danbi4, abdul, abhinbn, abitlovely, abubakaz, abzur, ac1kt, achayls, adler08, aerenzn, agnetiks, ailexeen, aiyaz, akmalwan, akmc616, alec, alexzheng, alilou, alliric, altriane, amanda, aminaash, ancoraimparo, andresugito07, angelicious, animeln, animelover, aniszekk, annelilavla, anothermissdrama, aosmine, appelbanaan, applepie, ariacyj, audreyackles, ayakenchin01, ayalungiii, ayeayeron, balaji, bamiebam, bananas, bbbbbbbrrrrrrr, bernaberrr, bigbosshardfacts, blackanfuni, bluechasing, bonzai, brandoinho57, brumbrum96, btyn7727, buddy, bullettime, bungkoes, cagzkie, callmetom, captainemohead, carracas, cation0, cecilia171, champion, chanhalzkie, chapalin, chenhau, cherryqueen, cjace00, claroling, claxe, clem225, cloudgirl109, cloudysky, cmlcmm, criuss, csicskagyasz, cygnus, dabby, dan1073, dandandoodles, darkch0c0late, darren08, dayz, dbryanrev, deadead, deigue, dekio, demonlordie, denn, devilnoangel, df1145, dimasyopan, djae102, duenally, dunkelbluete, earvin19, eduard, 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Faves: 71 (alexzheng, angelicious, arrowtotheknee, brumbrum96, callmetom, cely, charlotte06840, cherryqueen, deigue, dilly105, drxen, dunkelbluete, eswassistant, fjthomas, foxxi, gloss, gryczalke, historiaj, hp1011, itzsamuel, jimsoggybottom, johanal, junco21, kawaiidreamer, key, lime02, maycry159, migskatipunero, moonstar, mori, mrandytran, nikhilagubbala, njabagat, ozzphs, pasange, pijonghoo, pinkmochi, pruthvi28, qtineeey, rizzychung, rmjack, rockdiamond222, runnercho2, runningmanph, shankaire, ssamyuljin07, stryker789, valv, victorjhy, west, williamtse91, wtwizard4091, xandas, xtezuka, zek, zmoser, 15 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 11.11%

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