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Episode #044 - Cheil Advertising Agency Office, Part 1

Alternative Title(s): 48 Hour Race

Broadcast Date: 2011-05-22 (filmed on 2011-05-09)

Location: Cheil Worldwide Building (Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul)

Description: Running Man members must find the guest in an advertising agency before the guest finds ID cards with their names and eliminates them. Afterwards, they form two teams and must survey the agency's employees to find what restaurant and food they want to eat. The winning team is decided by whoever gets more employees in their restaurant.

Rating: 6.4%

Watches: 666 (13m, 1nder, 4danbi4, 6ixthsen5e, abdul, abitlovely, abubakaz, abzur, ac1kt, achayls, aciel, adler08, adrianz, aellimacc, aerenzn, agnetiks, aiir, ailexeen, aiyaz, ajakz, akmalwan, alec, alexzheng, alilou, aliu, alliric, altriane, amaliahm79, amanda, aminaash, amoschk, anaelle, ancoraimparo, andresugito07, andrew, angelicious, angviic, animeln, annelilavla, anothermissdrama, anta, aragyeum, ardsam61, ariacyj, ashgard3001, asiabreanna, asiaprince, astrosprinkle, athenamezamini9, ayakenchin01, ayalungiii, bananas, basilkate, batpoopcrazy, bernaberrr, bigbosshardfacts, binky, blackanfuni, blackcookie, bogart, bogartdr16, brandoinho57, brightside, brumbrum96, btyn7727, buddy, bullettime, bungkoes, butterflyliss, cagzkie, caleefornia, calistalovespink, callistawize, captainemohead, care, carelyn, careychua, carrotcake, catanacatarina, cchow97, chaeejn, champion, chanhalzkie, chapalin, chenhau, cherryqueen, chevroletimpala3, cicada, cjace00, clarasim, clem225, cligba, cloudgirl109, cloudysky, connor, cowabunga420, cygnus, d1luvrm, dabby, daisyannatan88, darkch0c0late, darren08, datchung1, dayz, dbryanrev, deadead, def4lt89, deigue, delios, demonlordie, devilnoangel, dkw, doberman286, docstrangelove, drayko, duenally, dunkelbluete, earvin19, edche, ehsoplasm, eirkuys, elidav, emloverm, enet, engelthal, erinkim2456, errllm, eschele12, etheryn, eudatg, exolola, extremeprobro, fallenangela, fangkattalakis, fashionnom2, fatamorgana21, fathurroughman, feszty, filianalter, fishwhiskers, fitzvexia, fjthomas, flea, fleks, flouffly, fodorklara, foxxi, furiousboy, gabsama, gbrlsfrn, geng2010, ghiacstll, ghost, gilgamesh7012, giraffe00, girlpitcher101, gogoeric, goldik20, gomb, gonakuu, granlector, gray1701, grizzly, gttod, hadiy69, hafiq10, hafiz12, hagi, hakuna, haluo, hananananana, hansuliini, haririabd, harold564, haroldonvu, hashtagidontknow, haykalqayyum, heebae, heheboi81, heika, hernantas, hi12091, hmd, hollow27mc, hteza, hyejoo, iamcdr, icarustc, ichiro73, ichisita, ida, iloveyok, imreallydumb, intotheunknown, irishvince, ironlad3000, ishop88, isodynamix, itazura, itzsamuel, ivanh12, ivymarie, izumixyung, jacquelinekim, jaein, jasclaire, jay, jclements, jeanellet, jeazzyy, jemelisaina, jennifer, jenny2255, jetalone, jiahengk, jiniwini, jinx8evr, jinxylolo, jjampong, jjstorm, jl050503, jlnguyen392, jmdp0014, jnunhoe, joeil31, johnjeelee, jonzdepaz018, jorganjreeman, jukgetta, jumbell01, junglebert, justinbb7, justinntyne, jwangathan, jwgmyg, jwong02, kai091, kainkinlen, kaitogutz, kandi, karsklane, karthyhu, kaue10686, kazechi, keese25, keiryhdez, kenneeh148, kenzoakabane, key, kiadeethee, kiirosoul, kimtaehyuk, kingaphrodite, kitsuto9012, kjkaces, kkukiefan, kmanlapig, koja, kolixi, kov, kryptoxnoob, ks, kungfukielly, kurolion, kw4ngsoo, kwangsoolover, lancenaive, lancynical, largecombopho, lazylayxe, lazylover, leahpizza, leandermf, lemony09, linkpretender, lisnowwhite, lite, littlewayz, liyahikonic, lizcr, lkdmoon, lmnl01, logiburr, lokman, lomily, lonky, louberthe, luffy1234567890, luluzzang, lulzzang, lunao, lunarwanderer68, lycoris13, m4rsung, mac93, mackers27, magggsi, marcaxabado, markuee37, marmerjen, maroram, matchu, matthew, mattnac, maulvader, maycry159, mayday, mazei553, mdindra12, mello, meowlenne, merckens, mercuryfm, meshiie, mhy, minibunni00, minjirm, mirajane, missblank, misterliyum, mncylrmanalastas, mojojako19, mokilo, monkeydcookie, mrajusshi, mrkimi80, mrmaebart, mrmuse, mrtodamhumble, msmeyt94, mushmon, myrm, myst, mzfmin, namiazuki, naningskie, nanotized, naraxpgm, naruy, natsudrage, naynow, nblanco37, ncunkd, nelsonwu104, neosjs, netopia19, neverendthishow, nicky, nikonface12, nimwa, nixie, njabagat, njdogino, noahbuddeh, nocklife, noctzy, nononoze, noodlecola, notjod, nottoshabby98, noyb, nyrely, o0flames0o, olivias, onnahime, opepreo, oppanget, orthodoctus, ouchie, ozzphs, park1r, pasteijin, patrycja2000, peachimya, phatk, philkim, phlipblip, pierdyk, pijonghoo, poemyboy, pogi, poisondart, porgand, priske, puredynamo, purloin, purplerain, purplesatin77, qqmotion, r0blovespizza, raaaawr, raz, restalious, rezso12, ricanfire94, rielmordechai, rielmrdch, riv, rizzychung, rm012, rmancan, rmjack, rmwin, rockdiamond222, ronrum, rorapark, rrrrrrrrrrrr, rtkuro, rudi1986, runnercho2, runningmanong, runninmansky, runrunrunrun, rvnclws30, ryan1597, ryanarc08, rymouchat, ryushae, sailormoon, sakura18, salmon, saltedpillow, samid, sananwar, sandra10ung, saolo, sara, sarahashley, sarahknightwrites, sarcaei, sarvin, scarlet8060, schzone, seetruskcaj, shabnam, shaikha11, shamentari, shana08, shankaire, sheri, shermanwu, shiina, shinedown13, shinramyun, shockery, shwcsmack, siapasihdia6, silveratlas, silverstars, sincerelysire, sivajipro, slawed, sleepysquid, sm1hkh, smoothtoast, snowinter, soeyannaung123444, sofiah, sololanz, souldouluo, soysayso, sparkyk13, sparta, srasinister, starlight97, suarez, sujulovenl, sun, sweetblack, sylveonanimation, szheng, tacotaco, takezuki, tangy, tdc000, tephteph, tes123, thameethu, thebaybabe, thegenius777, thesexyasian, theya, tine21somia, toejimon, trackvin, trashboat, triclosan, txente, tzullyoona, ub9, ughmarianne, undesconocido, urixingdae, us3n3t, user713, vaaaaa, vaishnavi42, valaha, vaniexe, verandrea, victoria, victorrsmc, viktor, vincentd1, vinodpoovaiah, virulent, voidtuner, vrzxck, vst1e, wall, warden, whateverbuddy, xepyonx, xhteng, xinyu, yanadieyana98, yeoubi, yes, yogavinyo, ysasdiary, yuina, yuriaik0, zadael, zainak, zallone, zhc2007, zix, zmoser, zunzelf, 137 private users)

Faves: 57 (231soyj, alexanderite, amaliahm79, aragyeum, blackanfuni, boblim, bogartdr16, brumbrum96, callistawize, chaosbulldog, cocamila, crepeofthecrop, dayz, diogocoelho, dm06, dunkelbluete, elidav, endklskd, enet, gnicholepaula, highfy, hyenewagon, iamgican, itzameeemario, itzsamuel, jaein, jemelisaina, johanal, jorganjreeman, kamenrideryang, kkukiefan, lime02, m4rsung, matthew, memfizz, msmeyt94, myatie, naningskie, noahbuddeh, remysrose, rm012, runnercho2, ryan1597, shir, sijunee, spartan99, ssamyuljin07, steampyscho, vaaaaa, vincentd1, zaid2023695366, 6 private users)

Fave/Watch Ratio: 8.56%

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