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Episode #341 - Dangerous Deal

Broadcast Date: 2017-03-05 (filmed on 2017-02-20)

Location: Mapo District (Seoul)

Description: This week, it’s a match between the Running Man members and the staff. The team with more Running Balls will have a higher chance of winning. If the members win, a staff’s house will become their resting place. If the staff wins, one of the members’ houses will need to be sacrificed. Mission: Earn the Running Balls.

Rating: 6.4%

Watches: 516 (12345k, 4danbi4, abitlovely, abubakaz, abzur, ac1kt, achayls, adler08, aerenzn, agnetiks, ailexeen, akmalwan, alec, alexzheng, alilou, alinaperes, aljumanji, alliric, amanda, aminaash, ancoraimparo, andresugito07, angeldiz, animeln, animelover, annelilavla, anorganiclifeform, anothermissdrama, aosmine, ariacyj, asiabreanna, asiaprince, astrosprinkle, avivi, ayakenchin01, ayalungiii, ayeayeron, babybluebonny, bananas, bernaberrr, bigbosshardfacts, binky, blackanfuni, bluechasing, bogartdr16, brandoinho57, brumbrum96, btyn7727, bullettime, bungkoes, butterflyliss, cagzkie, caleefornia, captainemohead, catanacatarina, cation0, cbty, champion, chanhalzkie, chenhau, cherryqueen, cjace00, clem225, cligba, cloudgirl109, cloudysky, cmlcmm, cmpauls3, cygnus, dabby, darkch0c0late, darren08, daskaelj, dayz, dbryanrev, deadead, deculein, def4lt89, deigue, delainey, demonlordie, denn, devilnoangel, dimasyopan, drayko, duenally, earvin19, eirkuys, emilyhu, emloverm, envuna, epic, eschele12, etheryn, eudatg, exolola, extremeprobro, fashionnom2, fatamorgana21, fathurroughman, fatou, fishwhiskers, fitzvexia, fjthomas, flea, foxxi, frozenization, furiousboy, gabsouththth, geltimoteo, geng2010, ghiacstll, gilgamesh7012, girafe, giraffe00, gloss, gonakuu, gray1701, grizzly, gttod, hafiz12, hagi, hakuna, haluo, hananananana, haririabd, haykalqayyum, heebae, heheboi81, heika, hisui, hmd, hollow27mc, hybridanious, hykzqwmx, iamcdr, icarustc, ichiro73, ida, iloveyok, iman0701, imreallydumb, indy, intotheunknown, isaaaangg, ishop88, isodynamix, itazura, itisi, itssarcazm, itzsamuel, ivanh12, izumixyung, jaaj, jaein, jas, jclements, jeazzyy, jennifer, jenny2255, jeongie, jeongyeon, jetalone, jiahengk, jiniwini, jinxylolo, jjampong, jjstorm, jl050503, jmdp0014, joeil31, johnjeelee, jongnoom, jtcn, jukgetta, jumbell01, junglebert, justinbb7, jwgmyg, jwong02, kai091, kainkinlen, kaitogutz, kandi, karsklane, karthyhu, kaue10686, kazechi, keese25, kenzoakabane, kexopop, key, kiadeethee, kimtaehyuk, kingaphrodite, kitsuto9012, ks, kungfukielly, lancenaive, largecombopho, leandermf, lemony09, linkpretender, lite, littlewayz, liyahikonic, llaxwlus, lokman, lonky, louberthe, lu0pam, lucyestern, m4rsung, mac93, mackers27, markuee37, maroram, matchu, matthew, mattnac, maulvader, maycry159, mdindra12, meowlenne, mercuryfm, meshiie, mhy, miggymacapagal, miguellelouis13, missblank, mncylrmanalastas, mojojako19, mokilo, moltensnowman, monkeydcookie, mori, mrajusshi, mrkimi80, mrtodamhumble, mushmon, myst, mzfmin, namiazuki, naruy, natsudrage, nblanco37, ncunkd, neosjs, nerdunv, nerumin, nethu, netopia19, neverendthishow, nigmo, nikonface12, nimwa, njabagat, njdogino, nocklife, noctzy, nononoze, notjod, nottoshabby98, nowarzz, nyrely, olivias, oppanget, ouchie, ozzphs, park1r, pasteijin, patrycja2000, phatk, philkim, pijonghoo, pikaboo14, poemyboy, popcornpopscorn, porgand, promisejigeuk, pudeeng, purloin, purplerain, purplesatin77, qqmotion, r0blovespizza, raaaawr, raz, reoerica, ricanfire94, rielmordechai, rielmrdch, riv, rizzychung, rmhanna, rmjack, rmwin, rockdiamond222, rorapark, rrrrrrrrrrrr, rudi1986, runnercho2, runningmanong, runrunrunrun, rvnclws30, ryan1597, ryanarc08, ryesims, ryushae, sailormoon, salmon, sananwar, sandra10ung, sara, sarahashley, sarahknightwrites, sarcaei, schzone, secondsky, seetruskcaj, shabnam, shafara, shaikha11, shamentari, shana08, shankaire, sheri, sheyrawr, shiina, shinramyun, siapasihdia6, silveratlas, sivajipro, sleepysquid, sm1hkh, snowinter, soeyannaung123444, sofiah, sololanz, soysayso, sparta, spelwurdsrite, srasinister, ssieon, stephenoliver23, suarez, sun, sunny8751, sweetblack, sylveonanimation, szheng, takezuki, tangy, tephteph, thameethu, thatonecurryguy, theo, tine21somia, toejimon, trashboat, trewq, txente, tzullyoona, ub9, urixingdae, us3n3t, user713, vaaaaa, vaniexe, verandrea, victoria, victorrsmc, viktor, vincentd1, vinodpoovaiah, vrzxck, vst1e, watermelonkoala, west, xepyonx, xhteng, yanadieyana98, yrapamuspusan, ysasdiary, yua, yuina, yuriaik0, zadael, zainak, zallone, zix, zkdzky, zunzelf, 123 private users)

Faves: 36 (3noot, alexzheng, channie, deigue, dm06, eudatg, eunkiii, gloss, heehee, heibunny, ida, jeazzyy, jezu23, kenneeh148, key, leekwangsooforeva, lime02, migskatipunero, nethu, qtineeey, renad, rmjack, runnercho2, serenaji, shankaire, songjeoktoma, ssamyuljin07, thameethu, wcleeah, williamtse91, wtwizard4091, zek, zondak, 3 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 6.98%

Appearances (0): none

Tags: 5

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